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Hypno CDs

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    Hypno CDs

    I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Has anyone else had this experience with the CDs?

    I followed directions for the first night of Hypno CDs: Clearing Tracks 1 and 2 (they were WONDERFUL), then slept to Sleep Learning on repeat all night. For the next 4 nights, I didn?t have time to do Day 2 before going to bed ? or I guess I should say, I couldn?t set aside the block of time, which appears to be more than 2 hours according to the recommended schedule, so I kept putting it off. Instead, I just played the Sleep Learning on repeat all night long each night. Getting up for work in the morning was getting harder and harder, and so was getting thru each day. By the 6th day (yesterday) I was a zombie!

    My job requires multi-tasking and constant re-focusing throughout the day. By mid-day, I sat in front of my computer wondering what I was looking at. Ten windows open and none made any sense to me. I decided to go to the bathroom. I staggered on the way. And I was NOT drinking the night before. Or the night before THAT.

    I actually thought it was the Topa, although I am only taking 75 mg. I backed down to 50 mg for the day, and decided to skip the hypno for last night. I felt MUCH better today, better focused, less dizziness.

    What did I do wrong?

    Hypno CDs

    HI Rose,

    I will be interested to hear what others say. I have not yet receivedd the CDs. Were you also taking the supps besides the topa? Sounds more like a meds problem, but of course I don't really know

    Hugs, Ivy


      Hypno CDs

      Thanks, Ivy,

      I am taking the supps as recommended, and more. I added grape seed twice a day for the tingles, flaxseed oil and calcium.

      The funny thing is, I got less than 4 hours of sleep last night. It was a night out of a sitcom. Tossing & turning, up to the bathroom, up for a "pendulum reading," up for checking hall lights, up for taking 1/2 sleep meds, up for reading a few pages of my latest novel. Just couldn’t drop off to sleep as easily as WITH the CD. But I still felt better, more refreshed in the morning, than in the last few days. Have I not been sleeping deeply enough? Do I need to restrict Sleep Learning to weekends, when I can catch up on sleeping in? Could this be a specific problem to be addressed to my genetic makeup? Maybe I need NINE hours of sleep when I am listening to Sleep Learning - is that possible?

      Just wondering if anyone wants to try brainstorming here… I know it’s not a definitive science at this point.

      Thanks for your input.



        Hypno CDs

        I never used the sleep cd because I knew my husband would never put up with it. I'm doing great without it.


          Hypno CDs

          Kat--before you went abs, were you used to having wine at night? Going off it can cause sleep disturbance until your body gets used to no alcohol. I know that is what happened with me.

          I personally do need nine hours of sleep! Always have.

          How did you do last night?



            Hypno CDs

            I wondered if people with spouses were using headphones or earbuds, and can you do that all night? The sleep CD sounds like the ocean to me, and it’s very restful, even helped lull me to sleep.

            Without the CD the last two nights, I had a harder time getting to sleep. Calms Forte didn't help. But today is Saturday (YAY) and I let myself sleep in, so I'm all caught up on sleep and feeling great today. I need a solid 7 hours at night.

            Yes, I was drinking wine every night, falling into bed at 11:30, waking at 3:00, tossing & turning until the alarm at 6:30. Typical, eh?

            Could it be that I didn’t do enough work with the other CDs before listening to the sleep CDs repeatedly?

