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Still sober

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    Still sober

    Hi all,

    I am now about 6 weeks AF. The physical side effects of AL withdrawal are gone along with the cravings. One of the strange things for me right now is I am not so sure I like being sober. Is that not the stupidest thing? I begged for sobriety for years! Well I am sober.

    Now that I have been sober for a while, I am reminded of the things that encouraged me to drink in the first place. Relationships that were ok when I was drunk are not so great when I am sober. I kept that wanderlust in check with AL; now that AL is gone, I feel this desire to move on (wife, kids, job, and community would not benefit from my desire for change). The big plans I made while drunk are not so important now. How many times did I tell myself that, if only I was sober, I would do this? or that? Well I am sober and I don?t want to do what I wanted to do before. The playgrounds I used to frequent when drunk are not fun sober.

    I don't know why I am writing. I don't expect anything. I guess I am just telling my story. I don?t know what it means - maybe nothing - but thanks for reading.


    Still sober

    6 weeks is still a critical time.
    you know why you are writing? because you need to.
    Please for me continue your sobriety.
    I wish i was 6 weeks clean.
    An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


      Still sober

      Hi Elpis, I felt like that too in my early days although I was happy I was sober, I was a bit lost with life.
      As time went on, I got more comfortable. Its a huge change you are going through and things dont magically get right simply because we are not drinking, but we are able to begin to sort them when we are sober. Thats the difference.
      I hope you keep on with your sobriety, give yourself a good chance to get used to the new you. Dont forget you have probably been drinking for years and years, 6 weeks is only a fraction of that time. Its very early days yet.
      Good luck and its good to see you again.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

