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I think my husband may leave me

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    I think my husband may leave me

    Hi! As rubywillow pointed out you have three separate issues going on at the one time.

    1. You have the desire to quit drinking.
    2. You have the desire to save your marriage.
    3. You feel your husband deserves a sober wife.

    I say tackle one at a time. Firstly the drinking. The way you stop drinking works differently for everyone I know that. Have you considered making any sort of firm commitment like going to rehab? Have you considered that you have hit rock bottom? I mean I went to rehab but if I had gone two years ago I would have got absolutely nothing out of it. It would have been a complete waste of money. Not drinking is (in my opinion) something you have to truly want to do for yourself. No amount of talking from anyone really helped me until that little switch in your brain snaps and you make the decision. Do you realise you don't have a stop / go button in your brain? It's part of alcoholism, when you start drinking and you don't stop your stop go button is either missing or faulty. People who can drink moderately have that operational, ie they start to feel tipsy, they stop. Most of us, me in my past life anyway - i wanted to get smashed every time I drank. That was part of the fun of the whole thing.

    Two or three drinks did nothing for me. You need to take baby steps. You need to make up your mind once and for all that you want to stop drinking, not for your husband because he deserves a sober wife, but for yourself. Nothing else works. Until you come to that realization you are just going to keep torturing yourself like I did.

    Maybe take out three birds with one stone. Sit down with your husband and voice your concerns when you are in a sober state. All of them. Tell him you are scared to death of losing him. If he loves you he will support you, this is something I have found through bitter experience. My father always used to say to me you are sober when you pick up the first drink. To that I used to say "whatever' now I think it makes sense. Have you identified why you think you are drinking? It sounds like you want to stop but it doesn't sound like you have made a decision to do it for yourself. Like I said different people need to do it in different ways. Have you thought about AA? I think you need to make a commitment to yourself and stick to it. Whether its an AA meeting once a week, a few weeks in rehab (only if you think you can make the decision to stop drinking for yourself) or read through some of the posts here about the affect it has on your health.

    Have you ever seen a liver with cyrosis or a fatty enlarged liver? They are not pretty. Have you seen people with brain damage from alcohol? It is extremely sad. The scary part is if you keep drinking that is where you are heading. Alcoholism is a slippery slope. You need to find what works for you. I know, I had every well intentioned person in the world trying to help me and I shrugged it all off for years. We all work in different ways, maybe you would work better just making a commitment to go to that AA meeting once a week. AA allows support members, your husband could go along with you. You could show him you were making a commitment to quit that way.

    There is no definitive answer anyone can give you but whatever you decide stick around here, I am only new as well but I know this disease does not discriminate - we are all so different but the same simultaneously.

    Whatever you decide to do good luck! All I can do is wish you the best and hope that you grab onto something before you slide down the slippery slope anymore. I did, and it was the best thing I have ever done. Period.
    "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

    Kind of AF since 14/8/09

    Fully AF since 16/4/11

    It's been one hell of a ride.


      I think my husband may leave me

      Reading back through all the posts makes me wonder if I am actually doing this for my husband. Besides him, I know I have to stop drinking for the following reasons:

      1. Once I start drinking I cant stop and that is unacceptable

      2. I get severely depressed after drinking and feel like I may harm myself. My logic is that if I have some sort of scars afterwards then I would not want to drink again. Of course I am too afraid to ever follow through – but regardless, this again is a very slippery slope

      3. I was never an embarrassment to myself when I drink but that is sadly what I have become

      4. I live to drink on weekends, all my decisions is based on whether or not I can have a drink

      5. I am getting fat and spending way too much money. One night I spent almost $300 bar hopping and I am not a rich person

      6. I am tired of the hangovers

      7. I want to savor my life experiences and not wonder what I did the night before

      Wow – listing these reasons actually makes me feel better.

      I am also going to a therapist and she is helping me with my addiction (will have my third session on Friday). I am not a fan of AA, tried it a few years ago and it just wasn’t for me.

      I will post and let everyone know how my little chat goes with my husband tonight. I know he will not believe me because I have made promises over and over to curb my drinking and I never followed through. Don’t know if I am at rock bottom like everyone says I need to be, but I have to prove to myself that I can stop and that alcohol does not control me.

