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Army Thread 20th September

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    Army Thread 20th September

    Hello troopers, well I'm just back from the coal face! What a blast! :H
    'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


      Army Thread 20th September

      Hi Everyone,

      Oney, I was reading through last night's thread re smoking, and noticed that it said day 6 smoke free. It still says day 6 - is it day 7-----a whole week today?


        Army Thread 20th September

        Hiya Grim---welcome home? Trust you have something for supper?


          Army Thread 20th September

          sunbird;718955 wrote: Hiya Grim---welcome home? Trust you have something for supper?
          Hey SunnieBird! Yes indeed, just wolfed down a bean curry that I had made today! Was delish but then again, hunger is the best cook!
          'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


            Army Thread 20th September

            Isn't it wonderful how our Saffa men can cook?:H:H


              Army Thread 20th September

              Good day Troops.
              I had a nice relaxing Sunday, just like Sundays should be. I made a nice dinner and an apple crumble, just the same as my mum used to make. I swear she was watching over my shoulder and tutting as I was making it. Then I watched Taras Bulba, an old epic with Tony Curtis and Yul Bryner. Now I'm running a nice hot bath and I'm going to soak for an hour while I listen to the Sunday play before curling up in bed nice and early with a good book.
              A lovely end to a lovely day.


                Army Thread 20th September

                I'm so impessed, Pops. All these guys who can cook!


                  Army Thread 20th September

                  Good evening Pops, lurkers and those who drop in later.

                  Pops, your day does sound lovely
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread 20th September

                    Evening, beautifully Avatared one!
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread 20th September

                      sunbird;718991 wrote: I'm so impessed, Pops. All these guys who can cook!
                      It either cook or starve sunbird.
                      I do enjoy making the effort to eat well.


                        Army Thread 20th September

                        Ah well....
                        That's my bath ready.
                        Enjoy what's left of your day friends.


                          Army Thread 20th September

                          Well hi there stranger! Hows the tiger doing after his weekend long cooking spree?


                            Army Thread 20th September

                            G'night Pops-enjoy your bath!


                              Army Thread 20th September

                              Hello everyone.
                              I had an incident yesterday that I swear my gaurdian angel was with me......
                              mowing up a hill backwards....had an ornamental thingy on the top of the foot slipped, the ornamental thingy broke and left a deadly piece of sharp metal in the ground which I (of course) sat on. A Hole in my shorts and in my underwear but not a scratch on my bum......could have had a new ars hole....AND...I had my hand on the mower the hole time so could have had no toes to match my new ars.....dang....sometimes you just have to thank the Lord...even though sometimes I get bogged down in the negative.

                              Anyway...hope all is well with the army....I know I am much better than I could have been!
                              Finally Free


                                Army Thread 20th September

                                Glad you're safe, Reddie!

                                Birdie, I'm totally pooped tonight! The last of the guests only left at 7.00 tonight, afte the 1st arrived at 11.30 this morning.

                                Even the kids happily went to bed at 9.00 - unusual for a Sunday!
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

