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    What a fantastic acheivement and this is the best place to shout it from the roof tops as we all know what it has taken to acheive this. Some people outside of this arena would have no idea how much joy this must bring - rejoice....

    Sometimes I've wondered how much of my problem has been entrenched habits - do you feel like you have learnt an entire new set of habits after 100 days or does it feel just as hard as it did at 10 or 20?

    Well done


      HUGE FOR ME!

      Thanks Arcadia.
      I feel like I have learned new habits. And I feel much stronger. But I also dont want to stop this program. I feel like I could fall into old habits as well. So I wanna stay here and not look over there if ya know what I mean. lol gabby
      Gabby :flower:


        HUGE FOR ME!

        :h :h Happy 100th Abs Day, Gabby!!:h :h

        hugs, susan
        "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


          HUGE FOR ME!
          RIGHT ARM GabbY!! YOU ROCK GIRL!! That is Awsome!:h :l I'm soo proud of you!! Hope you do something special for yourself today! Big cyber HUGS!!:l
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            HUGE FOR ME!

            :happy: :happy: CONGRATULATIONS GABBY!!
            :h :h :h :h


              HUGE FOR ME!


              I am a great believer in the self-reward deal. You simply must reward yourself for this.

              Perhaps a good deep-tissue massage. Thats what I did at certain milestones.

              You really need to do something really good for yourself,because you deserve it.

              I am so very pleased that you made it. Congratulations in the extreme.

              :wd: :good:


                HUGE FOR ME!

                Susan that means an extra lot comin from you! I'll never catch you and thanks for being an inspiration to me!
                Thanks Jude and Rachele. : ) And xtexan....I've been spendin....(ssssshhhhhhh)
                Gabby :flower:


                  HUGE FOR ME!

                  Wishing you all the best. I too recall when you joined MWO. You are our star student. Keep up the good work, and thanks for inspiring those of us who need it.


                    HUGE FOR ME!

                    I'm jealous and proud all at the same time Gabby!! I hope you are spending that money on some sexy new clothes.... LOL! What an awesome accomplishment. I too have a question. How long did it take before you felt like you "turned a corner" so to speak. In other words, was it really hard the first week? Two? or at what point did it become easier to say "No" than to say "yes".

                    Congratulations my friend!!
                    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                      HUGE FOR ME!

                      That's a lot of spending power for 100 days worth of booze - so go girl!!!

                      I've been doing the same trick I used when giving up smoking: keeping a mental note of what I would have spent on cigs and then buying myself a treat with it, so for the 27 A/F days I've totalled so far I've got a blouse, some shoes and a new pair of trousers!! And my face doesn't look as red or my tummy feel as bloated.

                      Thanks for answering my query - I'm glad you know where your safe place is - right here, it seems to be the same for me. I couldn't get on this site the other say and had a wee stumble, I wonder if anyone else fell at that hurdle.



                        HUGE FOR ME!

                        Hi Allie!
                        Thanks so much. Uhhmm, I dont know that answer. (I feel like a celebrity with an interview) : ) I think when I went over my 30 days to like 45 or so I realized I was goin for Abs but didnt know it before then. I think. Then I was like sorta scared cuz I had all these AF days and didnt know what I was gonna do with them. But I had ta do somethin other than blow em. So I went to 60 and then started to know it was more important to just stay AF and that moderation was probably harder than bein Abs like I was already doin. So there ya have it.
                        I dont know what my plan actually is other than to keep going. :thanks: Gabby
                        thanks kate too!
                        Gabby :flower:


                          HUGE FOR ME!

                          GO GABBY!!

                          YOU GO GIRL!!!! I am so proud of you, as you should be of yourself, I remember starting out what an inspiration you were (and have been throughout!) You are a great friend and person Gabby!

                          Lots of love to ya!! HUGS!!!:l :h

                          Thanks for all your support too!:thanks:

                          Mary Anne


                            HUGE FOR ME!

                            Great job Gabby!! It just turned day 40 for me and it feels great--I know it will be even better at 100!

                            Many Hugs!



                              HUGE FOR ME!

                              Gabby- thanks for sharing that milestone-- 100 is awesome!

                              Let's see - I now have 97 days to catch up ....that will put me in mid December whew!
                              Ok...better say...tomorrow will be day 4 and leave it at that

                              Congratulations and thanks being here.


