This is an exerpt from an interview by Robert Emmons, Ph.D., prof. of psychology at UC Davis. He is an authority on the topic of gratitude in North America.
" I think it?s important to stress that gratitude is really a choice. It doesn?t depend upon circumstances or genetic wiring or something that we don?t have control over. It really becomes an attitude that we can choose that makes life better for ourselves and for other people. I think about it as the best approach to life and I gave a talk this past summer where the title was, ?Gratitude Is the Best Approach To Life.? At the time it seemed a little presumptuous, but the more I think about it, I really think the title is true. When things go well gratitude enables us to savor things going well. When things go poorly gratitude enables us to get over those situations and to realize they are temporary."
I just wanted to share this with everyone, something good to think about