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depressing year!!

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    depressing year!!

    Okay, now Edward Kennedy has passed. These are really hard times. I just lost a family member this pass week. What is going on?? I've never seen so many passings in my almost 30 years on this Earth. This is depressing. All I can do is think, who's next?? I try to stay strong, but death makes me sick to my stomach. AL just makes EVERYTHING worse, lol.. I hope my MYO family continues to stay strong in these hard times.. XOXOXOX to you ALL!!

    :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!

    depressing year!!

    Hi Sav.
    I can relate to bad news getting me down. Between my Dad having a heart attack, my sister and I being treated for swine flu and my Mum also being told she has a dicky heart I have really felt in the dumps lately.
    You're right, AL certainly does make everything worse, it's not a comfort.
    But, it's also up to us not to take all the bad stuff on board personnally. I can't be of any use to my family if I'm wallowing in self pity or drunk as a skunk. So chin up.
    Hang in there -- tomorrow will be brighter:-)
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      depressing year!!

      Tomorrow will certainly be brighter. What we are seeing is life, people are dying and being born all the time and unless it affects us we hardly notice. It was a bad year for me last year I lost people I loved. I do believe when these things happen to us it makes us appreciate things in life. I was sad to hear of Edward Kennedy's death, but at least he's not suffering anymore.
      The most important thing for all of us on mwo is not to drink, or drink to excess whichever path we choose. So cheer up Sav, you are so young and have much to look forward to.


        depressing year!!

        you are so right deebee. I was just getting some frustration out.. I have a thing where I push people away, because I'm afraid of getting too close, but what is that teaching my 9 year old?? I just look at my baby and jack russell terrier and just smile and thank God for the life I do have sometimes.

        :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!


          depressing year!!

          Children and animals are a wonderful reminder of unconditional love.
          Give them a extra cuddle tonight.
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            depressing year!!

            Hi there,
            I'm actually going to my uncle's funeral in a couple of hours as well. Very sudden death, he had no idea he had cancer. Maybe better than suffering long term ?
            The ladies are right as usual, death is a part of life. We'll be much better equipt to cope with both if we're sober.
            Chin up
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              depressing year!!

              I agree Paula, birth, life, death is the circle of life. It's difficult to deal with, especially with loved ones, but there it is.

              Condolences to everyone to has lost someone close.
              Enlightened by MWO

