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Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

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    Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

    I got this in an email this morning and wanted to share with you all.

    Positive Steps to a More Fulfilling Life

    Life's challenges can become overwhelming, making us feel as if there is nowhere to turn and little we can do. Taking the first step after losing your job, ending a relationship, or recovering from health issues leaves many people feeling empty and without purpose in life. You need to not only decide to move on but actually take steps in the direction of a more fulfilling life. Taking these positive steps in the right direction can help you to rise up in down times.

    Live Life on Purpose
    Everyone struggles at some time in their life to find meaning. Right now, accept
    that you already have a purpose--living intentionally. Wake up each day determined to take advantage of all the opportunities this particular day has to offer. The night before, make a list of things you want to accomplish the next day, and from the moment you wake up, face them head on. Include work items, family things, and leave room for spontaneity…time to be "silly."


    Life is simple, but we make it complex. Not only do we collect "things" that clutter our lives, we hold onto old fears, jealousy, anger, and the inability to forgive others. If we plan to move forward, we need to leave some things behind. Emotional baggage, like regret, can weigh tons.

    Be Destination-Minded

    The "go with the flow" idea only works if you're kayaking on a river. If you don't have a plan for where you want to go in life, how will you know when you have arrived? Create a "life map," with you in the center surrounded by all the places you would like to go and things you want to accomplish. Highlight the one ultimate destination, and visualize how each of the other things can take you there. People spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning their lives.

    Project a Winning Image

    ">If you want to be a winner, act like one. Decide what you want to do, and then describe in detail what that looks like, feels like, and, yes, smells like. If life is a stage, we need to act the part by dressing, living, and emulating the very essence of that image. Happiness is a choice, and winners are always choosing not to give up

    Live Each Day Expecting
    Do you really believe that you can have what you want in life? When you say, "This is what I want to do," do you really believe you'll do it? When you pray, do you expect results, or is prayer really a wish list?
    Decide what you want, make plans to get it, and then expect that you will. That expectation is the most powerful tool you have on your journey to fulfillment.

    Improve One Thing Each Day
    Don't make your life a crash diet. When we want to fit into that old suit or dress for the upcoming family wedding, we dive into weight loss and often fail. Making changes in your life can't be accomplished by changing everything at once. Improve one thing, even one small thing, each day, and the changes will be substantial--and lasting. Your new life will fit you.

    Be Aware but not Distracted

    We have been in information overload for decades now. Too much information leads to confusion and clouds our view of the world we are trying to create for ourselves. At the same time, we cannot get ahead by simply focusing on the task at hand. We need to be aware of outside events that can affect us--without getting distracted by the passing parade of irrelevant information.

    Ask Questions

    Be like a child. Do you ever listen to a young child seeing the world for the first time? They ask a million questions. "Why is the sky blue?" "Where do babies come from?"
    If you are looking for a career change, find someone who is in that field and ask all the important questions. "What education do I need?" "What is the potential to grow in this business? "What's the average income?" "What was your best day and your worst day in this profession?"
    When making any decisions in life, take a sheet of paper and divide it down the middle. On one side list all the positives and on the other all the negatives. Logic says go with the idea that has the most positives, but we wouldn't climb mountains if the fear of falling outweighed the view from the top.

    Take a Chance
    I'm not telling you to gamble. I'm telling you to take a chance on who you are.
    I once asked a successful businessman what important lesson had contributed to his success. He answered, "Research, research, and research some more. If the results show you cannot fail, then respond with everything you have." He went on to tell me how he learned this lesson. He had been helping to rebuild a company that was struggling, and in return the owner of that company offered him a piece of the business. He turned it down, even though he knew it was solid. It went on to be the beginning of Burger King. If you don't try, you'll never fail, but you'll never succeed either.

    10 Inspiring Thoughts for Tough Times

    Difficult financial times often inspire people to become more extraordinary. Challenge and adversity can push people toward their own greatness. It can launch you on a deeper personal journey toward happiness, fulfillment, and a life of meaning. As you explore ways to gather strength and improve self-esteem, remember, it is not so much about what you have but who you are. May these tips inspire you. May you go from strength to strength and be a source of strength to others

    Broke Is not Broken

    Being broke is not the same as being broken, losing money is not the same as being lost, and finding your balance is not something you can do on a balance sheet.

    Having Less Doesn’t Mean You Are Less

    : Georgia;">Don’t confuse having less with being less, having more with being more, or what you have with who you are

    Savor Life and Slow Down
    When you’re in a hurry, go slowly. The faster you go in life the sooner it is a blur.

    Prayer Creates a New Path
    Prayer creates a path where there is none and turns your stumbling blocks into building blocks.

    Courage Is not Absence of Fear
    Put your faith, and not your fears, in charge. Courage isn’t the absence of fears but how you wrestle with them.

    Embrace the Future

    If you’re busy hugging the past, you can’t embrace the future. Don’t let the past kidnap your future.

    Change Is the Only Constant

    This too shall pass. Change is the only constant. In order to take a breath, you must release your breath.

    Make a Difference

    Do what you can, but never forget that letting go is very different from giving up. Of all the things you can make in life, remember you make all the difference in your life

    trong>Embrace Happiness
    Tough times don’t require you to be tough on yourself. Find the courage to embrace happiness.

    You Are Great
    Things don’t have to be good for you to be great
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010

    Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

    Great post Oney!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

      Broke Is not Broken
      Being broke is not the same as being broken, losing money is not the same as being lost, and finding your balance is not something you can do on a balance sheet.
      I like this one.... One 2 thanks !!!!


        Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

        Thanks Oney, I am printing this one out. Much needed today.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

          You Are Great
          Things don’t have to be good for you to be great
          Great advice!!
          Thanks for the post Oney:-)
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

            What a gread to start the day, oney!!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

              Thanks Oney.

              A very timely post for me right now


                Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

                Thanks, Oney :h
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

                  Love this! Thanks so much!
                  The Universe stirs up our comfortable nests, and pushes us over the edge of them, forcing us to use out wings...


                    Some Inspiration for my MWO Friends.

                    Thanks so much for this wonderful post. Life is a journey and the process is important as well as the outcome. We all should value ourselves for who we are, where we've been, where we are now and where we are going. All on this site are seekers...of a better life and a new philosophy on how to live.

