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Its Quitting Time

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    Its Quitting Time

    If you read my other posts I was going to try to reduce consumption - and somewhat did however something changed this weekend.

    Had a few too many the other night, wife tried to wake me to manage something for her and couldn't - we'd gone to bed and I was out for the count. Normally I'm a light sleeper - but she shook me and I just made noises at her. This cannot happen cause there could be a medical emergency, or problem with her machines, and I have to deal with it.

    I can't do this anymore - no matter how I tell myself there can be a happy medium - I need to be on call for her 24x7 so today will be the first day. I can do this and maybe the next day OK but beyond that will be new territory - please keep me in your prayers. Its got to be AF for real this time, no more games and excuses. Needless to say I'm a little concerned.

    Its Quitting Time

    perhaps this is just want you needed to finally start your AF journey.

    I wish you the best and will keep you and your wife in my thoughts and prayers. YOU CAN DO THIS!! Stay positive, dont allow any AL in the house, and do it one day at a time.
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      Its Quitting Time

      Hi Quitin Time

      I empathise with you totally. I haven't been on the site for ages because I feel like such a loser. I so admire all of the people on here who have managed to stay AF.

      Like you I really, really want to beat this - particularly as I'm really starting to wonder how much longer I will live if I keep up drinking like I am. I'm only 43 and could potentially have many healthy happy years ahead of me if I can quit drinking now.

      How about a pact together? I haven't had a drink today - shall we see if we can make a week? Let me know if you'd like to shake on it.

      All the best

      Snap X
      Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


        Its Quitting Time

        Hi Quit and Snap,

        Wishing you all the luck in the world.

        Hope to 'see' a lot more of you.

        Love and hugs

        Jackie xxx

        AF since 7/7/2009
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Its Quitting Time

          QuitinTime, I can really relate to your story. The last several years of my drinking career I was "house bound" (aka too drunk to drive) most days by noon or sometimes earlier. FORGET waking me up in the night to deal with an emergency.

          The desparate desire to hang on to some level of drinking is normal. I think every "problem drinker" (I'm an alcoholic but I know some folks have issues with that term) fantasizes about being able to somehow gain control over what we have not been able to control. That's just how it seems to go with AL for those of us who end up in the addiction path. (Snap, you are NOT ALONE. You are not weak or stupid or whatever else you are thinking you are. You are probably addicted to alcohol and just need to find a way to address that problem. For me the solution is abstinence.)

          For me there was actually a sense of relief when I finally accepted that I cannot ever drink safely. I'm an alcoholic and the only safe way for me to live is AF. So one day at a time, here I am. If I can, you can.

          Strength and hope,

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Its Quitting Time

            Snapdragon;710162 wrote: Hi Quitin Time

            I empathise with you totally. I haven't been on the site for ages because I feel like such a loser. I so admire all of the people on here who have managed to stay AF.

            Like you I really, really want to beat this - particularly as I'm really starting to wonder how much longer I will live if I keep up drinking like I am. I'm only 43 and could potentially have many healthy happy years ahead of me if I can quit drinking now.

            How about a pact together? I haven't had a drink today - shall we see if we can make a week? Let me know if you'd like to shake on it.

            All the best

            Snap X
            Sounds like a plan to me. I don't have any more AL in the house - finished it last night. So here we go.

            thanks to the rest for your support. ODAT.


              Its Quitting Time

              Quittin', I empathize with the stress you're under -- caregiving for a terminally ill wife. That's a lot right there.

              But you're right: you GOTTA do this now! I mean, especially since you're on sentry duty for her machines ... and for her herself. Good idea to keep AL out of the house!

              Please keep posting and talking. (If possible, wonder if you could get some respite -- maybe a relative or friend could spend a night or two?) Here cheering you on to stay strong.
              Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                Its Quitting Time

                Hi QuitinTime

                Having a plan in place is essential to becoming AF. I know you have been around MWO for a while, still I want to remind you of the toolbox thread, it is great to revisit it every now and again. Here is a direct link to it, in the future you can find it under Goals>Monthly Abstinence It's a sticky so it will always be at the top of the list.


