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Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

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    Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

    I thought be sharing some short stories we could scare each other straight. Mine is very personal and embarassing, but I need to share with you guys and remind myself as well.

    My worst ever was at the beginning of August. It was a Monday, my son was with me. I took a vacation day off work. I'd been drinking since the AM. By the time I picked him up from school I was pretty buzzed. :upset: Anyway, long story short, I fell asleep without feeding my son a decent dinner. I awoke to a banging on the door, my ex had finally called the cops on me. I was coherent but pretty well buzzed. They would not stop knocking. I ignored them on advice from my cop brother who stated they did not have probable cause to kick the door in. At some point later, I ventured into the garage. I was surprised to find the garage open, and several upset deputies whom immediately started screaming at me. I attempted to re-enter my kitchen door (from the garage), and was basically tackled, recieving a contusion and big scrape on my arm. I explained to them that I was not breaking any laws by drinking in my own home. I was not charged with any crime, but they were so irate that I had tried to go back inside that I was handcuffed. Unfortunately, the tackling I recieved required an ambulance ride to the hospital, leaving in handcuffs.

    I got to the hospital shortly later, and was upset with everyone there as I explained that I had no medical insurance and did not wish to be treated. Since I had physical trama, and attempted to walk off more than once, they put me in restraints. What an AWEFUL feeling that was. The made me take a catscan, and eventually sent me out the front door at 1am. I was in my socks, and 5 miles from home without my wallet. So I called a taxi, HOPING that I would be able to find my wallet when I actually got home. The next morning I realize what a total jackass I must have looked like to then entire neighborhood, and all the nosey calls start occuring.

    Long story short, my ex wife was able to use the police report to get a restraining order against me AND my kids, stating that I would not be able to see them for 40 days. She later that week met with me and advised me that she would not serve me but this is my LAST CHANCE. At that point she told me some things the kids had told her, which totally blindsided me. All this time she'd known about my drinking.

    Two weeks later I got the bills. $6,000 for the brief ER stay, $900 for the ambulance, $100 for the catscan. I have good credit, and need it! So blowing off the debt is not an option.

    I contacted a couple of lawyers, considering suing the sheriffs since I was not charged with a crime, and was told basically that the dollar amount was not enough, and my injuries not permant, and I'd have a hard time winning.

    Here's the good that's come out of it. I have been motived to stay sober MOST of August. I did have some slips. I contacted the hospital and through financial aid got the hospital debt reduced to $1700. So my drinking party that day cost me almost $3,000 and almost cost me my custody. A night I will never forget.

    Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

    Killed my beloved dog

    Was cleaning out the hot tub on a sunny summer day, and drinking iced vodkas with lemon. As spa cleaning is quite a long process (emptying the water, scrubbing, refilling etc), I put down a lot of vodka that afternoon. Finally I pulled the big drum filter out of the bucket that held the filter-cleaner, replaced the filter, closed the tub, and passed out.

    The next week my 6 y.o. dog began acting strange, was terribly hungry and eating anything in sight (even cardboard, or clothes). Veterinarian referred her to university vet medicine, and they diagnosed a liver problem owing to being poisoned in some way.

    She got worse, and became paralyzed. Prednisone shots helped her regain use of limbs for a couple months. About 3 mos. after the hot tub cleaning, I noticed the filled bucket near the hot tub where I?d soaked the filter. At first thought it had filled with rain water ? then with horror I realized I?d never emptied the cleaning fluid out in the first place ? and put 2and2 together. And just cried and cried.

    She died the next month, when the prednisone stopped working, and after months of suffering. All because of my selfish, drunken negligence.
    Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


      Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

      My recent story pales... but still, here it is: Fell down and badly sprained ankle and grossed out nice guy I was dating (who never called again - later, I thought maybe that was blessing in disguise... If he didn't even call to see how I was??).

      My ankle still hurts a LOT more than 2 wks. later. Praying I didn't do permanent damage... I've read where a bad sprain can take a Year to completely heal. I also don't have med. ins., so can't afford to get it x-rayed...

