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    Bridge, I think you've got a good thing going here!

    I've decided to spring-clean my job this month. I used to get lots of satisfaction out of it, but lately (OK - for at least the past two years, at least) I know I haven't done what I'm capable of.

    So yesterday, I got my inbox organised. So that's the basics sorted (my workday consists of maaaaaany emails). Today I tackle the pile of papers lying on my desk. By the time I go home for the weekend, it'll be spotless. That's a neat environment sorted. I'll also make sure that I have paid all suppliers and service providers. In this economic climate, its the least I can do. So that's responsibilities towards others sorted.

    I kinda like the new Tigger!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009



      Here's some good advice for our Spring Clean:

      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009




        Before you start reading this I would advise a handy sick bowl.

        My new GP has been nothing but supportive. He gave me a home de-tox. Encouraged me to go the herbal route and also pointed me in the direction of this forum.

        Now sick bowl at the ready......

        He's also extremely gooood looking.:h

        Love Jackie xxx

        AF since 7/7/2009
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          SPRING CLEAN

          JackieClaire;708276 wrote: Bridge,

          Before you start reading this I would advise a handy sick bowl.

          My new GP has been nothing but supportive. He gave me a home de-tox. Encouraged me to go the herbal route and also pointed me in the direction of this forum.

          Now sick bowl at the ready......

          He's also extremely gooood looking.:h

          Love Jackie xxx

          AF since 7/7/2009
          OMG ........regurge.....
          how is it that YOU get the hot sensitive bloke, and I get the fecking original E. European black forrest witch ?
          How does that WORK Jackie ???? :H
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            SPRING CLEAN


            Problem is I've been as healthy as a horse for the last 8 weeks and I haven't had an excuse to visit him. Obviously for any (how do I put this delicately) ..... ladeees stuff I shall be seeing the female GP.

            Now shall I tell you about my new dentist named Dom. Blond, tall (shall I go on) or is too much info?

            Love Jackie xxx
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              SPRING CLEAN

              JackieClaire;708509 wrote: Bridge,

              Problem is I've been as healthy as a horse for the last 8 weeks and I haven't had an excuse to visit him. Obviously for any (how do I put this delicately) ..... ladeees stuff I shall be seeing the female GP.

              Now shall I tell you about my new dentist named Dom. Blond, tall (shall I go on) or is too much info?

              Love Jackie xxx
              Oh yeah.......let's keep those two events distinct. I mean this guy might be the one....and we don't want our first date story to be.......well......
              As for your dentist....has he done yer root canals?
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                SPRING CLEAN

                Morning All,

                Oh Bridge,

                'tis all but a dream.

                Unfortunately dentist is also my husbands dentist and ditto the doctor.

                I promise not to let the dentist to do any rooting.

                Love Jackie XXX

                AF 7/7/2009
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  SPRING CLEAN

                  Good morning all,
                  Just sitting here thinking of the difference a week makes. This time last week I was absolutely dying and hadn't slept a wink the night before and altho I didn''t sleep great last night I still feel good this morning. I think my little brain is finally "spring cleaned". Now if we could make a decent shape at the house. All summer I had been putting the clear out off but now that I have a date to work to I'll have to get my ass in gear. Hope everyone has a great and sober day.


                    SPRING CLEAN

                    Bridge your words of support on the other thread were greatly appreciated. Thankfully it was the good clone who was there today. 2 weeks tomorrow I go back to work and I can't wait. The support from here will make sure I go back with a clear head and a decent bit of AF time unde my belt. Thanks Bridge for starting this thread. I've cleared the head now I have 2 weeks to clear the house. Sometimes deadlines are a good thing otherwise everything gets put on the long finger.
                    Hope all "The Spring Cleaners" are doing well and clearing away the cobwebs, mentally and physically.


                      SPRING CLEAN

                      Padme posted this article this morning and I thought it was great.
                      Hope she doesn't mind me re-posting, but there's some valuable reading here.

                      Why Falling Off the Wagon Isn't Fatal - TIME
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        SPRING CLEAN

                        Oh I just lost this YUGE fecking post 'cos this laptop just will NOT keep minimised pages on the toolbar , the stupid fecker of a thing.
                        My gameplan today is to spend an inordinate amount of time in bed with the laptop, enjoying the rain outside , drinking coffee, and eating last night's reheated leftover beef Stroganoff.
                        Heaven on a stick.
                        *muses....wonder why I've put on weight ??? Hmmmm*
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          SPRING CLEAN

                          Hello all, well the "Spring clean" has started here in earnest, today is glass, windows, mirrors. Inside done and just stopped for a bite of lunch before I head outside. Don't mind outside as much as it a case of a brush , a bucket of soapy water and the hose. Shouldn't take too long. At that stage it'll be time to collect the wee one from school. Hope everyone has/had a great day.


                            SPRING CLEAN

                            One Day at a Time

                            Well whoever snuck into my bedroom this morning and set the fire under me ...good on ya.
                            I was bloody unstoppable today.
                            Scrubbed this place within an inch of it's life, and then started on the garden. When I finally came up for breath, thinking it was surely lunchtime, it was actually 10.30AM !!
                            Tomorrow I'm going to build an extension on the house. Should be finished by early afternoon :H:H:H
                            Strange thing today. Instead of overwhelming myself with a vast list of tasks, I just continued to remind myself 'One Day at a Time''s amazing how many levels this works on.
                            As a result, I think I probably acheived five times as much with a fraction of the pressure.
                            Who would have thunk it ?
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              SPRING CLEAN

                              OK Spring Cleaners

                              Can't say I've scrubbed anything within an inch of it's life but am pleased that I've taken care of some personal maintenance.

                              Six-monthly dental check - tick, no work required.
                              Annual optical check - tick, no change to prescription.
                              Biennial mammogram - appointment made
                              Bienial PAP smear - appointment made (with reluctance)


                                SPRING CLEAN

                                Complete and utter avoidance of any health-related check-ups? Tick
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

