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Somebody here owes me money!!

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    Somebody here owes me money!!

    Kate, your generosity is overwhelming and I will humbly accept your money, but really offering your family would just be too kind. Please keep them for yourself!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Somebody here owes me money!!

      Lush, In Absville ya getta pick your own profession and salary. And you can graze off Macks money tree anytime.
      Gabby :flower:


        Somebody here owes me money!!

        message for ' lucky '

        Was the referral to ' either 'nuts or drunk' directed at myself.? May I ask?

        if so... then I think you need to take a look at our sense of Humour here in the UK.

        Macks 'Fishes' i.e goes fishing - just to a hobby - as does my husband - it is a standing joke - Fish? .... Bit Whiffy .... ??? !!!!!

        I Know that on chat - when I put the poor little yellow man getting a punch and a black eye - which was several weeks after we have all made up, yet YOU seem to harbour a deep seated resentment -
        which you chose to speak about in public on the chat room.
        In fact you said ' I would have like to have punched her in the face hmmmmmmm

        'My little man has changed to a grinning little chap, which is how I would like to remain, so....
        If you wouldn't mind, I would ask you to keep your acerbic comments within your own mind, or at least, not post them on here, because this is a public forum , it is not appropriate.

        And why may I ask, did you suggest ' nuts ' or 'drunk ' ?
        Just wondered - out of curiousity. XXXXX
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Bambs aka Hydrogen

        :h XXX :h


          Somebody here owes me money!!


          You are entitled to your opinion. The smileyies were meant to be all in fun. I apologize if I've offended you. It was not my intention to offend you or anyone.

          It was not me (the one who posted the smileyies below) who had any resentment about anything that happened in any chat session that you were in and I never said that I wanted to punch anyone in the face.

          Just clearing that up in case anyone thought that the person who posted the smileyies below is the person you are refering to.

          That post has been deleted.
          :h :h :h :h


            Somebody here owes me money!!

            My brain hurts!!!!

            Imagine posted two really cute emoticons doing something naughty ( believe they may have been bonking) and offered them as a "peep-show" to raise money for Lush.

            My response was directed at the emoticons - like ok, I'm wasting more time getting a free perv.

            I'm sorry you deleted them, Imagine - they were lovely and made me smile. Glad I got a sneaky peep before they disappeared.



              Somebody here owes me money!!

              Big misunderstanding......I feel like a prat....End of....
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Somebody here owes me money!!

                Guys! Let's not start something up over nothing. I am certain the nuts or drunk was intended for me since I started the thread and I took it as a joke which I am assuming it was. If not, then oh well. Everyone relax. I was just trying to add a little levity to the day!!!! Perhaps Lucky you can clarify to clear this up so there are no hard feelings...........
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Somebody here owes me money!!


                  I CHOSE that poor little man getting punched - it was satirical - trying to make light of what had happened... he was on for a bit, but read comments as I have elaborated above..... It was a JOKE - next I has a rolley man - now I have a grinning man...

                  I just feel that people cannot let sleeping dogs lie.

                  I have tried MY bloody best. I am due on... I am Tired, Worn out, and get slated for being ' NUTS' or ' DRUNK'... I am on day 14 and and proud ... So How Dare YOU... And I am crying my eyes out now - prob cos due on !!! But I have GONEOUT ON MY OWN TODAY AFTER 3 YEARS. How proud I have felt. Well not anymore....
                  welll maybe it might make you feel better to point out other peoples afflictions., I do appreciatte you pointing that out to me though - because - I had NO IDEA... .... can you wear halter neck tops in the summmer to show off your lovely brown arms? ????? - well I can't. Unless you like seeings Zig Zag scars on your arms ....

                  But thanks for pointing out that I am NUTS or PISSED The first - I beg to differ.

                  You have just undermined my self confidence. Back to Square One.

                  I have driven 90 miles today - To help a friend ... Well No More .... I am staying in my safe little home with my dogs. - as I have done for the last 3 years.

                  I wish you luck in your progress.



                    Somebody here owes me money!!

                    Hey Lush - You sure made my day when I awoke to read your post and I'm sending you an ADDITIONAL bonus. The cat's just had kittens! Airmail will be ok, I'm told.


                    Hey Imagine - ... about that movie ... any chance of a copy?


                    (I hate to see another good fun thread come off its spool)


                      Somebody here owes me money!!


                      And why was your thread deleted by my request?

                      I just have a problem about being called nuts or drunk - nowt about your pictures chicken - me dear XXXX

                      Didn't even get the chance to see them - so re-post


                        Somebody here owes me money!!


                        Well Tawny

                        certain people need to 'be nice '

                        No need for unnecessary comments

                        And spools will stay intact.


                          Somebody here owes me money!!

                          the unregistered msgs were from me... didn't realise it hadn't signed in .
                          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                          Bambs aka Hydrogen

                          :h XXX :h


                            Somebody here owes me money!!

                            No way!
                            :k TheKanga


                              Somebody here owes me money!!

                              Tawny, my husband is horribly allergic to cats and frankly I am not a cat lover, so I would prefer $500.00 instead. Thanks so much!!!
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                                Somebody here owes me money!!

                                I already have five cats, so no pets are needed around here. Just send money, please. The larger the sum, the more profound the gratitude I will display. No personal checks, please. Only cashiers checks will be accepted. I will soon be set up to accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express and DiscoverCard, as well. Warm regards!
                                AF as of August 5th, 2012

