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    Morning all,

    Yes. Gaiety and mirth. That's the way to go.

    The best thing about this thread is that you're all so consistently and reliably bonkers. No loose canons, no drama merchants. Most refreshing.

    I'm off to the great outdoors. Have a good one, catch youse later.


      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

      tiptronic_ct;730181 wrote:

      Tigers like wearing their, ***urm*** fur...
      And they leave their fur all over the couches and stuff. That's why it's called FUR-niture.


        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

        tawnyfrog;730241 wrote: And they leave their fur all over the couches and stuff. That's why it's called FUR-niture.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

          Yay! for consistent bonkers...I too, find it very comforting to know I can come here and find some bona-fide nutjobs :H

          Morning all, feeling a bit 'hungover' this morning - no, haven't had a drink in a week. It's the old 'hangover of a lifetime' I think...oh yay, this day had to come sooner or later!! Anyway, the head feels happy.
          I'm off to sweat it out with James.



            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

            Hello all Nutbags, bonker -heads, and weird folk,
            It's sunny here at last (NOT complaining about the rain....that would be Un- Strayan )...
            but I DO intend to leave the house (gasp) and get some stuff done with the boy, while we've got a break in the weather
            Go like mad today folk.
            Bridge X
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

              Guitarista;730175 wrote: Morning ND Threadian's, and all our friends from afar!
              Wavey, do you really think you look gay in your 'Travolta.J' pic? Don't worry, i wear a kilt at times, and with KTAB's penchant for grass skirt's and dancing, i really think we've only just begun in the fashion stakes. May joy and gaiety abound!

              Have a magical day folk's!
              Feck it..... I had forgotten about the dancing in a grass skirt commando style :H
              Right off to bed I go, have a nice Tuesday folks.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                Ahhh I love a good man in a skirt.. brings me back memories of a lover on the north coast who was fond of his sarong... aaaaah the tropical breezes!

                Morning all nutjobs, fickle reporting in for duty.

                Mr G, can you also play the bagpipes? Am also fond of those fabulous magical things, though there is not often any context for such things these days.

                Angel, for the hangover of a lifetime I prescribe lots of vitamin B&C (sorry if I am stating the absolutely obvious) and tonnes of water, followed by icecream and sleep.


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                  Attending a course recently, a lecturer said something along the lines of 'when you continue to fail as an adult ...' and the rest doesnt matter. That line keeps ringing in my head and I associate that with a number of things which I have desired to achieve and NOT. Putting it all down to various things that have got in the way is natural and even reasonable BUT I am determined to achieve one thing each day during this holiday of mine.

                  I have steadily made progress each day so far.. The-sorting-out-my-life bug has got me. Yesterday it was sorting a pile of stuff to create space to get my treadmill working. Voila!

                  Today is building small shop for a teddybear to sell tiny produce, and beginning the task of removing obstacles from hallway so I can redo the floor. Living amongst renovations is not for the faint hearted.

                  Checking in here is an important part of celebrating the clarity I am creating at last!!

                  Wishing all a fabulous fun-filled day!


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                    Angel - that phantom hangover is perhaps like the phantom pain some amputees report in their missing limb. Your brain is probably so accustomed to "it's Monday, so I must be hungover".

                    For quite some time after I started cleaning up my act I'd wake with a horrible sense of 'OMG - what did I do last night'?, only to waken completely and realise I'd done absolutely nothing untoward. At all. Tee-hee.

                    Hiya Fickle and Zen - sorry cross-posted!


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                      Morning all
                      Arrrr its so nice to wake up and not rush around in the mornings......heven.....
                      Fickle I so totaly understand the renovation bit, I to am living in the same conditions, I have starting making patterns on my furniture cause of all the dust.....and why does the smell of paint linger for days?????
                      Well it looks like another lovely day here today....bring it on......
                      not sure what I am going to to today, I think I might to just a tiny bit of cleaning in the house as im not sure what hubbie is going to do to it when he get home from work, then I might do a little bit outside, I would really love to get some plants from bunnings, but 3 young boys and bunnings dont seem a good idea, but I shall see how my moad takes me
                      I hope you all have a great & safe day
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                        Hello all certifiable ones!
                        Man,I go away for a few days & things fall to shit don't they......but it was a bloody good laugh!!!
                        Hi Ronnie did you go to the Royal Show? I was there with the HorsePower mob & had a (cough,cough) "good weekend" but my liver doesn't think so.....back to the drawing board for me....
                        Hey to everyone....


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                          Hi ya beagle
                          No I did'nt go this year, the boys were training tee-ball all week, you should of let me know you were down this way then we could of met up, never mind always another time.
                          Were you there when the armed police were there as they thought there was a man with a gun running around, but it turned out that it was a kid with a toy gun that he bought from the show.....those bloody show
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                            tawnyfrog;730301 wrote: Angel - that phantom hangover is perhaps like the phantom pain some amputees report in their missing limb. Your brain is probably so accustomed to "it's Monday, so I must be hungover".
                            Maybe...'cept it's Tuesday!!!
                            But it is the first day after a long weekend so I geddit...


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                              Angelcakes;730414 wrote: Maybe...'cept it's Tuesday!!!
                              But it is the first day after a long weekend so I geddit...
                     beat me.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                                Geez - youse blokes told me it was your Labour Day long weekend .... so your phantom hangover is even BIGGER

