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    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

    Hi all you next day people!

    I love this thread - lurk most days and love the optimism!! we kiwis are a little less out there, but it is nice to have a similar mind set to relate to. (including the irish ..... my ancestory being from Tipperary)

    Need some people in my time zone over the next couple of weeks ..... after a good couple of months AF this year (through to May), I lost it during winter. I have no illusions about my ability to moderate (ie; none!), but tried to keep things under control. Unsucessfully!! September and spring have helped, but I struggle .... so being on-line in mid-afternoon (mid-day Aussie time) is a real help to me. Anyone here at that time on a regular basis??

    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

      Helllooooo Aunty Mame! I was wondering where you had got to! Are you swimming yet? I'm not here so often, but am in and out during the day, there's usually someone here or on the army thread though.

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

        James - Jim - Gym.
        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

          Sweaty Betty;715947 wrote: Helllooooo Aunty Mame! I was wondering where you had got to! Are you swimming yet? I'm not here so often, but am in and out during the day, there's usually someone here or on the army thread though.

          Thank for that Betty! Had my first sea swim last week .......... yes it was cold!! (F*******ng F******ng!!!) The brunch afterwards was great though!

          will keep checking in .... I need it!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

            Ooooh Mame...good to see your lovely pink fluffyness. I usually check in around lunchtime and will be more vigilant now I know you might behere.
            Bunnings - Love what you can get there but with all the spotty boys slinking into the aisles when you look at them, and the blank stares when you ask someone a question...I always leave frustrated with the service (lack of)
            Rags - that salad looked delish - I do a similar one with walnuts. The pear & blue cheese...mmmmm
            Bets - oh but James is sooooo much more. I'll let G-force elaborate when he gets here...he does it so well.

            I had a hankering to get shit-faced last night... wanted wine ciggies & coke and to just get out of it - coke?? where the hell did that come from?? It's being in Sydney and some of our friends(one couple in particular) who do it a lot. S'no good, I actually can't be around them which is a shame.
            Anyway, I stayed strong (go me!) and I have a new bottom avatar - whatever that things called. Signature maybe??



              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

              Angel, Well done for not succumbing to temptation!

              Aunty: Well I knew that mad dogs and Englishmen went out in the midday sun, but Kiwis swimming in the Tasman Sea in September??? It must have been damned cold.


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                angel - thanks so much!! Will check in around lunch time our time (about the time that the cravings hit!!).

                plan in place:
                - No alcohol in house ( easy and we have been doing this for a long time now)
                - no taking the personal EFTPOS or credit card out of the kitchen (this was my downfall, as this is my private account and no-one else got to see what I used it for. I dont mind the odd splurge on clothes. But having it there every day just leads to drinking. And I really want to save to go to see Canada!!!)
                - going to the gym 5 mornings a week
                - swimming 3 times a week

                Managed about 3/4s of that for the last 2 weeks. Trying for 4/5ths of it next week. Struggling with how to find the balance between being kind to myself for what I'm doing right and being a bit harder on myself for caving in too easily.

                Off to do some more work before turning in ....

                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                  Great to see you, Mame. I think we tend to check in a couple ot times per day but it doesn't seem to get "chatty" until the night owls get active.

                  Angel - Hmmm ... coke. Only tried it once after drinking a bucket load of Veuve Clicquot. Made me feel incredibly straight and sober and I wondered ... what's the point ???

                  I love your new bottom avatar - well done you! Cutting down on the fags is way way way harder for me than the booze was. Can't even wrap my head around being NF. I'd love to just smoke the ones I actually enjoyed, i.e. post-prandial and post-coital. Hell, I'd be down to seven smokes per week!


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                    tawny, thanks - may try to check in once I finish my evening work (probably still early for you guys across the ditch!)

                    Suggest that you focus on giving up the post-prandial cigs you get older and relinquish the other, you wont even notice missing the post-coital ones. :H
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                      tawnyfrog;715970 wrote:
                      Angel - Hmmm ... coke. Only tried it once after drinking a bucket load of Veuve Clicquot. Made me feel incredibly straight and sober and I wondered ... what's the point ???

                      I love your new bottom avatar - well done you! Cutting down on the fags is way way way harder for me than the booze was. Can't even wrap my head around being NF. I'd love to just smoke the ones I actually enjoyed, i.e. post-prandial and post-coital. Hell, I'd be down to seven smokes per week!
                      Streuth Tawns- veuve & coke?? I never knew you used to hang out with Pamela Anderson & Tommy Lee :H
                      Well, I used to think I loved it (many manymoons ago) but it was just emptiness personified....hate it.
                      Cutting out the smokes = no more drunkeness for me...for some reason it just works like that.

                      Mame - You know your stuff girl, good to hear you have a plan. I have 100% confidence in you.
                      Must feed the squatters.



                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                        Sweaty Betty;715948 wrote: James - Jim - Gym.
                        OH.....I thought it was something smutty. Just couldn't work out why Mr G wanted Wavey to join him
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                          Wavey ... your silence is deafening. You ok?


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                            byebyebridgetjones;715984 wrote: OH.....I thought it was something smutty. Just couldn't work out why Mr G wanted Wavey to join him
                            I wish...
                            Just sayin'



                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                              Evening all!
                              Err, thanks for sharing that small detail of your sex life, Tawny. I'll never smoke again...;-)
                              Yes Angel, stay away from your coke sniffing friends. It is a very negative scene, i've found. If you have to visit etc....good to have an exit plan that YOU are in charge of. I remember back in the Manzil room day's in the Cross, a fine filly i fancied, and she was very personable and friendly, but she had a bloke, so i didn't pursue it. A couple of yrs. later, bumped into her again in same club, and we went out for a walk. She told me she used to fancy me too, etc...then her b/friend appeared, who obviously called the shot's with her, i.e. snaps his finger's and she jumps, and he's some coke dealer. Then she's asking me to join her for a snort up the back...No thanks! Twas a bit sad, as this woman was beautiful, but in decline, and it was her choice, though her addiction was obvious. I would have gone for it, as in relationship, (a couple of years earlier) which was very rare for 'ramblin' me' of the day. Sigh.....'where are they now?'........
                              G'day Mame!
                              Angel...Yep, sex is better sober. I can't turn off the depraved thoughts just cause i'm sober either. The animal is still alive and well! BJesus, some of the situations i'd get myself into when drunk. Enough rambling! Rex is on Tawny....
                              Have a great night folk's!

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, September

                                Bloody this a new 'confessions' series or something......
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

