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E-mail adresses

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    E-mail adresses

    Sorry RJ

    didn't think about the safety / privacy/ virus thing - I don't really know the in's and outs of virus's n stuff

    I've copied the e-mails written on the deleted thread and it is a safer way to exchange them with each other on PM. I just went into a panic after the other day !!! .
    I don't want anyones computers to have to be bed-ridden in hospital ( or whatever they do when they get a virus ) !
    I've already broken mojo's computer last night - !!!!

    And I know that the board probably won't go down again cos of all the work you've ben doing, but I like to have a little comfort blanket !

    I'm probably the only neurotic one here anyway who needs my 'lifeline buddies' in case of a crisis !!!! :egad:

    Love and Hugs
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h

    E-mail adresses

    No problem...

    Just want to make sure we keep everyone online and spam-free!

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      E-mail adresses

      lol bambino

      computer is fine but i did get some weird virus thing earlier, detector got it.dunno if it came from here or not.still looking for how you night went bambino.



        E-mail adresses

        Please note...!

        My earlier message was a warning about posting personal email addresses on this (or any) message board because they can be found by spammers who want to add you to "their list."

        I just want to clarify that for those who can no longer read the earlier message. This board is not, in any way, going to generate a virus! If you receive a message with a virus attached, it's because your name somehow got on a spammer's list. And that's why I want to be particularly careful that you not put yourself in that position. Most people don't realize that spammers use tools to scan websites containing valid email addresses.

        And yes, very good to have virus's absolutely critical.

        Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


          E-mail adresses

          im sorry rj i in no way meant that one of our loved ones caused the virus.


            E-mail adresses

            No problem, Mojo. Just wanted to prevent any confusion and provide some history for those who didn't have a chance to read the original thread in which I provided some information and a link. (Geared to business but excellent recommendations for everyone.)

            Good for you for having stealth virus protection. I don't know anyone who isn't emailed viruses, hoaxes, and other garbage email on a regular basis. We really need to be vigilant these days.


            Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!