      Boy do I have my work cut out for me


        I think my husband may leave me

        FinallyFree, when I quit I wrote a letter to my husband, listing all the reasons I hated drinking to excess. In it I asked for his support through my fight. Maybe you want to consider something like that.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          I think my husband may leave me

          Hey, we were posting at the same time, and there's your list! I also had told him before that I was stopping, but never stayed with it.
          My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


            I think my husband may leave me

            The only persons behavior you can control is your own. You can't control whether he leaves you or not... I always found that had some good logical... thinking it thru help. There are meds out there... one of them made me really feeling a bit nutz... Check in with your doctor and ask for help.
            Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


              I think my husband may leave me

              not sure how 2 use this, can some1 please tell me as i need adive


                I think my husband may leave me



                You sound very positive. Great list you've made. Have you thought of printing it out and looking at it from time to time. You might even like to show your husband.

                Best of luck.

                Love Jackie xxx

                AF since 7/7/2009
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  I think my husband may leave me

                  Hi artie! :welcome: This is a great site you've found offering a great deal of support and understanding. Tell us a bit about yourself and what you'd like to achieve.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    I think my husband may leave me


                    Hi Artee-ali,

                    Good fine place you've found.

                    Try a start in the Newbies nest.

                    Lots of kind,wise people here.

                    Read a lot. Post when you want. SHOUT if you need help.

                    Look forward to getting to know you.

                    Love Jackie xxx
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      I think my husband may leave me

                      F-free. you have to be first, the marriage comes later.
                      if your husband loves you, he will be there for you.
                      otherwise, he should leave!
                      one problem at a time. work on YOU.
                      i found worrying about him caused me more drinking.
                      finally i felt free when i made my own decision to change.
                      if somebody wants to leave, it is okay, they come back.
                      An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                        I think my husband may leave me

                        My husband told me last night that he is leaving and wants a divorce. I've tried so many times but he's given up. Our girls are just 11 and 13 and they're heartbroken. He obviously doesn't love me and has never been supportive.


                          I think my husband may leave me

                          LozzyJane;711125 wrote: My husband told me last night that he is leaving and wants a divorce. I've tried so many times but he's given up. Our girls are just 11 and 13 and they're heartbroken. He obviously doesn't love me and has never been supportive.
                          LJ, are you a drinker? obviously, you are here on this forum. dumb me.
                          you tell your husband he forgot his vows, in sickness and in health.

                          since i learned about myself, (first) why i was drinking so much, I found out,
                          most of my heartache was caused by me, i could not SEE CLEARLY, so i changed.

                          LJ, i have said this a million times. life is a process. we can remove booze, then what?

                          Women need to be strong, a man is not always as good as we think they R!!!

                          An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                            I think my husband may leave me

                            Hi iirene

                            Yes I am a drinker. What I meant to say is that he's given up on me - he has never been a drinker, only a bit of a stoner.

                            We're definitely separating and I don't think the "in sickness and in health" thing has ever applied - either to my drinking or my depression. He just wants a normal life (without me).




                              I think my husband may leave me

                              LJ, like everyone said to me - take care of yourself first and forget everyone else. I spoke to my husband last night and told him I have a drinking problem and I want to stop and he really didnt say much to me about it. I am not sure if he believed me or not, but I honestly dont care. I finally admitted it to myself and got it out in the open, now my work begins on healing me.

                              Let your husband make his decisions because you can not control him, maybe this is the push you needed to realize that you have to make a change once and for all. I think everything happens for a reason so if he leaves, know that it is for the best. Maybe he will come back, maybe he wont, but work on getting yourself better so you can be a strong parent. I am so sorry that this is happening because I would be devastated as well, but I think you need to address your drinking first and foremost and then deal with everything else.


                                I think my husband may leave me

                                I almost got kicked out and divorced by my wife.
                                I was most scared of withdrawel. After 5 years of daily vodka half a liter+ a day
                                I wasa mess and totally insane when I finally decided that I could decide to not drink today. AA meetings were OK in the beginning, got me started, and I can always go back.
                                I felt like AA was cult, got a few bad vibes from a couple of people, one who told me to drink,
                                because I had not hit rock bottom yet, another who bought me coffee and thought I would be a good gay lunch. MYO has been great for me. Went 80 days AF, special occasion with friends I had 1 glass of champagne, went another 14 days, wine at birthday dinner,
                                Day 9 now. I did not go back to my prior drinking levels as AA told me I would if I picked up again. So I am sober today, moderating with a plan, but feel best when I do not pick up any AL.

