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Kaiser Chemical Dependency program

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    Kaiser Chemical Dependency program

    Just want to add my best wishes Ancon- you are doing great.

    I think its important you keep telling your doctors how you feel- if you feel you are going to cave- tell them.

    There are drugs out there to help- I am so much better these days thanks to Baclofen and Naltrexone, I don't like to think where I would be now with out them.

    Please keep us updated.


      Kaiser Chemical Dependency program


      Thanks, everyone for your support!! It means alot to me.
      8 days sober. Who'd a thunk? Yesterday was rough, but I really think the Paxil is helping keep me calm. I have to go back to the doc in two weeks to check on how I am doing with the Paxil so I will ask him about the baclofen and others like Campral. He is the head of the addiction medicine as well as the head of internal medicine at that facility and everyone thinks very highly of him. I have done a lot of my own research and reading here about those meds, so I would like to hear what he thinks. I just know that they are an institution and do things their way - which I must say has worked pretty well so far for me.
      I just got back from the outpatient group session I have to go to twice a week. I think it is good to talk to others about your alcohol use and find some tools to help you in the long run. The nice thing about the group is there is a counselor there facilitating it. That makes me feel like I've got a trained brain on my side.

      So this program is not what I initially set out to do. I wanted to do the whole MWO program, but I landed in this program and am adding some of the MWO stuff into it. I can't stess enough how much I enjoy those CD's! I even have my husband listening to them and he isn't even remotely an alkie!


        Kaiser Chemical Dependency program

        A day off today from anything group, no meetings, etc. I feel like I work there! :H

        I went to a womens AA meeting there last night. Small and pretty nice people. I still don't have the old AA attitude yet. It seems like such a long process. But I was having a rough time around the witching hour yesterday evening, so going to the meeting helped calm the nerves that the Paxil didn't (I am still on 1/2 tablet for another few days, then will go to a full tablet). I try to take the Paxil in the mid to late afternoon to help with the anxiety I get around 5pm. I know it isn't going to stop it all together, but it does help keep me a bit calmer than with out it. (actually way calmer. I was a mess without it).

        Any suggestions on what supps are best for cravings? I thought I would add some Kudzu but don't really know how well it works.

        Hey, why when I change my mood one day does it change the mood for all my other posts from the other days???



          Kaiser Chemical Dependency program

          Hi Ancon! Sounds like the Kaiser program is helping. I had that insurance when I lived in CA. Not always the best programs but the price is right. I think you will have success with their program, AA, and MWO. Kudzu and LGlut are good for cravings. Also, talk to your docs about everything. It's already in your medical records about AL so get all the support from them that you can. Best wishes :h
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Kaiser Chemical Dependency program

            Hanging On

            11 days sober. This is not easy. I am having hard times in the afternoon/evening. It's like losing a best friend. I'm trying to talk to other AA's. I am going up from 1/2 tab paxil to 1 tab today, so maybe that will help some, although I know it won't be a magic bullet. The funny thing is, I know going back to drinking 2 bottles (even 1!) isn't the answer. Who would want to go back to lost evenings, lost conversations, alcohol induced coma instead of real sleep, terrible hangovers in the morning and knowing the cycle is just going to repeat itself again the next day?

            I see the doc next week. I am going to ask him about why they don't use any anit-craving drugs. Or maybe they do and I just don't know it!



