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notes from the lawn

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    notes from the lawn

    :H I'm expanding see? the hole, the porch.... bear with...

    I'm all excited, feel good, plug in the electric mower, figuring I'll get in exercise to boot! Roaring up and down the yard, Weee this is great!

    Roadblock. Fireant mound. Shit, I just walked all over the yard yesterday checking for them! OK. STOP WHAT I'M DOING AND DEAL WITH IT.

    Back to mowing. Zoom, zoom I can look over an see my progress but I still have to flip the cord over the ant mound. Not a big deal, just a reminder that it is there. BUT I SEE IT AND DEAL WITH IT.

    Roadblock. Cord is knotted up. I know and remember from past experience that yanking on it will not help. I go over and address the problem easily untangling it. I SEE IT AND DEAL WITH IT.

    I hope this helps somebody today, even if they are not mowing their grass.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    notes from the lawn

    Good plan Greeniebumbum.
    I know how easy it is to get impatient with situations. I also know how it doesnt help.
    Deep breaths and dealing with stuff works!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      notes from the lawn

      Starty you know so long ago I would just drink over those metaphores. Nothing accomplished, feel bad, problem still there. It's so hard to see when you are used to problem solving (not) with AL and it makes it so hard to figure out why the problem is still there as potential solutions dissolve into a glass.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        notes from the lawn

        Oh yes, I know that feeling! In the olden days each time I had to think about anything remotely serious, I would do so with a drink to blur the edges and therefore obliterate any decent solution.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          notes from the lawn

          I just got in from mowing the lawn - tired - still hungover but happier now that I got some exersize. I polished off an Odouls and may have another - thats as close as I get to AL today. I had a nice meditative moment whilst mowing and thought about how crappy I feel and why is it that I keep doing this. One thing pops into the mind which was from Carr's book - where he talks about the Pitcher Plant and the fly. The Fly is sliding down the one - way street - bloated from eating the sticky sugary nectar of the plant - and even though he sees fly parts all over in the bottom of the plant floating around he still slurps more of the honey until he can't fly - then into the soup he goes. May we not be like the fly today.

