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My Way Out On The Fritz

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    My Way Out On The Fritz

    I, too, would gladly pay to help support the website and keep it stable. I agree
    that it has changed (and continues to change) my life. My God, look at the amount I
    spent on booze and related stupidity.

    However, I understand and agree with RJ's desire to keep the website/support group
    free of charge. Many people who have drinking problems may not be able to afford a
    subscription. It may take some people months of lurking and reading posts before
    making a commitment to quit or moderate. Some newcomers might be turned off and
    think it's a money-making scam if there's a charge for it. Not to mention the
    criticism from the "traditional" (read: 12 step) recovery community.

    I know that server outages and connection problems are inevitable in the long run.
    But yesterday's experience was frustrating and, dare I say it?, a bit traumatic. It
    was like an alcoholic in early recovery showing up for a meeting that had been
    cancelled. What's he gonna do? How's he gonna feel? Or what if he tells his
    friend about a great meeting at such-and-such location. His friend musters up the
    courage to go there, and finds no meeting, and no sign up to explain.

    So yes -- I'll pay to help keep that from happening again. But I think the person who's at
    the end of his rope and looking for help shouldn't get the message that he's going
    to have to pay (right away or after a trial period) for the support. I just think
    that's not the spirit of the community we have going here. We're more like this: :l
    "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


      My Way Out On The Fritz

      Donations are fine, but you usually find even the most generous donors forget after a few months. I?d also be willing to pay a subscription fee just to READ on this site, but I have to agree with you, Mike. There are a lot of reasons that subscriptions don?t make sense for this type of site.

      If you need to consider taking advertisers, RJ, I wouldn?t mind at all, but please don?t allow any ads with moving parts. Those drive me nuts!


      P.S. Mike, I love your phrase, ?booze and related stupidity.? I hope you don?t mind if I borrow that from time to time. It?s more than spending money?


        My Way Out On The Fritz

        Didn't think of it from that point of view Mike.

        Perhaps there could be a facility for us to pay who wanted to , perhaps a monthly subs fee by credit card if we wish, for those of us who use this site regularly and has helped to change our lives, as a gesture of thanks, and to ensure it's expansion and security.

        I take on board that many people take a long time perusing the board before commiting to posting, and even then find out that it might not be for them, so I think you are right. It should be a matter of choice - it isn't a picture we want to portray - that it's a money making facility. It's a place to find help.

        You always talk sense Mike

        RJ, would it be feasible to set up some way so that we could pay monthly subs for those who wanted?

        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Bambs aka Hydrogen

        :h XXX :h


          My Way Out On The Fritz

          I really don't think a subscription is necessary. All of us contribute to various things periodically--NPR, planned parenthood, whatever. We don't forget. Yes, people come and go here, but we are growing, and I believe that there will always be someone new who will take the place of someone who moves on. We all have a gratitude that we share, and there will be others who feel the same. I agree that it's a bad idea to charge a subscription fee. If I had seen that when I found this board, I would still be getting drunk every night. I think voluntary donations will yield enough to serve RJ's needs, and could even help us to develop a more comprehensive and supportive network. It's exciting to be working on something that is growing. We can all help RJ, in all kinds of ways, and I think we want to.


            My Way Out On The Fritz

            i have visions of homeless people and college students reading this site at the library.i think that donations are more in order those who have more give,those who dont get it for free.maybe a gentle reminder once a month that donations are appreciated?


              My Way Out On The Fritz

              I think there should be the OPTION to subscribe for those of us who WANT to. I would be much more comfortable having an ongoing $4.95 or $9.95 charge to my VISA each month than making a one-time $50 contribution. I do forget!! I'm the kind that makes a donation to something, and two months later, they're having to waste their time calling me to remind me to send it in!! LOL! Not much fun for them! That's just how I operate! I think that it would be great to have varying levels of participation. The SITE should remain FREE.
              AF as of August 5th, 2012

