Oh God *wretch* trying to eat my muesli *drywretch* Reggie, put the photo away....
Tawny - is a pink frock suitable?? Does for any occasion I find & would certainly cheer up yer mandrels (vented & balls) Or even better, get out there in yer birthday suit...give the birds something to tweet about.
G-spot - I'm back, I'm pumped, I'm back in the game. And I'm glad to hear your balls are feeling better after you *#$^%* them.
Mame - Mr Cakes downloaded Outrageous Fortune for me...I've missed those hard drinking, potsmoking bogans
Hey Tippers, Greenie, Sheepy & everyone else.
I'm off to spin & do another class that's a combo of tai chi,pilates & yoga.
Have a great one all.