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    Oh God *wretch* trying to eat my muesli *drywretch* Reggie, put the photo away....
    Tawny - is a pink frock suitable?? Does for any occasion I find & would certainly cheer up yer mandrels (vented & balls) Or even better, get out there in yer birthday suit...give the birds something to tweet about.
    G-spot - I'm back, I'm pumped, I'm back in the game. And I'm glad to hear your balls are feeling better after you *#$^%* them.
    Mame - Mr Cakes downloaded Outrageous Fortune for me...I've missed those hard drinking, potsmoking bogans
    Hey Tippers, Greenie, Sheepy & everyone else.
    I'm off to spin & do another class that's a combo of tai chi,pilates & yoga.
    Have a great one all.



      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

      Morning...sorry cakes I sorts of got attached to it if you get my drift...but the nose is gone have a great day and being friday I know you Octslober guys will be twitching but hang in you lot are a inspiration!!!


        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

        Morning, Boil
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

          Morning all
          Reggie......I would have to pick it, I love a good spot!!!!
          Tawny.....what is it with you and vegimite??????? you must have stacks of it in your
          Well im up early, just waiting for the boys to wake up then im off here, there and everywhere today, I will be glad when tonight comes.
          Hope you all have a great day
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

            tawnyfrog;732315 wrote:

            Took the 3/8 bolt, added lock washer, hard blade washer, the blade, shaft assembly, new vented mandrel, bearing ball mandrel, round stripper, pushed the lot into the pulley mandrel and tightened it all up with a 9/16 lock nut. Connected housing to front links with retainer springs, rear deck brackets to suspension arms, anti-sway bar to chassis and installed the belt back onto the electric clutch pulley groove.
            I didn't know you spoke Lithuanian.......
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

              tawnyfrog;732315 wrote: Job's right. Slashing can commence today. My BIG problem ... what to wear? I shall ponder as I sip my latte ...
              I recommend a sturdy leather hat, as large as possible, to shade your cleavage (bouncing out of your singlet is a very real possibility), jeans, as tight as possible so you do not lose your seat (well they always made me feel more secure on a tractor), and don?t forget your sunblock & boots Tawns. Safety first!!

              I too have become disenchanted with parenting but.. alas they're too old to sell on ebay now


                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                Ah Fickle - thanks for your advice but a tad too late. Did five hours on the slasher and the cleavage bounced all over the shop. I shall retrieve and harness it tomorrow. Always do the hat and boots but neglected to don tight jeans. Damnit.

                Again, pleasantly buggered. I've eaten all the quinoa I cooked yesterday so tonight might be a reverse brekkie of bacon & eggs & beans on toast before all-fall-down time.

                Where's Betts? We need a MIL update.
                Where's Wavey? POETING, I hope.

                Might check youse later ...


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                  Good afternoon everyone,
                  Well, while Tawny was out slashing, I was taking a lesson in patience while I sat in a specialist's waiting room. An hour after my due appointment the good Indian surgeon saw me. "Ah the cancer is on the left hand" "No" I said..."it's on the right hand..." And it didn't get any better after that.
                  " Well, ring in 4 weeks time to make the appointment for day surgery" "I'll be in India until December".
                  "Yes yes.... " mumble mumble as truly the most unintelligble scribble was wriiten on the hospital admission form.. Raggsy thinks "Oh dear, I hope his plastic surgery is better than his writing..."
                  Then "Ring in 4 weeks to make the appointment" "I will be in India and won't be back in Australia till December" That was met with a blank stare. I said Mr. Rags would ring and make the hospital appointment. Then I tried the old school trick (which fell on deaf ears) by adding "that's where he does his surgical work" Didn't cut any ice with the good Dr. Krishna. Anyway, I have this cancery thing removed some time in January (maybe) but can't use my hand for 2-3 weeks afterwards.
                  This afternoon I dug up some rock orchards a few clivias (quick and dirty to fill a space), some ferns and a tray of native violet to take to their new home. Oh, and a few beautiful old Rosewood (would you believe!) fenceposts which I'll take with me to be part of the new landscaping. Now time for a game of Aliens before starting dinner. See youse soon.
                  By the way, when is Mr. G going to put something on youtube for us???


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                    Well im finally back from running around, dinner is all prepared and the kids done a fruit salad. so all I have to do now is watch hubbie play baseball tonight, bugger I have forgotton the pick up his baseball pants
                    Oh well I must dash, might catch you all later
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                      Oh those darn doctors Rags..

                      Seconds prior to surgery, stereo up full bore, me getting noddy, surgeon says to me ?which leg??, I say ?right?, he then draws big black magic marker arrow up my thigh with his initials besides it, I say ?glad you asked, would?ve hated if you did the wrong one?, he says ?I would not want to have that conversation with you? :H I closed my eyes to strains of Bittersweet Symphony (I kid you not).. Gotta trust them though

                      You?ve got the right idea, garden is the best place to be I reckon.. good for the soul.

                      Good luck finding that cleavage tomoz Tawns


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                        Evening all!
                        A beautiful spring day here, and am looking forward to my little local bar's overflowing with ginger beer, women, and song, in the balmy summer.
                        Rag's, i would be delighted to post some music, (not youtube) and will, when i have the time and technology.
                        Glad you've fixed your vented mandrel, Tawny. A new set of strings can make all the difference.
                        Fickle, are you 30 day's af today?

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                          Hi all yes G what a beautiful day Im amazed that you can still play in bars and stuff and avoid the demon drink...i used to be a part time muso and that was my undoing bars cigarettes and bands. I have to avoid those environments... you are made of strong stuff G to be in that place and not drink.

                          Fickle I love the Verve couldnt think of a better song to distract yourself you are more than 30 AF I think Good for you... Anyway off to dinner.... curry in a hurry ....have a wonderful weekend everyone


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                            Enjoy your curry, Reggie! mmm, what a good idea. Couldn't do it in the early weeks/months of af Reg, but now, it's easy. And i make sure i'm driving, and usually leave straight after the gig, if folk's are a bit tanked and waffling on. But even so, i can generally find an interesting convo somewhere.
                            Hope i haven't stuffed up Fick's 30 day milestone. I plead hopeless memory through alcohol abuse.....
                            Either way, great going Fick's. You are a star!

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                              Evening, all
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD, October

                                Evening Tip! I trust all is well....

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

