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Child Protective Services in the US

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    Child Protective Services in the US

    I hope this is not an innapropriate place to post this. As many of you (in the states) know, if you drank 1 drink a year, and there is a custody issue, or some other reason that CPS enters into your life, it WILL be brought up in court. In my case, my daughter was ripped away from me (which ironically had NOTHING to do with AL) and now having not seen her in months because the state "placed" her in another state with my sister who I do not get along with and has effortlessly ruined my relationship between myself and my girl with lies.

    Anyway, this post is not intended to get into my personal issues with Social Services. My intention was to offer a petition (link) to a site I found here in TN. If you or know anyone that has had their life turned upsidedown as a result of the state, I offer this link for you to sign and help get the laws reformed. This is the TN link, but you do not have to reside in TN and there are also links to other states on this site.

    Revamp Children's Services in the State of Tennessee - The Petition Site

    Every signature will help. I am trying to stay strong and you guys are really helping. Again, I hope this post would not offend anyone by it being posted innapropriately...I hope it will help someone, even if it is just one of you or your next door neighbor.

    Thanks guys, Colbe.
    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

    Child Protective Services in the US

    Hi Colbe, I am in the UK, but over here I have read some dreadful accounts of children being taken away from their parents when it should never have happened.
    I cannot imagine your pain, I just wanted to say well done for doing something proactive.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Child Protective Services in the US

      I do understand that this is delusional, but I am not going to stop fighting for my girl. I contacted Dr. Phil...I'll let you know if my "tribe" on the CPS issue get on the show. Dreaming, I know, but it a good cause. Maybe even just sheding a little light on this subject will help somebody.
      Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


        Child Protective Services in the US

        Colbe I am so sorry to hear that you had your child taken. I can't imagine your pain, however this is one huge thing I think of if my husband and I were ever to separate. Thank you for the link
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Child Protective Services in the US

          Thank you! The signatures are up to 261 since April!
          Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


            Child Protective Services in the US

            Hi Colbe, so sorry that your girl was taken, just to say that you have it within you to make a differnce. Please muster up every bit of energy you have and kick ass and you will get her back.


              Child Protective Services in the US


              A dear friend who had three children at the time (she ended up having 6 altogether, God love her) had CPS pay her a visit when her daughter told her HS counselor that her dad had grabbed her arm.

              She had no bruises and her father never hit her but they got involved nonetheless.

              She was furious with her dad because he was making her help her mother who had just had a baby. She was being a brat, pure and simple, like 14 year olds can be.

              It took them a while to get everything smoothed out but my friend was a complete basket case while this was going on.

              I know how intrusive CPS can be and of course it seems like they intrude on cases they don't need to but avoid the serious cases where their lives are in danger from the parents of the children they should be protecting.

              It is unfortunate. CPS is needed in many cases but a government agency just can't seem to do things well.

              I hope you do get your girl back. I also hope that you and she can get back a good relationship. I know that hurts as much as being separated from her.

              Thinking of you. Fight to stay sober so you can be sharp to handle these things.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Child Protective Services in the US

                Thank you guys...I am going to keep fighting. I am not doing perfect today but am doing much better. Fighting this helps me, it all I really can do is fine or lay down. I tried to lay down over the weekend and that didn't go so I keep fighting!
                Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                  Child Protective Services in the US

                  There is a chance my son could be taken for a time and I am praying that is not the case once all the details come out. I know CPS thinks they are doing the right thing but that is not always true, expecially if all the facts are not known.

                  My heart goes out to you, keep fighting
                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    Child Protective Services in the US

                    Colbe... great job on keeping on checking resources and how to deal with this in a level minded manner. Level minded is key word here, right? Fighting and flailing are two different things. You must be level headed to fight. A lot of people her helped bring you to your knees and up on your feet. You must stand up now, OK? We can help but you gott fight the fight GF!!! Get your big girl pants on!!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      Child Protective Services in the US

                      akgirl;719726 wrote: There is a chance my son could be taken for a time and I am praying that is not the case once all the details come out. I know CPS thinks they are doing the right thing but that is not always true, expecially if all the facts are not known.

                      My heart goes out to you, keep fighting
                      I got my big girl pants on and a am on a rampage today with this issue. AKgirl, I so hope for you that your child does not get caught up in the system. I am a formal social worker (Masters) in CPS...and this is the reason I left the field. The laws to NOT lend themselves to reuniting families. It is their way of keeping their pathetic jobs. I even went so far as to submit a formal complaint to DHS about the unprofessionalism of this particular worker. (WHen I asked for her email address she responded "it's bad enough you have my cell phone number". She further made the situation worse by telling me my daughter "didn't want to talk to me anyway" and did not inform me that I had rights to even call her...when I was a SW there were no cells. She showed up in court in flip flops, a skirt WAY to tight for her fat a$$ and a backetball or some type of sports jacket.

                      Anyway, my point is, after filing the complaint (with NO response of course) I read online that when you make a complaint, the department investigates themselves, which I should have realized when I addressed the envelope, it was the same address!

                      All my best wishes they do not get involved! Just incase they do please have a plan, a safe place with someone on your side that will help you and not get thrown into a family members home that you do not get along with.
                      Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                        Child Protective Services in the US

                        OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, you guys already think I am a nut, and you are going to think I am a real psycho when I tell you this!!!!!!!!!

                        I received an email from the producers from the Dr. Phil show stating in bold it said this
                        Thanks for writing the Dr. Phil Show! I have read your email you sent into the show, and am interested in learning more about your situation. To be considered for an upcoming episode of the show please reply to this email with the following information: and then all this information they want me to submit with the details and pictures of my little girl and any court records. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                          Child Protective Services in the US


                          What great news, keep us posted and thanks for your words of wisdom. I am doing everything I can, even though it doesn't feel like enough.

                          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                            Child Protective Services in the US

                            Whhoooohoooooooo feckin BETTER mention me....just say Oney..he will know who you are talking about!
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Child Protective Services in the US

                              AAAHHHH, screaming over here! Yea I'll mention guys picked me enough to fight!
                              AKgirl, if I can help at all with questions regarding the social services BS, feel free to PM. Sign that petition for us ok? I would love to get 1000 sigs and take them to the show!
                              Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

