The House of Bounce is very quiet today. The cubs are at their Granny's, because of the dinner Mrs. T and I had to go to.
The food was very nice - we went to a Turkish restaurant, and the table was filled with little Meze plates of nibbly things, followed by a rich, tender deboned & rolled lamb rib... For me to refuse dessert takes some doing...

I wish the same could be said for the company... Going out while sober is still an extremely odious task for me. It is utterly boring, and I kept myself to myself for most of the evening. I guess I have alot of re-learning to do. I was just sitting there, thinking: is this what the rest of my life is going to look like i.t.o. eating out? Bleh!!! Else I must find people to hang out with who are as interesting as you guys!
I hope you will all enjoy your Sunday! I'll be taking it easy - reading the papers, fetching the cubs and getting them a Slush Puppy on our way back, snuggling up with a new book I bought yesterday (going to be cold and rainy again after the lovely weather we've had), and having a bit of MWO-time in between

Mario: if you see this before leaving: have a great time in Turkey - if their food is anything to go by, you'll have a lovely time

Take care of yourselves, people!!!