      Did that turn me into teetotaller?? No.

      Gearhead - I'm surprised the hospital could treat you against your will! Glad you weren't hurt too badly (besides your pride & pocketbook)...

      Puddytat - it seems very strange that your dog would have drunk that (probably yukky tasting) cleaning fluid... Maybe it didn't happen that way. Did the vet confirm that was what killed her? I'm SO sorry!! Please don't hang on to the idea that you killed her. That's just too much for anyone.

      How is it that things like this can happen, yet we STILL think we can drink?? I guess we have selective memory. Or... are stupid?

      'Course, the thought went through my mind later, well, maybe I would've fallen whether I had been drinking or not!! While that IS possible... why am I looking for an excuse?
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

        My list is just so darn long...does sleeping with your boss count??:H
        I will just follow up with another sprained ankle story.
        Basically fell out my bedroom window and sprained my ankle having told my mother I was going to bed because I was Blotto, instead snuck out to party with random folk I had met at the pub and then having sprained my ankle proceeded to dance the night away. Woke up in the morning at a strangers house and passed out from the pain. Good times.....
        Am happy to share more embarrassing tales when more of you do!! xxx :h
        I am Perfectly Imperfect!


          Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

          Great Thread Gearhead, I do like to make myself cringe over the horrific times...does help. Thanks xx
          I am Perfectly Imperfect!


            Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

            Interesting side result of my ex-wife carrying around a restraining order in her purse. I have been totally disarmed, (originally from grave fear of losing my kids) and we have become friends again. Even having dinner together with the kids sometimes. I helped her negotiate on a car the other day. Met her boyfriend and get along like pals. I guess I realized she really is a friend despite it all, and the turn of events really showed ME how big my problem is.


              Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

              Sounds like it's been an eventful month, Gearhead. it's weird how going to the edge (like an argument, a blow-up, a throwing down the gauntlet) can lead forward. Thanks for sharing your story; glad you've got some good AF time together (almost a couple weeks?) AWESOME.
              Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

                One time I was in stickcam and was drunk. I had my webcam on and I spilled my drink. I was too drunk to get myself to grab a rag and clean it so I took my shirt off and cleaned it. While I was putting my shirt back on I released that I was on can. I was so embarrassed.
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  Stories of horrible things you did drunk? Scared Straight

                  Sometimes I think I've been very lucky, with no DUIs or job problems....I'm a pretty high-functioning drinker. But I have shameful memories. I'm not really sure why I'm making myself share them, but maybe confession is good for the soul. I've never told anyone who wasn't there these stories:

                  Falling asleep in my college boyfriend's bed, and peeing in it in my sleep. (27 years ago, but I still cringe at the memory.) A couple of friends of mine came in to check on me the next morning, climbing into bed with me and discovering the wet sheets. "Oh my God!" they squealed, "he wet the bed!!!" I had to confess that it was me. I shudder to think how that mattress must have been ruined. He broke up with me soon after.

                  Making a fool out of myself at my brother's engagement party, and having my mother tell me she'd never heard me use language like that before. (About 15 years ago)

                  Getting trashed at a boyfriend's Harvard Med School reunion, and falling down the stairs at the fancy restaurant where it took place, in front of all the friends he wanted to "show me off" to. (20 years ago).

                  But more recently, about three years ago, the worst of all. My husband and I had friends over for dinner, and I had way too much wine. After they left, I fell down in our living room, crashing into a basket of dried flowers. This happened in front of my then 7 year old son. He looked so concerned...I'll never forget the look in his eyes. He asked me what was wrong; why did I fall? I said, "I had too much to drink". The next day I told him I was sorry, and that it would never, ever happen again. It hasn't, thank God. I never, ever want it to. Just thinking about it helps me re-affirm my commitment to never get drunk again.

                  So I guess that's the point of this exercise, huh? What will you never, ever, ever do again?
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

