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Whats to expect

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    Whats to expect

    :new: I just stopped cold turkey I was drinking 10-12, 24oz Bud Lights daily for the last 6 ? years straight. What should I expect I can not sleep I have been up for 24 hours straight.

    Whats to expect

    Hi 4lovingme - I think withdrawals are different for each and everyone of us. Some don't have bad withdrawals but have wicked cravings and vice versa. Look around the threads and you can read about the different withdrawals people have experience.

    As for the not sleeping, thats normal when going AF, it takes your body time to adjust. There are herbs like valerian to help with sleep.

    Good Luck
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      Whats to expect

      Hi 4loving me ..........

      The cold turkey is different for everyone, I used librium prescribed by my doctor to help, but if you have done 24 hours then you should have a pretty good idea how you are feeling already. A member here once said that it is like having the flu, just dose yourself up with whatever you need and rest.

      One thing that I do know is that it will be well worth whatever you have to go through to get to your AF goal.

      All the best with your journey.

      BB xx


        Whats to expect

        :welcome: 4lovingme, withdrawals effect people differently.i am only new here myself,there is great support & help here goodluck


          Whats to expect

          4lovingme, please be careful. I'm not trying to encourage you to drink, but if you begin to go through severe withdrawals it can be dangerous. "IF" that happens, I suggest you taper down rather than trying to quit cold turkey.

          I'm only saying this because when I tried to quit cold turkey without meds, I went into serious withdrawal which was almost life threatening.

          In the words of a counselor that I went to when I stopped drinking the first time "Don't try and be a hero."

          Take it a little at a time 4lovingme. Here's to you friend.
          I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


            Whats to expect

            Hi again,
            Withdrawals as buddy says can be different for each of us. Like BB, i went to my Doc as, withdrawal can sometimes be dangerous without medical help.
            As for sleep, I'm still having a few problems, but I think it may be something to do with the fact I can't wait for the next day without alcohol. I'm excited about the day, not cowering in bed wondering where my next drink is coming from.
            Hope I've been of some good.

            Jackie xxx

            AF since 7/7/2009
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Whats to expect

              I have still not slept yet. But I am not drinking either. Thank all of you for your wonderful encourgement and insight. I think my body will need some rest soon I hope.


                Whats to expect

                Hi Lovingme,
                I dont mean to scare you, but I work with alcoholics and I watched someone have a withdrawal induced seizure on Wednesday.
                Please please please take care, it really would be best if you could get some medical advice.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Whats to expect

                  This thread might be worth looking at Lovingme

                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Whats to expect

                    Keep it up. The 2nd day is the worst, and it gets better after that. A bit of no-sleep is not critical. Your body can cope with it. Exercise or physical activity will help a lot if you are up to it. Good luck.


                      Whats to expect

                      Today is Good

                      Last night I was able to get some sleep. My husband went to the store last night at 11:30 pm and picked me up some Melatonin 3mg tablets. :thanks: for all the post. After an hour or so I was able to get some sleep. I slept for for almost 6 hours. Spent time with my daughter practicing soccer in the front yard. I am even planning on making homehade tacos for dinner. Today is a good day AF 3 days now.



                        Whats to expect

                        All I can relate is my own experience. When I've consumed beer in large amounts and then quit cold turkey, I've found that I usually don't experience withdrawal symptoms. On the other hand, if I've been drinking wine, or especially whiskey, in large amounts for long periods, my withdrawal can be quite intense, usually for no more than 48 hours. The insomnia generally can persist for 5 days, but then you'll sleep like a baby! Also, in general my withdrawal has always been less intense when I've at least been eating properly while drinking. Certain vitamins (especially thiamine) make a huge difference.

