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How many times CAN one start again?!

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    How many times CAN one start again?!

    I have "started this challenge" countless times in my life. This year, well from December 2008 until February 2009 I was completely AF. Then the "moderation" started and then the proverbial snowball quickly took me to the bottom of the mountain once more. I am 5 days in and REALLY do want to get it right this time.

    One positive and different contributing factor is that my partner has decieded to join me this time. Living with a drinker didn't help my recovery much. We are both very serious at this point but I know how quickly that can change once the "honeymoon" is over.

    So, if there is anyone out there starting AGAIN for the umpteenth time, drop me a line. Also if there is anyone who remembers me it would be great to communicate.

    ONE other thing, any South Africans got any suggestions on how to watch a Rugby match without the drinks? We don't have satellite and just wonder where all the Tea Totallers do this if not at home?

    The weekend is about to begin and I am quite nervous about my babe. This is a first for her and I know the weekends will be the most difficult.

    Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
    Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

    How many times CAN one start again?!

    How many times can you "Start or try again?"

    Until it "clicks" in your head and you realize what you are doing to yourself and everyone around you..

    Not rocket science (Unfortunately)

    Good luck xxx
    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


      How many times CAN one start again?!

      Hi Deilight!
      Yes been there,done that!!!!Know where you're at in all ways..except my partner is still drinking! However, he is in control of his intake!

      It's when we stop trying and give up that we can truelly be afraid! I think as long as we keep trying to stop,then we are fighting the good fight!

      In regards to rugby, well, in OZ its AFL or rugby and it goes hand in hand with drinks..urgh,
      but here's a thought, swing past your local retail outlet and scope out the T.V for sale, at least one is usually on the right channel


        How many times CAN one start again?!

        Both of you just be thankful that you have a partner and aren't trying to do this alone, without anyone knowing that you even have a problem....

        In no way feeling sorry for myself, just pointing your good things out :-)

        Davo xxx
        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


          How many times CAN one start again?!

          i have been starting over for the last year and some months.

          I think it has finally "clicked" in my head, that one drink only leads to eventual disaster for me.

          I wish you the best on your new start!!
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            How many times CAN one start again?!

            Deilight;698239 wrote:

            ONE other thing, any South Africans got any suggestions on how to watch a Rugby match without the drinks? We don't have satellite and just wonder where all the Tea Totallers do this if not at home?

            The weekend is about to begin and I am quite nervous about my babe. This is a first for her and I know the weekends will be the most difficult.

            I'm sorry, it's not funny but I chuckled quietly to myself when I read that!!
            It was my intention to be AF for August and then weekend before last when we played Oz we watched the game at the local pub. All my good intentions went out of the window when the barman wandered around with a tray of "springboks".

            For me, I know the only solution to that problem is to watch the rugger at home!!
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              How many times CAN one start again?!

              this is so true: Until it "clicks" in your head and you realize what you are doing to yourself and everyone around you..

              no matter how many times we try,
              we keep trying, and trying.
              part of the plan .. to continue fighting.
              An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                How many times CAN one start again?!

                Hi Deilight, I do remember you! Nice to see you around again. I have been there done that too however without the support I needed and I am giving it another go. Time to get off this merry-go-round.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  How many times CAN one start again?!

                  I've been fighting depression, anxiety for over 20 years, and al for quite sometime. Yes, keep the fight going. We want to live the life God intended for us to live.
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    How many times CAN one start again?!

                    Deilight;698239 wrote: I have "started this challenge" countless times in my life. This year, well from December 2008 until February 2009 I was completely AF. Then the "moderation" started and then the proverbial snowball quickly took me to the bottom of the mountain once more. I am 5 days in and REALLY do want to get it right this time.

                    One positive and different contributing factor is that my partner has decieded to join me this time. Living with a drinker didn't help my recovery much. We are both very serious at this point but I know how quickly that can change once the "honeymoon" is over.

                    So, if there is anyone out there starting AGAIN for the umpteenth time, drop me a line. Also if there is anyone who remembers me it would be great to communicate.

                    ONE other thing, any South Africans got any suggestions on how to watch a Rugby match without the drinks? We don't have satellite and just wonder where all the Tea Totallers do this if not at home?

                    The weekend is about to begin and I am quite nervous about my babe. This is a first for her and I know the weekends will be the most difficult.

                    You are among familiar company friend. I have had many stops and starts in my life. The longest was about 6 years. You are fortunate now that your partner is joining you. Both of you can comfort each other and also share in the joys of being AF. We take what we can get Deilight. If I can go three years AF and then fall off the wagon for a few weeks or months I'll take that any day rather than constant drinking over that period of time. It truly is a one day at a time issue. Good luck to both you and your partner; together you are stronger than one.
                    I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                      How many times CAN one start again?!

                      Waving_not_drowning;698246 wrote: Both of you just be thankful that you have a partner and aren't trying to do this alone, without anyone knowing that you even have a problem....

                      In no way feeling sorry for myself, just pointing your good things out :-)

                      Davo xxx
                      But Wavey!
                      You are not alone!



                        How many times CAN one start again?!

                        Is it just me, or does everyone else think we all drink because of anxiety/depression?

                        Seems like an ongoing core through almost everyone's posts on MYO..

                        I've always been treated for depression and I'm sure some of you have only been treated only for alcohol dependance...

                        Maybe, a dual diagnosis of depression/anxiety AND Alcohol depandency s in order?

                        And should be treated together?
                        What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


                          How many times CAN one start again?!

                          Yes, I know all about starting over again. Same here. I think I was here the first time maybe 3.5 years ago. Some may remember me as dilayne. I actually went 15 years AF and decided to let my hair down when the kids grew up. I'm 51 now and still struggling. When I'm AF, I'm totally there, and then at some point, I let the monkeys tease me and before I know it, I'm feeling like crap and have been drinking a bottle of wine a day. I came back to the boards again a week or so ago and today I'm starting the topamax again. I tried to do the supps, but I either didn't take them, or my will to drink was stronger than the supps, so I'm humbled. I have some wonderful things going on in my life and I don't want to screw it up...seems like I am more vulnerable to drink when things are going well, then when things go bad. WTF?

                          Good Luck, it is always good to come back and get a reality check here.
                          It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


                            How many times CAN one start again?!

                            Deilight;698239 wrote: I have "started this challenge" .

                            The weekend is about to begin and I am quite nervous about my babe. This is a first for her and I know the weekends will be the most difficult.

                            hi delight 100 percent for effort.good for you i wish you and yours al the happiness for EFFORT gyco:thanks:


                              How many times CAN one start again?!

                              Hi, Deilight

                              No easy solutions here, I'm afraid... I guess you need to reach the point where you know you cannot carry on like that any more...

                              And I wanted to say hello to a fellow South African :-)
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009

