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Experiment: My Supplements Image

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    Experiment: My Supplements Image

    Hello everyone! Just an experiment here. These are just the things I keep at home. I keep others at my desk at work. See anything familiar?

    Experiment: My Supplements Image

    Wow, look at all the pretty little bottles! And I thought *I* was taking a whole lot of supps!

    But why do you take bottles to work? Don't you pre-package what you need for the various times of day? I use snack size zip-lock bags, and pack a day's worth at a time to bring to work. My co-workers already think I'm nuts for bringing Naked Juice with the AllOne mixed in it to drink at about 9:00 am. It's all I can do to hide the bags of vitamins and supps! Drinking a lot of water during the day isn't a problem - you HAVE to in order to get all the caps & tabs down! I slosh when I walk!

    BTW, I saw your post about Ensure and picked some up today. The "Plus" has 350 calories (YIKES) so I got the regular stuff at 250 calories to try in the morning for breakfast. Thought I'd try the AllOne powder with it. Think that will work as well?



      Experiment: My Supplements Image

      Wow the picture made me laugh. Most of it looks familiar except where's your fish oil or flaxseed?
      I went looking for Ensure yesterday but didn't find it at the suppermarket plan to look again along with that celery juice you mentioned. Geez if Ensure is that many calories it's going to be one of my meals!!

      Tah tah for now,


        Experiment: My Supplements Image

        Oh, this is just some of the stuff.

        RoseKat: I do have little bitty baggies for an AM dose. Its got mainly stuff for arthritis though. I have duplicate bottles of things in my work desk. Everyone here knows about them. Everyone here knows what I am doing. Everyone here knows that I used to get ripped to the moon regularly. Quite a few have seen me falling down, passing out drunk on many an occasion.

        A lot of people in the business here drink hard. I mean everyday hard. So a lot of the management staff here knows what I am doing. Some even wish they could do what I have done, but they are far from even to the point of a serious commitment. Its just idle talk from many of them. I know, because I used to pay lip service only to quitting or cutting back for years myself. Not condemning them, but they just aren't ready yet. It's a tough business, and many drink to deal with the stress.

        spacie: That Ensure stuff is great for me, because I also need the extra protein grams for my weight lifting and muscle development. Extra muscle is extra power for more than just looks or strength. It gives you extra power for being simply alive. At my age, it's slow going though.


          Experiment: My Supplements Image

          My Mother in law had ensure when she was dieing of cancer. Its designed for people who can't eat and need to put on weight. Alcoholics may need the vitamins but it would be best to eat proper food or have a smoothie and your normal vits rather than wasting money on these, wouldn't it?
          Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


            Experiment: My Supplements Image

            I agree that the best is proper natural food. In fact, I just recently got into making my own 100% whole wheat bread with a bread maker machine.

            I also increased my intake of raw vegetables and fruits by 300% over what I had been. Whole grain cereals, and a whole lot less red meat and sweet junk food. Its all part of the equation.

            I like the Ensure for just my first calories in the AM. It gives me a better start than just OJ. I don't consider it a waste of money in that perspective.

            In the last nine months of my own personal program, I have lost roughly 10 lbs of fat, and put on 10 lbs. of muscle. I'm 6'2" and holding at 190 lbs. I was measuring 24% to 25% body fat last December. Last time I measured, it showed 18%-19% body fat.

            Also, my cardiovascular fitness has improved considerably also. I went from a setting of "3" on my exercise bike just about killing me last December, to being able to run at setting "5" for a half hour with no problem this past week. Anyway you shuffle it, it's an improvement.

