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Remembering 09/11

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    Remembering 09/11

    I thought I was angry, and I mean really, really angry, about 09/11 when it happened five years ago. That was until I saw the most heartbreaking story on Good Morning America the other day about the babies that were born after their dads died and they are all now 5 years old. Some of the moms have moved on and found new love and some have stayed stuck and cannot move on. That would be me. It made me cry and it made me sick and it made me angrier than I have felt in a long time. These beautiful human beings who were just going about their day to day life deserved none of that. My prayer today is for all of the families and friends that lost their loved ones and a big thank you to the police, firefighters, medics, etc., that risk their lives every day. May God bless each and every one of you. I am so sorry.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

    Remembering 09/11

    i thought i was angy too untill i found my husband at the airport in london the day all that crap went down. if the us government knew about this why where they shipping my husband to the airport the same day and same time thet they where picking these people up. the whole thing makes me sick to even think about it.scares me to think that i could be in here telling such a different story.i wish i had enough candles to light for those all that this has touched but they just wont fit in my house. this goes for my uk friends too and their loved ones touch by the terrible train bombing,and anywhere else this applies all over the world. peace be with us all


      Remembering 09/11


      Just wanted to pay my respects aswell....The day it happened i had my driving theory test.When i walked in there and put my headphones on for the test the world was normal....But when i came out 45 minuts later there was a tv in the office and i watched with the rest as it happened...We couldn't belive what we were watching....

      My little brother was in Manchester city centre the day the two I.R.A. bombs went off....He wasnt hurt but he saw and heard the bombs...It scared the life out of him and us.
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        Remembering 09/11

        I Have a Feeling..

        I'm glad that I'm going to be very busy on Monday, because otherwise, it could be one of those tearjerker days. My BIL is now a retired FDNY firefighter. Thank God he was ON HIS WAY to work when the attacks occurred! He lost many friends that day. HIS BROTHER was in the Pentagon, but on the other side of the building. Whew! Our family was fortunate!

        I remember a few days later, sitting outside my home and just looking at the sky, and marvelling that the sky could still be so blue.........just amazing that the world could still turn on its axis when such things could happen in the world.

        Thanks to everyone who remembers.
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Remembering 09/11

          Sept. 11th, I was studying for a Biology test. My child in school and hubby home on vacation. I thought it was a joke when he jumped up got dressed and said "I gotta go the Towers were just hit". He said go and pickup my child from school and stay in the house....It wasn't even 10 am..

          That was the last I saw or heard from him until late that evening...I went down in the area a few weeks later to take care of some business and couldn't believe my eyes. There was a big pile of debris, no more towers. My bridal shower and holiday parties were always at the World Trade Center. My first job at 16 was Lamston's in Tower One..My longest and oldest friend was on her way to work at Merril Lynch, thank goodness she was late for work, by the time the towers started to fall, she was coming out of the subway station, so many people were screaming and running..But she was alright!

          My prayers and thoughts are forever with the friends I haven't had contact with in years, I always wonder if.



            Remembering 09/11

            I work in a building right next to the main FAA National Air traffic Control Center in Herndon, VA. Their facility is in our old Data Center, and connects to our building by a hallway. We share a common smoking area outside of my building. I had been on the phone from about 8:30am to just after 9am, and went to have a smoke. As I passed the gym, there were about 50-60 people crowded in there watching the TV that had CNN on. I stood in shock as the 2nd plane hit the tower.

            I went out to smoke after watching TV for about 15 minutes, I remember one woman leaving the gym and saying, "I have to go pray." I went out to smoke, and a guy said the 2nd plane was a Cessna. I said that there was no way it was a Cessna, it moved too fast and there was too big of an explosion for a Cessna to do that.

            Suddenly, about 5 of the FAA guys came out to smoke, they were white as ghosts, like they had seen something far beyond anyone's imagination. They smoked a few cigs each, then headed back toward their building. I know now, that what they were doing was taking a break in between strikes. They knew that 2 or more othe palnes were possibly high-jacked, but couldn't talk about it.

            Later, when the Pentagon got hit, and then the flight that went down in PA, I realized that those guys knew something was up, but at the time they were smoking, the planes were not near any "target", as it were.

            After all was done, the 2nd tower collapsing, I went to smoke again. Again, the FAA guys were out there smoking, saying nothing, just "blank-faced". About 5 minutes later, we had to evacuate work. I went home and watched TV, the walked up to the school and walked my daughter home, telling her of waht happened. She already knew part of it, the scholl told the kids, but at that point, I told her that atleast 50,000 most probably died, thatnk God I was wrong on that count.

            5 years later: It seems like yesterday. I will never forget the pictures I saw that day, especially the on of a black woman in a knee-length dress, totally covered in gray dust. I don't know who she was, but her picture is always the first thing that pops into my mind when someone mentions 9/11.

            God Bless all those who died, and helped, and survived that horrible day.



