Just caught up on the last 24 hours posts and it made me laugh a lot!!
Today bought the new i-pod nano just because it has in-built radio!! (and much better colours than the last generation!!) Very extravagant but I really like walking to walk listening to the radio and the radio attachments that are needed on the earlier generation i-pods have such long cords!!
And we got rung by the SPCA to ask about looking after some brand new (born today) kittens, so they are now safely ensconced in the foster kitten room. Naming them is always a challenge though when they come in such large numbers as this litter is!!!
New i-pod and new kittens make it a pretty good day! Off to chill out with a weight watchers chocolate mud pie and a DVD then a bath and early to bed!!!Sooooooooo loking forward to the weekend!