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Why I love being Alcohol Free!

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    Why I love being Alcohol Free!

    Okay, I love the "You know your an alcoholic when..." post. It's a great reminder of why I shouldn't drink. That being said, I have a long list of reasons why I love being sober that get me through the day.

    * Waking-up in the morning and feeling like I can take on the world.

    * Earning respect and faith from my family and friends.

    * Knowing if I do something wrong, I knew what I was doing when I did it!

    * Waking up in the morning and being able to drink coffee without wanting to puke.

    - Sonya
    - Sonya

    I beleive I can keep going, long after I can't

    Why I love being Alcohol Free!

    Waking up and sometimes forgetting to make coffee right away, since I actually am awake without it. No longer being afraid to look at own face in the mirror first thing in the morning.
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009


      Why I love being Alcohol Free!

      There is so much more time in the evening to do something constructive, instead of passing out.

      No more heartburn.

      No more stuffiness all evening and when going to bed.

      Losing weight and buying new outfits that actually look good and give me a shape.

      All the new friends I have made in AA.



        Why I love being Alcohol Free!

        * Being able to brush my teeth without gagging.

        * Not feeling remorseful.
        - Sonya

        I beleive I can keep going, long after I can't


          Why I love being Alcohol Free!

          No more waking up wondering what I did or said the night before....
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Why I love being Alcohol Free!

            * Living anxiety & guilt free.
            * Being in control of myself.
            * Spending all the time I want with my grandson.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Why I love being Alcohol Free!

              Not nursing myself back to health all day. - You know, rehydrating, eating something little to see how it goes down, needing a nap, taking aspirin, seeing if that helps, wondering why even my face hurts! What the hell.....
              - Sonya

              I beleive I can keep going, long after I can't


                Why I love being Alcohol Free!

                Thanks for starting this thread Sonya,

                Waking up without the shakes,the retching, the I think my heart might burst syndrome.

                Now with a smile and a great steaming mug of tea.

                Amazing how much the simple things mean to us.

                Love Jackie xxx
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Why I love being Alcohol Free!

                  I've been dry for a while now and every night, when I go to bed there is a real joy that I have kept my promise to myself and made it through another day. Often, as I tuck myself in and reach for my book, I'll start to smile and sometimes laugh because I know that I'm a better man for it. (There's nobody there to see this lunatic behaviour, so that's alright.)
                  My grandchildren have never seen me drunk, and I'm proud of that.
                  My children have though, and by making the effort, I'm both showing that I can change my ways and hopefully provide a good example.
                  My mind is so much clearer and my take on life is usually a positive and optimistic one. I have always been an optimist but paradoxically, there was an underlying feeling that anything good I had would be doomed to fail, and this became a self-fulfilling prophecy. That feeling is fading fast and I can see that having nobody to share this part of my journey with does not mean the end of the journey, or that the journey isn't worthwhile.
                  Overall, my life and the choices I make are in the hands of a sensible man with realistic goals and ambition, and not a drink-addled loser and it's been a long time since that was the case.


                    Why I love being Alcohol Free!

                    not having stupid argument's with my poor husband, who I seem to delight in picking on for no reason when drunk


                      Why I love being Alcohol Free!

                      Waking up at a normal time, not at three a.m., sweating and anxious.

                      Being true to my real self, and knowing that real self is better than the drunken self.

                      Taking care of all my business competently, rather then putting things off or feeling overwhelmed.

                      Respecting myself and experiencing the respect of others.

                      The ability to be honest in everything I more coverups.


                        Why I love being Alcohol Free!

                        feeling fresh and optimistic in the morning, the little spring in my step that is developing, more optimism, better skin, more money to spend on nice stuff, not chain smoking as I'm so drunk I forget that I really want to be a healthy non smoker.

                        But most of all feeling proud of myself that I CAN succeed and be strong and my own person when I set my mind to things - this I am sure will have positive ripples through my life.
                        one day at a time


                          Why I love being Alcohol Free!

                          waking up and being able to take the doggy for a 2 mile jog/walk.

                          knowing i can pick my daughter up at 10 at night if she needs it.

                          losing 7 pounds so far of wine weight

                          no more looking bloated or puffy

                          being able to get SO much done now without having to waste a day or more recovering.

                          great thread!!
                          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                            Why I love being Alcohol Free!

                            understanding my childhood abuse, so that i will never repeat my upbringing with my two year old daughter - thank god - she will be brought up in a very loving home


                              Why I love being Alcohol Free!


                              Thank you so much for this post. You put into words what I was feeling. Next time I think about drinking I am going to come back and read this.

                              You are a better man for all your efforts in the right direction.
                              - Sonya

                              I beleive I can keep going, long after I can't

