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stopping drinking/smoking

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    stopping drinking/smoking

    hello all - day 12 here for me sf and af.

    just spoke to counsellor tonight who pointed out i am trying to do a lot by giving up both(and trying to lose weight/train for a ten k)
    I feel really good though - I struggle with a lot of all or nothing thinking/low self esteem BUT I feel happier less anxious af, and alcohol is what always leads to me smoking/not exercising.

    I will definitely keep my chocolate levels up for now!

    I was/am feeling good - but that has unsettled me a bit - am I setting myself up to fail?

    I don't think so this time - she did say I could be at a pivotal point and it may be time for a big change - why can't I just trust my own views?
    one day at a time

    stopping drinking/smoking

    hiya bear maybe it is a bit much,but only you know what you can archive,There is a great thread here from the truth who is a pe instructor and he will certainly put you on the wright path as i am not so sure about keeping your chocolate levels up and trying to loose weight works.goodluck on your af and sf goals

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      stopping drinking/smoking

      Hey Bear
      I did both at the same time - I had to as it was a dual addiction (one triggered the other) and boy am I glad I did now. Why prolong the agony if you dont have to - you might as well get both at once I reckon. I have also done a 10k run (with some other MWO'ers) and have lost weight. It is not impossible if I can do it any gobshite can do it. I used champix the no smoking drug to get me my firsts 30 days as it targets both nicotene and alcohol receptors and it was a great help to just break those physical/mental barriers. Its not for everyone though as some have bad side effects.
      Good luck you can do it!


        stopping drinking/smoking

        thank you - that has reassured me somewhat - both go hand in hand for me too.
        re chocolate am allowing it into calorie allowance (or slightly over) I feel if I try to control/cut that out as well now it will all fall apart.
        has anyoen else successfuly done both? I did feel good, the comment threw me off track - maybe I should see it as an achievement that i am doing both so far - rather than something else to worry about!
        one day at a time


          stopping drinking/smoking

          I went mental on cake and got fatter initially but I didnt care - not many people die from an o/d on cake - coke maybe but not cake! Quite a few people here have done both together and there are some older threads that I will bump for you or you could just do a search of the site. It comes up quite a lot as an issue as drinkers are often smokers and vica versa..... You should definitely see it as an achievement and for me staying off one helped me stay off the other if you know what I mean.

