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The need for guidance

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    The need for guidance

    Hello dear board.

    Let me start by giving you some background info. I am French, 35 yrs old male, love to drink and until recently did not consider drinking a problem. I drink anywhere from half a bottle to a full bottle of wine every night, and so for about 15 years now. I eat very good, workout 4 times per week for years and drink a gallon of water a day. I am sad to consider stopping to drink but realize that I cannot have just one glass and stop. It has to be two, three, or the full bottle. My friends tell me that a bottle of wine a night won't hurt me, is that true? Am I an alcoholic?

    I would like to have a conversation with someone, preferably someone that had the same type of controlled habitual drinking than me and that still decided to go AF and could help me see clearer whether I should stop or not. Please send me a message, thank you so much.

    The need for guidance

    Hi Keyners

    I was what you call a binge drinker, I could go days or sometimes weeks without a drink, but as soon as I had just one drink that was me, I would'nt stop until I was completly out of my face, but then I started to bad mouth the people that I love, that was when I realised I had a problem.
    I still drink but I moderate now and only drink on social occasions and not beer, I found that in the end I was drinking every other night and on my own!!
    Since doing a 30 day and a 40 day A/F before modding, I now know my limits and for the first time in a very long while I can socialise without haveing a major hangover the next day and it taking two days to feel right again.
    I dont know if this has been of any help to you, but really only you know if you have a drinking problem
    Good luck in what you decide to do
    All the best
    Ronnie xx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      The need for guidance


      Hi Keyners,

      Only you can tell if you're an alcoholic.

      It took me a long time to realize I was.

      Keep reading reading the posts. Keep posting.

      Stay close and let us know how you're doing. There's lots of options to choose from.

      I can honestly say that I've never been happier since getting rid of alcohol in my life.

      Wishing you all the luck in the world, whichever path you choose.

      Love JackieClaire xxx

      AF since 7/7/2009
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        The need for guidance

        Hi Keyners,

        From a purely medical point of view, 1 bottle of wine a day is way too much for the liver to cope with. Over time it can cause irreparable damage. According to the UK medical profession its only safe for a man to drink 3 to 4 units a day, so thats about 2 small glasses of wine or about a pint of reasonable strength beer.

        I dont know if you are an alcoholic or not, only you can decide that, but it does sound like you are relying on your drinking maybe more than you should.

        Why dont you try going 30 days alcohol free and see how different you feel? For me, quitting drinking has been the best thing I have ever done for myself in both my mental and physical wellbeing.

        Good luck to you Keyners.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          The need for guidance

          Thank you. Yes, a bottle of wine a day is too much.


            The need for guidance

            For myself, I did better when I stopped worrying about the label of "alcoholic." I no longer try to figure out whether I am an alcoholic or not, I just realized having 1/2 - 1 bottle of wine EVERY night was a signal that I needed to start making changes. I started with a goal of 14 AF days, and then decided I could re-evaluate from there. Or if 14 AF days seems overwhelimg, there is a very helpful 7 AF day thread out here.

