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Emergency e-mail address

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    Emergency e-mail address

    Hiya everyone

    Here is my e-mail in case the board goes down again. It was discussed that it would be a good idea to compile a list of peoples e-mail addresses in case of emergency ' need-to-talk' moments. we could then print them off and keep them should we need them ( hope I', not tempting fate here )

    Of course, if you don't want to publish your address then, you don't have to - it's just mainly for me - who is a panic monger !!!!

    buglitdaisy @ ( all one word - but won't let me send in as one word )


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h

    Emergency e-mail address

    My e-mail address.

    Please e-mail when ever Also, I am starting the program again this week, need to know exactly what supplement schedule people used for first 2 weeks. I did the standard that comes in MWO kit and did not take Topo, found it extremely difficult (also my husband was out of town most of the 2 weeks that stressed me out) so I made it only a few days and then the wine started calling my name. Can anyone recommend what I should be doing the first 2 weeks, I plan to abstain for the 2 and then drink very little if any after that. Thanks for your support, I need it! I feel alone here in Atlanta.


      Emergency e-mail address

      :welcome: Christine. Glad you joined us

      I use Kudzu, Lglut, amino complete, magnesium, B complex, super evening primrose oil, omega 3 oil, Milk thistle, SAMe ( the last 2 are for liver regeneration), chromium, lecithin and vitamin c. So I rattle as I walk around. i know a lot of people here use the all one, but I had already bought all of these before I had read about that.
      If you are planning to abs for 2 weeks - poss more - then have a look on the monthly Abs board - it's jolly good fun there, as well as being really informative and supportive. And General discussion just talks about well - everything under the sun you could possibly wish for.
      Good luck and look forward to speaking to you again
      Liz :l
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Emergency e-mail address

        also the same on yahoo mess i would just type in my wy out on mess so we know that it is from this group!


          Emergency e-mail address

          Bambino wrote: Hiya everyone

          Here is my e-mail in case the board goes down again. It was discussed that it would be a good idea to compile a list of peoples e-mail addresses in case of emergency ' need-to-talk' moments. we could then print them off and keep them should we need them ( hope I', not tempting fate here )

          Of course, if you don't want to publish your address then, you don't have to - it's just mainly for me - who is a panic monger !!!!

          buglitdaisy @ ( all one word - but won't let me send in as one word )


          good idea liz will give members a saftey net if site did go down .not a panic monger liz will give every one confidence that they have some one on there list of emails ,that can help them with what they need at that time spaggs. my emails are for emails and same one for msn plus also spaggs on skype


            Emergency e-mail address

            Here's mine, but I will probably only use it if MWO is down--otherwise I use Private Messaging on the site.

            young-at-heart @


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Emergency e-mail address

              Anyone who has msn messenger feel free to add me if you want to
              Over 4 months AF :h


                Emergency e-mail address

                Posting your address

                Hi, all.

                I know it was frustrating to have the board bouncing up and down recently and I understand the sentiment here, but *please* be prudent about posting your email addresses publicly. It provides an easy avenue for spammers to harvest your address, target you for viruses, and generally wreak havoc with your inbox. They use sophisticated tools to repeatedly scan web pages, message boards and other online sources all over the net. It may also put the board at risk.

                (geared toward business, but excellent info) that explains it in more detail and also contains some good spam prevention tips.

                The board should be stable from this point on, although we're still working out some bugs with chat. I'll post info with an update shortly.

                Thanks for being proactive, but I did want to make everyone aware of the potential risk.


                Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                  Emergency e-mail address

                  Okay, RJ, Better to private message our addresses then??? I think we just don't want to be all alone if the board goes down. I trust your word, but after all the drama/trauma of last week, I sure want to feel like I can reach people if I'm in need and vice versa! Letting people know by PM works for me though!

                  Lotsa love,

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Emergency e-mail address


                    Understood completely, Kathy, and I feel terrible about the tech issues that caused the problem. It makes sense to have a back-up plan, but yes, please use private message to share this info--it's much safer. :-)


                    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                      Emergency e-mail address

                      deleting this thread

                      Ok RJ

                      didn't think of that - don't really know the in's and outs of virus's n stuff

                      I'm gonna print this thread off for my own peace of mind - beacuase I seem to be the panicker here anyway !!! and then delete it. hope that's ok with everyone . I don't want anyones computers to have to be bed-ridden in hospital ( or whatever they do when they get a virus ) !
                      I've already broken mojo's computer last night -

                      And I know that the board probably won't go down again cos of all the work you've ben doing, but I like to have a little comfort blanket
                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                      Bambs aka Hydrogen

                      :h XXX :h