              Remembering 09/11

              I cant believe its 5 seems like yesterday, alltho im in the UK it still hit so hard. I was working in a nursing home at the time and i remember all the poor old people glued to they're tv's thinking there was gonna be another world war, and watching it happen right in front of my eyes. such a terrible terrible my heart and prayers go out to all of the people who have been hurt and have lost people they love through this terrible event

              x x x
              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                Remembering 09/11

                Hanging Out the Flag Tomorrow

                I remember making our kids breakfasts before school (probably w/a small hangover) with the Today Show on in the background. All three of us saw the replay of the first plane hitting, and saw the second one hit live. It seems like it was yesterday. I remember walking around all day in a kind of trance. It seemed like the whole world was coming unglued. Yes, our flag will be flown proudly tomorrow!


                  Remembering 09/11


                  Sweet Jesus.

                  Our children's inheritance and the tragedies of this world.

                  9/11 brought it all home.



                    Remembering 09/11

                    I'm thinking of all of our NY friends today.
                    Watching the ground zero coverage and remembering being there with Patty, Brian, Gina, and Pansy. It's so incredibly sad to watch these family members read the names of their dearly departed.

                    I remember that morning 5 years ago clear as a bell too...the weather was gorgeous, just as it is today. Clear blue skies, and then that news. And it just kept coming. The reality was earth shattering. I was 8 months pregnant and it was the day after my birthday. I remember going to drop my older son off, but then asking the day care center if people were dropping their kids off or not. They said some parents are just choosing to keep their kids with them that day. Many parents dropped their children off, but then came back and picked them up. I called my mom crying and not knowing what to do. I did not leave my son at day care. He came to work with me and gave my patients who bothered to show up for their hand therapy sessions back rubs! They loved it! I think I had maybe 2 patients out of 8 or so scheduled and they certainly understood the "bring kid to work thing" that day. And they liked their back rub by a 3 year old.
                    I cried all night. Still crying a bit this morning.

                    I'm thinking of everyone especially who lost a loved one on the anniversary of this horrible tragedy. New Yorkers, be proud of your city today, and lay a flower somewhere for me.


                      Remembering 09/11


                      I remember that day clear as a bell too. I was in British Columbia, Canada. I had just moved there 12 days earlier and was feeling a little homesick. I turned on the news, expecting a normal day and saw that. I couldnt believe my eyes. I cried all morning and just wanted to be with my family who was 3000 miles away. My heart just broke for everyone involved. It still does.
                      New Yorkers - and in fact, all Americans and everyone who was affected by this tragety worldwide -my heart is with all of you and especially with the friends and families of people who lost someone on that terrible day 5 years ago. Please, please hear my prayers today.
                      Please lay a flower down somewhere for me too.
                      Love jen:flower:
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Remembering 09/11

                        We sang this song yesterday in church to remember 9/11. I thought I'd share it here.

                        "When Sudden Terror Tears Apart"

                        When sudden terror tears apart
                        The world we thought was ours,
                        We find how fragile strength can be,
                        How limited our powers.

                        As tower and fortress fall, we watch
                        With disbelieving stare
                        And numbly hear the anguished cries
                        That pierce the ash-filled air.

                        Yet most of all we are aware
                        Of emptiness and void:
                        Of lives cut short, of structures razed,
                        Of confidence destroyed.

                        From this abyss of doubt and fear
                        We grope for words to pray,
                        And hear our stammering tongues embrace
                        A timeless Kyrie.

                        Have mercy, Lord, give strength and peace,
                        And make our courage great;
                        Restrain our urge to seek revenge,
                        To turn our hurt to hate.

                        Help us to know your steadfast love,
                        Your presence near as breath;
                        Rekindle in our hearts the hope
                        Of life that conquers death.
                        "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


                          Remembering 09/11


                          Happy Birthday, I see you noted your birthday was the week of 9/11...

                          I'm still crying. When John jumped up and got dressed and said he had to go to work in Manhattan(he was on vacation) I had now idea how he would help or if I would ever see him again!

                          The worst part that tore my realtionship apart was when I would see tears running down his face and asking what happened and he never spoke aboout it. Months later at the end of my rope he was able to explain the first of the bodies had to be laid out in the lunchroom area and the tent that was set up outside of the hospital where he works. He had to assist with the laying the first of the bodies in "bodybags".

                          I've called him this morn just to tell him how much I love and care about him while remembering I thought I lost him five years ago.

                          :l Brandy


                            Remembering 09/11

                            I feel like I want to vomit today- and it is not from being hung over. The evil in our world makes drinking issues pale in comparison.


                              Remembering 09/11

                              Mike, what a beautiful song. Thanks for posting it. I am supposed to be working today and I just cannot take my eyes off of the TV. I have such a pit in my stomach and yet watching all of this proves just how many good, kind people there are in the world..........
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

