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The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

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    The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

    Morning all...I know I know I was noticably absent all weekend. I went to a flower show yesterday...was fun. Did stuff on Saturday...something, can't remember what.
    However, have read and you're all certified mad. And I'm so excited that Ronnie's gonna become Strayan - fair dinkum mate, good onya.
    OK, so Tawny's made a suggestion that we do a monthly only concern is that I'll get lost, but I'll get over it. So, all those in favour say 'Aye' (is it Aye?? or Ai?? Or Oi but I hate oi so pls, nobody say oi unless you're Jewish and it's in the context of 'Oi, that's the best babka I've ever tasted' or the like...but I digress)


    The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

    Sorry, I always push my luck.
    Morning punters.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

      Oi veh, Bridge, you're such a schlemiel.

      Good morning!


        The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

        Morning all
        Its a lovely day outside today for a change
        Woke up at 3am and could'nt get back off to sleep so im a bit tired today
        Hubby went to work this morning and is now back jobless, just when I was going to book a holiday, oh well that will have to wait now.
        Hope everyone has a great day
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

          Lunch time check-in. I'm achieving! Already I've got more ticks than a scungy brown dog.

          Had cold chicken, avocado & sweet chili mayo sanger for lunch. Now hasn't that bit of riveting info just made your day???? Back outside. Be good, be happy, be productive!


            The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

            Oi Bridge.
            Feeling very virtuous...I pumped & then I spun...and then I had something similar to Tawny for lunch. And now I do housework.
            Ronnie...sorry to hear about hubby's he a builder or something?? Or was that a permanent job thing he lost?? Eitherwayitsux.
            Space barrooted - forgive pls.



              The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

              Hi all
              Angel hubby is a cabinet maker, but he was at this job for over a year, he has other jobs on the go but its just bits and pieces at the m. But hopefully he wont be out of work long
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

                I am exhausted just reading about all your exploits....but inspired of course :-)

                Ronnie, I am sorry to hear about hubby, that must have been a shock for him. Maybe he knew it was coming and thats why he had been a bit moody?
                I really hope he gets sorted soon, but you know, I always think when one door closes another (better one) opens.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

                  I am loving the thought of Tawny's lunch. Will make that!
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

                    tawnyfrog;705311 wrote: Oi veh, Bridge, you're such a schlemiel.

                    Good morning!
                    I'm a what now ?
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

                      Arvo all,
                      Lordy Ronnie. What a bloody aweful surprise. At least he's got SOME work I s'pose ?
                      Angel, I don't even bloody well know what those exercises are, let alone want to do 'em.:H
                      Tawny, you are exhausting, you shemeil.....
                      Hello SKendall. I love your avatar.
                      Ooooo Starty....not long now....
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

                        Opal;705462 wrote: Hello to all here. Thought I'd drop in and say hello now that I'm back in the land of the living. Hope everyone is well.
                        Opes !
                        Saw you back yesterday....
                        Listen. I'm starting a mission tomorrow to get this shite out of my system. Why don't you give it a burl with me ?
                        Good to see you back love.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

                          Oi Oi Oi.

                          Sorry Angel....

                          I'm even bloody cheekier off the booze.

                          Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

                          My Sobriety Blog
                          (From Then Till Now).


                            The NextDayThread Monday Aug 31st

                            Evening all!
                            A quick check in to say, all is grand! But you already knew that.
                            Sorry to hear your husband lost some work, Ronnie. Hope you're all ok.
                            Shake that ass, Bridget!
                            Sweet dreams everyone...........

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

