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More Verse From The Kanga ..............

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    More Verse From The Kanga ..............


    Mulligan's missus was big, fat and mean
    A cruel and ugly man-killing machine
    She's the type of woman you'd be looking for
    If you wanted mercenaries for a guerilla war

    And if he came home from the pub after six
    She'd beat him senseless with her thrashing stick
    But he was too scared to leave the old bag
    He was much too soft and used to wave the white flag

    Well, me and the blokes, from down at the pub
    We'd had about enough of the way he'd been clubbed
    So we banded together, a vigilante team
    And we kept him at the pub until seven-fifteen

    We pinned him in the corner though he screamed and kicked
    "She'll bash me bloody senseless with her thrashing stick!"
    "Just have another beer, Bill, she'll be alright.
    All of us blokes are gunna' take you home tonight"

    So we piled into Darcy's ute and hit the dirt track
    Six clambered in the front and fourteen in the back
    And Mulligan was cursin', and screaming he'd be killed
    "Then she'll have to kill us all then" we reassured Bill

    We pulled up at his house down on Jacaranda Drive
    Parked the ute and piled out and headed on inside
    We up the pathway to the door, which opened swift and quick
    And his missus came out screaming, and swinging that thrashing stick

    She looked like a raging mallee bull, ready for the kill
    We formed a human barricade in front of poor old Bill
    "If you wanna beat your husband up, then you'll have to get on past us!"
    "If that's the way it is," she said, "Take this, you pack of bastards!"

    And into us she swung that stick, like Bradman with a bat
    Old Jacko copped a hiding first and screamed like a dying cat
    She thrashed and flogged the lot of us, half had up and run
    So I staggered back to Darcy's ute and grabbed his old shotgun

    "Just put that bloody stick down now!", I shouted out to her
    I'll pull this trigger flamin' quick, if'n you don't concur!"
    She dropped the stick, I looked around, and saw I was alone
    Everyone, 'cept Mulligan, had fled, through fear, back home

    I went to pick that old stick up and break it right in half
    But she moved not like a heifer, she moved more like a calf
    And kicked me quickly in the guts and grabbed the old shotgun
    then said "Get out, you mongrel dog!" and shot me in the bum

    Well, you've never seen a man move such, with buckshot in his bum
    I near on broke the speed of light, as up the road I run
    And the last thing I saw looking back was Mulligan on the ground
    Being caned near dead with that big old stick that she'd been wielding 'round

    Well the story of that night became a legend in our town
    How Mulligan's old missus, knocked twenty of us down
    And she's got a thriving business now, wouldn't it make you sick!
    She opened a shop and sold our wives a bloody thrashing stick!

    So the pub is rather quiet now I think we're still in shock
    We have an alarm hooked to the bar, that goes off at six-o'clock
    And all us blokes and Mulligan, go screaming for the door
    For fear of having to face up to that thrashing stick once more!

    Now, The Kanga's not takin' the credit for writing this - some other really cool bloke did it (don't know who though). Had to share it - top stuff!

    That other really cool bloke is Neil MacArthur
    :k TheKanga

    More Verse From The Kanga ..............

    That is brilliant Kanga, it's started my day off with a smile
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      More Verse From The Kanga ..............


      so . . .

      Just where is this shop?



        More Verse From The Kanga ..............

        Helen....well done:H

        that is too funny

