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W/E free of al

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    W/E free of al

    I am attempting my first al free weekend in as long as I can remember.Got through last night(frid) and didn't really find it that hard. Tonight a birthday party and there will be lots of booze..................I have read all your posts and thinking of them constantly.Thanks so much for the encouragement. I feel a bit self endulgent, but I no I just have to put this beast away for ever.Good Luck to you all and have a nice al free W/E.:thanks:

    W/E free of al

    Good for you! weekends are so hard.. i work all kinds of shifts and its always the two days i get off in a week which are so hard wether it be a friday or a wednesday... Day ends in a Y.. what the hell lol. i'm off to a bbq tommorrow but have nominated myself as the driver though the thought in my head keeps popping up "order a taxi" damn alcohol getting in the way of things! you keep at it and so will i - WE WILL BEAT IT and be happier, healthier and wealthier for it

    shelley xxxx


      W/E free of al

      Happy AF weekend to both of you. I'll be trying for my second AF weekend in a row. Last weekend wasn't too bad. I'll probably be checking in often.


        W/E free of al

        Weekends can be brutal... but just remember; they are just another day with a different name.

        I have 56 minutes until the space shuttle launches.... I can see it from my back yard... so yeps, I'm in Florida! It is so amazing to see. It literally lights up the state as if it were noon for a few seconds when it goes over and it is very surreal. Counting down... watch it on TV wherever you are! A moment in history.
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          W/E free of al

          Thanks for the reminder. And yes, it's a modern, extemporaneous marvel.

          I'm logging on to watch, now.


            W/E free of al

            And welcome Boozer! I hit send before I sent my message to you. I hope that this first weekend will be a positive one... I know they can be a struggle, but come here often and get lots of support when you need it!
            If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


              W/E free of al

              shelley;704012 wrote: Good for you! weekends are so hard.. i work all kinds of shifts and its always the two days i get off in a week which are so hard wether it be a friday or a wednesday... Day ends in a Y.. what the hell lol. i'm off to a bbq tommorrow but have nominated myself as the driver though the thought in my head keeps popping up "order a taxi" damn alcohol getting in the way of things! you keep at it and so will i - WE WILL BEAT IT and be happier, healthier and wealthier for it

              shelley xxxx
              Thanks Shelley


                W/E free of al

                Thanks all you guys for being there;and good luck to u all for a af w/e :thanks:.


                  W/E free of al

                  hey good luck - helps to have getaway plan(leave early if too bad)
                  concentrate on company and take it hour at a time - helps me and I'll be doing the same today
                  one day at a time

