I got pulled over Sat night for expired tags (which I didn't know about cause its a company vehicle) and he asked if I had been drinking. I was very honest and said yes, I've had about a beer and a half. I had made a commitment to watch a friends kids that day and knew I had to stay sober. I had to do the whole sobriety test and was scared to death. My son was in the car with me and got to witness the whole thing. Uuuggghh, I did use it as a learning moment for him and I did pass.
I have a new sense about AL and did some thinking. If I chose not to drink because I had made a commitment to a friend, why can't I choose not to drink even though I haven't made a commitmnet to someone. Why can't I be my own commitment? My health, happiness my son....should all be reasons enough.
I am glad it all turned out okay and feel someone up there was giving me a reminder to keep up the fight. :boxer:
Just wanted to pass along my reality check to all of us still fighting. Don't get behind the wheel. The risk is just too great.