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    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

    Good morning friend's!
    It's nice to know we're appreciated isn't it? Fickle and Bridget, you are both great people, and great company, and have saved many arses around here too, i'm sure.

    A spot of rain before, but now stopped. I'm worried about the coming summer. Not for me, as i don't mind the heat, but we've had feck all rain around here, and a hot one is predicted.

    Have a safe, sober, and magical day folk's!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

      Morning all,
      Am taking a leaf from Tawny's book here (ahhh I know how a good stack of iron bark can make you feel all warm & cosy) so i was thinking all day yesterday of the things I am grateful for: IT IS SPRING :yay: It is RAINING :yay: My roof DOES NOT LEAK :yay: and many more things...

      I got a call out of the blue to say I am expected to front up to hospital for an operation in ten days. I went 'holy crap' of course.. because it is a major op at short notice (total hip replacement) but on the other hand it could be a new beginning and NO MORE PAIN KILLERS!! :yay:

      So this morning early (everbody's still asleep) I took out my tarot cards (another thing I used to dabble in) and picked out 3 cards for past, present & future. To sum it up I got Indolence & Stagnation for the past, The Emperor - a propitious moment for change or a new beginning (the picture uncannily has him showing off his fabulous legs in tights) asking me 'what revitalisation does your life need and what steps can you take right now', and for the future The Sun - fulfillment of wishes - which asks me 'what task or project is on the agenda right now'. So that is a hopeful reading and I guess my task right now is to be totally AL free before Monday when I do my pre-op visit.

      Wishing everyone a great day! I am going to come straight home to bed tonight and hide from the dinner time wobble. Hope to check in tomorrow morning and say I made it.


        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

        Morning all...lovely morning cracking.
        Ficks, that does sound like a fortuitous reading. I'm also doing AF until next Sun/Mon so lean on me if you needs to, Bridge & Betty are already doing it & so's Ronnie...I need to learn to lean a bit more. I get a lot of strength knowing that someone else is going through the same stuff as me. My trying time will be Friday when we hit the holiday house for the weekend...but I'll just deal with today for now, Day 3.
        G-spot I'm worried about Summer too (purely selfish reasons)...the current temps in Sydney are Summer in Auckland!! Lotsa swimming will have to be the go.



          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

          Good Morning all,

          Fickle, a new hip will probably mean a new YOU.... and more mobility, less pain and all the wonderful things the hip replacement will bring, including a great opportunity go be AL free while in hospital.
          Flight of the Conchords... I missed them. Keep forgetting when they're on.
          I'm with Mr. Guitar about the coming summer.... el nino is back with us, stronger than ever..... so a hot dry summer again. I hope we're all taking shorter showers, and using more underarm deodorant!


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

            Morning all
            Fickle, good luck with your hip op......sounds like a dance maybe when you have recovered you will be able to do some hip hop........
            Im afraid I am very selfish when it comes to summer as I love it, over here I have had enough rain to last me a life time......perhaps we should all swap states........
            Well I have taken the advice of Aunty Betts and I now have a doctors app. this arvo for my back and toe.... but you can bet that all he will say is rest, rest & more rest....which of cause is impossilble although it would be lovely....
            Well im waffleing now, so I hope all you lovely people have a great day
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

              G'day all,

              Woke up to something akin to a national disaster. My ISP was off the ether! For five (5) hours!!!! How could I talk to my Swiss bankers? How could I check my share portfolio; occupancy rates of my Whitsundays rental properties? How could I trade in futures or place my bids at Christies? Or check that Wavey and Mr. G got up on time for work and remembered their lunch boxes?

              I was in a tizz I tell ya - a total tizz. All better now.

              Fickle - great about the hip. You've been dealing with chronic pain for a long time.
              Ronnie - hope you get yourself sorted.
              Rags - for once I'm really dreading the summer.
              Angel - just dealing with today is the only way to go.
              Bridge - I'm really enjoying the Spring Clean thread.

              OK - it's back outside for this little black duck. Oh BTW - lamingtons and snot blocks are being served in the MWO cafeteria right now!

              Catch ya later.


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                Did I tell you that My hubby & I are hoping to go to the whitsundays for a break in January while my mum & dad look after the thats what I call heven......
                What on earth are snot blocks???????
                I quite fancy a tuna fish sandwich....
                :dancin: enguin:
                starting over


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                  Hey Ronnie, are you going to hire a yacht or bliss out onWhitehaven beach?


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                    You know what I'm NOT gonna do tonight?? I'm not gonna watch that 20 to 1 crap they keep pushing on Channel 9.
                    I've made a pho for dinner...oh lovely pho.
                    Ronnie - totally jealous. Details please.
                    Tawny - s'ok was a crap day in the would've lost today anyway.Funny how it works out like that for some huh?
                    Ficks - Hope your doing OK mate.



                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                      We are thinking about Day Dream Island and just lazying on the beach but might hire a boat to look around the different Island, its early day yet as we are going to see how hubbies new job goes before I book anything up, but hopefully I will book it up in a couple of weeks

                      Well just got back from doctors and I have a infection and maybe a in-growing toe nail so he has put me on antibiotics and some brown liquid to put on my toe, and as for my back well he did'nt say much about that .
                      Angel whats a pho?
                      I hope you all have a lovely evening
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                        Geez Ronnie ... that Aussie book obviously didn't have a cooking section of traditional Australian fare. Snot blocks and Pho are classics.

                        Hope the toe reponds to the antib's and brown liquid.


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                          Snot blocks ?
                          Pho ?
                          How sheltered I've been......
                          I had a nice, busy , productive day a la` Tawny/Ronnie.
                          Then I dropped a tool on my foot (not my ex....a steel forged Swiss thingo)....
                          That is all.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                            Evening all!
                            Bridge, tool? Swiss army knife style? Stop it! You're turning me on!
                            Missed you this morning Tawny, hence, i forgot my lunchbox! And Wavey probably slept in.
                            Ronnie, a 'pho' is an ancient Celtic stringed instrument, thought to have found it's way to Finland, via The Orkney islands, around 1154 A.D. It is also a popular, but largely unknown Australian dish.

                            Slightly knackered, but after a couple of bonza sleeps, getting the energy back.
                            Have a great evening folk's..........

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                              Bridget....does that mean you are limping the same as me....what foot was it left or right?
                              Hope you are not in too much pain girlie, how are you doing?
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                                Hi/bye mr G
                                Im off to down some pain killers, back is killin & toe is throbbing !!!!!!!!!!
                                :dancin: enguin:
                                starting over