                Have you thought of using a medical supplement like baclofen or topamax to get you started? I know some people are averse to that but I found the topa to work very well, I think at this point you need every tool you can to meet your goals. If you are concerned about your physician putting that prescription on your medical record I know that many people have had good luck ordering from online pharmacies. There are some good threads in the Topamax, etc. section on where and what to buy, as well as dosing schedules.

                Alcoholism can be a life threatening illness. Your battle is as important as the one you are fighting with your wife. Please reach out to us if we can help in any way. xo Beth
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  Its Quitting Time

                  Thanks Beth - The Tool box was helpful - not gonna do the meds right now. I'm on other stuff and there could be an interaction - actually they did a study near me on Topo and they wouldn't qualify me cause of the other things I'm on. Too bad.

                  I'm going to just hang around here and make a nuisance of myself and try not to drink anything. Which won't be too bad cause I don't have anything in the house. I don't do bars and I can easily avoid drinking buddies for now. I have lots to do and a good excuse to be home - I have some fun home hobbies so my biggest crunch will be the cravings - probably starting on Wed/Thursday around 1PM.

                  The idea of getting out of yourself to analyze the cravings is a great idea - surfing them - great concept and very true with a lot of things. I'm OCD so it makes it a little harder to do but - I'm going to figure out some stuff to do in lieu of drinking around that time - once I get past 5PM - 7PM I'll be good - its just that 2 hour window (and of course the ride home from work - not stopping at the packie).

                  Maybe I'll just focus on cooking supper without the 3 glasses of wine while doing it!


                    Its Quitting Time

                    Hi Quitin I just want to offer you my support, you can do this, you need to do this.
                    Keep safe
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Its Quitting Time

                      Hey Quitin, you've got all my support mate. I think what Cyclefan said is very important though...noted you don't want to do the meds (I don't either) but maybe consider taking some supplements, get some ideas of what you might drink instead of the 3 glasses while cooking dinner (also my crave time - I've switched to soda water with lemon, nice tall glass with ice)
                      It's yours if you want it...and it sounds like you do.
                      Go QuitinTime!



                        Its Quitting Time

                        Yeah I like the flavored seltzer water with a lemon slice - that'll work for me. Surprisingly enough I can drink Odouls too without any problem - been drinking it for years - rarely drink real beer. Thanks.


                          Its Quitting Time

                          Hi Quitting and Snapdragon,
                          I'm so glad you two have hooked up. It makes such a difference when you are literally parked outside the bottle shop making your excuses and justifications.
                          Please don't feel like a loser because you've had to take more than one run at it. Most people do.
                          It's taken me many months to even begin to comprehend the huge concept that is
                          'One day at a time' or even
                          'I will do what I can'
                          The worst thing you can do is scuttle off and isolate yourself. That's exactly what 'AL' wants.
                          Anytime you want a chat.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Its Quitting Time

                            I loves me some crystal light lemonade in perrier water over crushed ice. It's vewwy wefweshing!

                            (Sorry, I was channeling my inner Gilda Radner there.)
                            vegan zombies want your grains


                              Its Quitting Time

                              First Day Success!

                              Morning Quitin Time

                              Well - day one is under my belt - were you with me? I hope you had a good eve and managed to avoid the dreaded bottle - I was thinking of you.

                              I arranged to drive to see a friend last eve, so I knew the temptation to drink would be taken away. I fell asleep great when I went to bed but kept waking in a sort of panic attack(weird feeling) so eventually took a Nytol which helped me to sleep.

                              Feel great this morning - just walked the dog before work. Here's to day two. Hope you are well and feeling motivated. I think that tonight will be a huge challenge for me.

                              All the best

                              Snap X
                              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

