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THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

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    THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

    Roast vegetable frittata for breakfast.Tick.
    Well, Victorians, we have the tail end of your wind up here today. Wild it is. But I'm sure yours was better :H
    Well the soberer I get, the busier I get, the more I acheive, the more I see yet to do.
    So I'm away.
    Bridget XXX
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19

    THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

    Morning all
    Mr G you can have all my rain if you fed up with it now
    Well I am off to the shops today to try and get hubbie a birthday present....I have'nt got a clue on what to get him and he has no idea's of his own, so I might come back with more socks and shorts......
    My boys have their school photo's tomorrow and my middle boy decided to get a black eye, a right shinner as well, so I will have to dig my make up out me thinks.....then I have the job of trying to put it on him....that should be fun
    Then on Thursday my boys have their sports carnival all day at school so I will be cheering them on and THEN on Friday my Youngest has a school trip to Perth Museum and Kings Park and silly old me said I would go along and help sounded like a good idea at the time but I forgot that we are having friends round Friday night (hubbie birthday) for a meal....god knows when I am going to have time to cook......I am only doing a lamb casserole so I think I will cook it the night before and just warm it up....they will never
    Well thats my week sorted out
    I hope everyone has a great day
    Bridget....its great when you get rid of all the old clutter in the house is'nt it? I felt wonderful but knackered after I did mine....
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

      Morning Bridge! I may partake of a frittata myself this morning.

      Ronnie - Does he have an ipod? Leave the black eye - will be a great photo to look back on, and casserole is always better the next day - I always do the Jamie Oliver beef one.

      I need some time out of Singers, trying to decide between a trip to Perth or Uk, we get a free UK flight every year and I haven't used mine yet, but it will be winter clothes in the shops now. Decisions decisions.......

      Have taken the two bigger dogs to 'Doggy Day Care', it's a major business here, they get to socialise and swim and I get out of sweaty walking

      Happy Tuesday!


      Have a great day
      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

        Arvo, all

        Bridge - more wild heading your way. Tick.
        Ronnie - black eye is good in school photo. Leave. Tick.
        Betts - go Perth. Tick.

        In between howling winds and blustery showers I kept shovelling and spreading the dreaded 'm' today - hoping that the inclement weather will help to start the 'm' break down. Blunnies are NOT good in the wet. I googled Ebay gumboots. Think I'm going to pay $50 for a pair of wellies????

        Batten down the hatches ... there's more wet'n'wild stuff to come.


          THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

          UPDATE: It's p*ssing down.


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

            DOUBLE UPDATE: Boy, the Weather Bureau sure got it right. I'm surprised I'm still on the air. Have candles. Have cats.


              THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

              Have had a fabulous idea. We have my mother in law to visit at the same time as I go on my solo trip! We can say we need her here to look after the dogs during the day. She is a major major trigger for me, yet I still feel sad (but not suprised) that she has no friends or other family in the UK, and is very lonely.

              Tawny - we have wind! Could in no way be described as wild, but its so unusual to have any breeze at all. It even blew my washing hanger over - woo hoo.

              Dogs are back from day-care, and are exhausted.

              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                F&*k... Glasshouse is totally buggered. Panes blowing all over the bloody place. Sh8t blowing all over the place. Plants from inside are blown allover the grass. Oh why oh why do I always feel it's one step forward and three bloody steps back. Chook shed's taken a big hit - it's all turned inti a shower of shit. Everything I love is fusking blowing allover the bloody shop.

                Dog- you just cant compete with the elements. Shit shit shit.

                and NO in case you're wondwering - i'ts only bloody 5pm - i'm not drinking just so bloooooooody pissed off. I'm on here in an atempt to stop myself going fusking beserk. typing is like breathing ..... type tyype type .. bloody type type type - just keep on typing and try not to listen to the bloody gale thats trashing stuff I love.i
                apoloogies for self-endulgensce dbut what the f. i think i'm semy hysterical


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                  Hey Tawny - do you want to go into chat?
                  Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                    Frigging hell Tawny. I think I WOULD be drinking by now....DON'T....
                    Can you get anything inside ? Would it be safe for YOU to go out ? The poor bloody chickens !
                    I HATE HATE HATE wind. It can trash your WHOLE garden. It SUCKS..
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                      You know ...i really don't do the "I'm cyrin here thing' but fusk - the reason i got the bloody glasshouse was because i got my mum's enormous colleftion of plants when she had to go into a home. i promised i'd look after them - and i did. And now the whole bloody kit n kaboodles's b;own all over the fucsing paddock I'm not drinking but god I WANT TO. there's all these beautiful delicate epiphyllums just blown all across he paddock. i normally worry about spelling but i really can't gbe fuskled at the mo. sorry. i'm manic and also working on a laptop so fusking get over it. Oh dog. I'm so fusking sad about this shit. I know othr people have bigger issues. I'm sosrry to be so self-indudlgent. I'll try to settle down. Fusk.


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                        Tawny, don't be sorry! There was nothing you could have done differently, but that doesn't make it any easier. Have no clue what an epiphyllum is, but will go and look it up. How about you - are you safe?

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                          Tawny I feel SO SORRY for you. You must feel so helpless. The mongrels were probably ready to flower round October onwards too ?
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                            We had bad wind here once and I swear I just went out there and got every single fecking thing I could and hauled it inside. We were surrounded.

                            Oh poor Tawny.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD Tuesday Aug 25th.

                              Thanks. I'm fine. Sorry to be hysterical. I try not to be but this afternoon got to me. See - even my typing has improved.

                              I now have to think about insurance and all that other boring stuff. Thanks - and again = I apologise for my hysteria. What's lost is lost.

