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Need support this W/E

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    Need support this W/E

    I am a W/E binge drinker and don't drink a lot during the week. I have been making some progress since finding MWO and am now ready to commit to a af W/E. I know it is going to be so hard but here goes:thanks: Thanks everyone for your support

    Need support this W/E

    Hi Boozer, good luck with your AF weekend. Stick close to the boards and remember ODAT, you can do this.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Need support this W/E

      G'day Boozer,
      Welcome. Have you checked out the 'toolbox' thread? It's in 'monthly abstinence' section, and has some very useful, constructive tip's and info on staying off the grog in the early stages. Keeping yourself busy, is an obvious one. I'm presuming you have a daytime occupation through the week? If so, keep busy through sat/sun, then you only have to deal with the evenings, just as you do through the week. Of course, it's 'party time' for many, on w/kends. I wasn't a binge drinker, but an everyday/night/24/7 one, so i can only speak here generally, but the only way i could resist temptation, especially on w/kends when all where into it, was to stay away from pub's, parties, and al environments. I had to do this for a good couple/few months, before i was strong enough in my mind to not be tempted/frustrated, and or anxious socialising. If you are not around people or social situations where you'll be tempted, try to get distracted. Do whatever it takes. Read, movies, exercise, take a trip to the city to fill in some time, library. This is what helped me. Distract yourself with some inspiring movies, stories, people. Get some positive af stories into you. Work on changing your thinking around the weekend, and grog. They don't have to go hand in hand. (P.S. If you are in Oz, stick your head in to 'The next day thread' sometime if that'll help. All good folk there.)
      Best wishes.............G.
      (How about a name change to 'Boozer no more'?)

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Need support this W/E

        We are here for you! make sure you log on and post if you are struggling, there is always someone here 24/7.

        I was dreading my first weekend but I did it....I would never have thought it possible, but with the help I got from here, I made it.....I have many weekends under my belt now and could not have done it without MWO.

        Use us!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Need support this W/E

          Thanks everyone for your advice and support. I am in Australia and its now7.00pm I would normally be drinking heavy now but am sober and one drink tonight.I will stay close on mwo this w/e:thanks:


            Need support this W/E

            Hi Boozer,
            Good advice from everyone. Stick close to us.

            Just imagine waking up Monday morning with a clear head and feeling proud of yourself.

            Best of luck.

            Love Jackie xxx

            AF since 7/7/2009
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Need support this W/E

              Remember Boozer, it is a choice. It’s a hard and unreasonable choice between our lower, totally unreasonable brain that demands instant gratification and our higher, logical, reasonable brain that wants to live an authentic human life. It’s a lousy deal but that’s the hand we are dealt. Choose today, just today, to live the authentic human life. If you haven’t drank, don’t; if you have drank, stop; if it’s too late, tomorrow morning start at the beginning of this sentence.



                Need support this W/E

                Hey Boozer, I can understand the weekend struggles. I've been AF for three weeks now and the social situations are the hardest for sure. Im going out with friends tonight, one of whom needs some support and friends right now, so I've offered to be the DD, and believe me, that is a first! It's the only way I could think of to go out with my friends and offer much needed support while staying sober. Sometimes you need to be creative, so best of luck to you...pick up a hobby that would be impossible to do sober. Volunteer, anything...and visiting here helps a can do it
                Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


                  Need support this W/E

                  OOOps,,,sorry, I meant "impossible to do drunk",,not sober! HAHA...
                  Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


                    Need support this W/E

                    :H Tassimo! I went 'huh?'... read it 3x

                    Boozer... good luck with this weekend. Oney is right... come HERE when/if you feel you're going to cave! A craving only lasts a little while... if you can get through it without picking up the drink, you'll already be so much better equipped to deal with the next one.

                    Thank you, Elpis... very well put.

                    You can do it, boozer!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      Need support this W/E

                      Thanks everyone. Got through last night (Frid) al free and out at a dinner.Surprisingly I didn't find it that hard.Tonight attending birthday party.......... there will be booze everywhere,.but I am committed to stay sober. You guys have asked that of me and I intend to honour that commitment:thanks: Very wet and cold in AUS this morning.summer inst to far away.


                        Need support this W/E

                        Good luck b - you can do this. And if you are uncomfortable at the party, just leave! I Have done it many times. Do what is right for you and dont worry about trying to please other people.
                        All the best
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          Need support this W/E

                          I'm going to need to stay close to this site this weekend because I really want to keep it AF. When I get cravings (like just now) invariably it occurs to me that I forgot to take the Kudzu. It may be just psychological, but it seems to help. When I want a drink I grab a lemonade and a Kudzu, make a post here, and just try to ride it out, and the craving does pass.


                            Need support this W/E

                            I am there for you. I am planing to have this weekend AF as well. Tonight knowing its going to be a tough one, left my wallet in my backpack and left my backpack in my mom's trunk. And my mom is at work so no wallet and no money for me tonight. Which helps me stay away from bars.

                            Just be here intsead of at the bars and drink plenty of water,milk, and all the good AF drinks.
                            I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                            Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                            Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                              Need support this W/E

                              Pinch your butt cheeks together as a reminder of how much sh*&%%#t you go through when you drink.

                              Eliminate (not a pun) that effort from your post-weekend experience. Imagine that.

                              You are already on the victory stand, methinks.

                              Way to go.

