I have just accumulated, a whopping 21 days out of 24 - this month. The best I have achieved in ages. Only tonight, I have a drink.
I dont know if I can ever do this.
My question is, how do people here, and in 'this mess', manage to cope, .....with work etc.
It scares me.
I am feeling a huge lack of confidence in my work, I am scared I am making mistakes, and I am scared I will loose my job.
It's just, I read a lot about people who do not have a job, but do have a home, And do manage to live.
How do you manage?, and how do you cope?
Who picks up the pieces, when 'we' can't keep them together ?
I am scared.
Scared of lots of things,
and scared, of not being able to keep it together for much longer.
....Then what ?
just scared