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This is what I've been whining about...

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    This is what I've been whining about...

    So... I'll try to recap for all who don't know the story behind this...

    I met Mr. Wonderful last June... he lives on an island. In the summer time when the ferry runs it's a 4 hour trip from my place to his and vice versa. In the winter time it's 9 hours.

    Mid September I was talking to a friend who told me how desperate she was, trying to find a place for the winter.. she had a 17 year old and a toddler.. renting a house that was not insulated (VERY long cold winters here). Sooo... I had a thought... I headed over to the island to see how Mr. Wonderful and I'd get along and she would look after my place. My son was adamant that he wasn't going to move, so we all agreed that he would stay at the house with his friend (her son), her and the little one... also staying was my old mare. She was to pay $250 rent ($600 but I took off $100 for the horse and $250 for my son staying there) She is a horse person as well (has had horses all her life) and was looking forward to having a horse around. She was also ecstatic to not have to spend the winter in a dump. Plus she had free fire wood. She assured me that my home, my son, and my horse were in excellent hands.

    Well. In February I picked up my son. Her son got drunk out of his skull (at the house, with her sitting downstairs) and attacked my son with a machete. 15 stitches in the head later, my son was afraid to go to sleep at the house. First of May I went for some gardening stuff and found my mare - or a shadow of her - skin and bones, lice infested, and just miserable. 4 days later I was back with a horse trailer and got my horse. At that time I told her to be out by July 31st.

    Well, she did move out now, August 15th. And this is what I came 'home' to:

    So, yes, I was quite upset. I have decided to sell my place. Things are going well on the island, I love Mr. Wonderful to bits, and my son is happy here as well. My horse is doing better and I will NEVER go through this with another tenant again. The damage, both inside and out is fixable. Trouble is, that I'm far away and just can't afford to spend that much time away from 'work'. The alternative is, to move back down for a month or so, and get a phone/dsl line installed, etc... Not sure yet.

    Anyways, also last week my mom ended up in ICU (still is)... it has just been a rather emotional week. That's why I've been so glum. But, I'm coming around... now if my Mom would do the same - things would look up a hole lot

    Ohhhh... edit.. I almost forgot...There were some things left - in the garage and the basement. My first thought was, fine.. going in the yard sale. Upon mentioning some of the things to my son... and him telling me that her son showed up with those items periodically - change of plans. Having neighbours who had break ins come and identify their stuff. Then call the cops, I suppose. Her son is on probation for B&E at the moment.

    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    This is what I've been whining about...

    Hi GG ........ I've tried viewing your pictures but the link wont work ........

    My heart goes out to you, what a time you have had .......... Sometimes you don't know who you can trust unfortunately .........

    Hope that your mum is OK .........

    Love & Hugs, BB xx


      This is what I've been whining about...

      Sorry Betty, I fixed the link... butter fingers, I guess
      Thank you. No, you really don't know who to trust. I actually thought that I was helping her more than the other way around... but apparently she feels that I've taken advantage of her 'kindness'
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        This is what I've been whining about...

        GG do you realise that your link shows everyone your real name - even guests to the site !!!!!!!


          This is what I've been whining about...

          Yeah, I wish it was more anonymous.. but I can't be bothered putting the pics up somewhere else
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            This is what I've been whining about...

            Perhaps she was envious of your life and your beautiful home. I wonder if your friend is completely sound in her mind.

            I do hope your son is ok and your mare has returned to health. Best wishes for your mum.
            I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


              This is what I've been whining about...

              Hi GG,

              I am so sorry you're having such a tough time! My thoughts and lots of hugs go out to you.


                This is what I've been whining about...

                Thank you Gold & Sunbird

                Yep, my son is awesome... he had really got in with the wrong crowd there for a while but he's turned 'human' again.. I think the worst of the teenage crap is behind us. He's turning 17 next month and is quite happy here. My mare is still not where I'd like to see her weight wise, but all in all she seems happy and content as well.

                As for my 'friend' and her being of sound mind... yeah, I think she is. Unfortunately, it seems that she is also incredibly lazy. My son said she watched TV all day. She told me that even in the winter (when there is no grass cutting, etc.) the house was simply too much to handle (???) - funny, I did it for years (single mom here as well) and I WORKED :H

                Oh well.. it's ok now.. it's over.
                And tonight, I'll be talking to my dad.. got a quick email a while ago, my mom has at least eaten something (first time since last Sunday). Still in ICU, though.
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  This is what I've been whining about...


                  I could not figure out how to see the other pictures. For a computer nerd, I can be pretty dense. :H

                  However, your story makes me sad for you. You lost a friend, your son was injured and your house was hurt. All bad happenings.

                  On top of that, you are dealing with your mom's illness.

                  Sending hugs. :l:l

                  I hope things start looking up for you, now. At least you found a Mr. Wonderful and your son is turning his life around. Those things sure make up for a lot of bad things.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    This is what I've been whining about...

                    yeah, the woman does seem lazy.
                    you took fantastic care of your home. i would have FLIPPED! * you don't even have to add the stuff about her son and the horse*


                      This is what I've been whining about...

                      I could not figure out how to see the other pictures. For a computer nerd, I can be pretty dense.
                      :H Hit 'next' (top right)

                      Well, I had a bit of an epiphany the second last night there... I got to live my dream for 6 years. Many, MANY people don't ever get to do that. Now, it's time to move on to a different dream. And realistically, with the kids growing up (my daughter is already moved off to college), what do I want with 78 acres and a big house like that? I mean, it was truly a labour of love for me... I adored being outside. I loved sitting in the forest early mornings and listen to the critters start scurrying and start their day. It was heaven.

                      But, there is a different kind of heaven here, as well. Mr. Wonderful, for one. And his place is just as beautiful, if different. My son has turned himself around and I'm not sure that would have happened (as quickly), had it not been for his experience. He actually told me when he first moved here in Feb that he needed/WANTED some structure... that he was not ready to wing it on his own.

                      All those things are GOOD things. If I can just block out this last little part, and I'm sure I will over time... I am a very lucky girl/woman/dinosaur

                      I might add some inside pics... although I really don't have anything before/after.. the first thing I did after she left was to start scrubbing down walls and whatnot... I already managed to undo a lot.
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        This is what I've been whining about...

                        Darn it!!

                        There is no "next" in the upper right. I searched on "next" and nothing was found.

                        Is it because I don't belong to facebook?

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          This is what I've been whining about...

                          Hmmm.. try now.. I changed the link!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            This is what I've been whining about...

                            Holy crap! What she did (didn't do) should be a crime! Your place was gorgeous!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              This is what I've been whining about...

                              Wow Sunnibutt, you have been through the wringer...I am so sorry.
                              Well done for sorting out as you did and I am really hope your mum turns a corner soon.
                              Big hugs to you.
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

