Thanks rubywillow !! I feel a day younger today, not older :yay:
No announcement yet.
OctSOBER Challenge
OctSOBER Challenge
Hey everyone,
Just thought I'd better check in to say thanks for the Birthday wishes and good advice (and most importantly) the teamwork. Go team goo.
I am feeling very busy today because for some STUPID reason I decided to clean. While I was doing so I realized I really hate having a messy/dirty house and this is something I can I am controlling it.....Accept the things you can change and let someone else do the things you can't....Aghhh.... Something like that. Or was it something about patience?? Well I have none of that.....I know, I really messed that up....but I think you guys know what I am trying to say. right?
OctSOBER Challenge
Morning to all! I thought i had posted last night but it obviously was one of those posts that got lost in the ether. It is a beautiful spring day here, and very nice it is to wake ujp on a Saturday morning without a hangover. I have a very full day planned ..... off to see my Mum in hospital in a few minutes, then essential body maintenance (leg wax!), then doing some things with uncle Mame's son - he has been here for some of the school holidays but goes back to his Mum tomorrow. And I have lots of marking to do before the end of next week, so will try to get a bunch of that done at some point in the day .....
hope everyone had a good one!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
OctSOBER Challenge
Free, I did the same thing when I became REALLY sober! All of a sudden I realized the cobwebs in my house had dust on them, and senior citizen spiders! I missed so much of my life, but try hard not to live with regret. Instead, its time to clear my mind, my house, my life of all the s#@t I'd accumulated, and it's amazing. Aunty, good to see you! How far are you from the area affected by the terrible earthquakes and tsunamis?sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
OctSOBER Challenge
Good morning all, Saturday morning here. It's cold and drizzly but I'm so happy to be doing OctSober...Mr cakes came home last night and commented that I seemed happier than I had been lately.
Miss October - happy birthday for yesterday - how did you go last night??
Free Bird - I'm getting into some painting today that's the finishing touches of the renovations we did 4 months ago!! So I know what you mean about the cleaning & getting things in order.
Have a great Saturday Occers.
OctSOBER Challenge
Hi everyone... Sounds like there's a lot of sober energy still on our thread... I am feeling good... Awesome not to have headaches and hangovers.... I have dealt with some cravings but they are getting easier each day.... Cravings are much better than remorse, humiliation, wasted time recupping etc...
I'm so grateful to have this thread... I always feel better after I've read the posts...
HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND.... I will check in later tonight (its still Friday here )...God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...
OctSOBER Challenge
Hey all,
thought I would join this tread if that is OK. Happy Birthday to all those celebrating early in OctSober. I am on day 37AF and feeling fab - had a weekend of cleaning the house planned but rolled my ankle this morning walking the dog and now laid up on the couch with ice and two stir crazy children. hurrah.Anyway, will stay close because this site has been a major part of my success to date. Have a great day everyone...Shanti, LubaAF since 26 August 2009- and loving it!!
OctSOBER Challenge
rubywillow;727826 wrote: How far are you from the area affected by the terrible earthquakes and tsunamis?
Luba = welcome! And congrats on your 37 days!
Spiritgirl .... yes, is great to feel the sober energy. but I also wanted to say to anyone that has been finding it hard and maybe not doing so well, to keep coming back here and posting anyway!! I know that in the past when I've had times that I wanted to do 30 days, I could get relaly discouraged by the fact that other people seemed to be finding it easy, while I was really struggling and not succeeding. So dont do what I did - come on back!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
OctSOBER Challenge
Good morning to everyone today. I was able to be AF on a Friday night, went out to dinner, had water for a drink and had a really good dessert. Molten Chocolate Cake. Oh my gosh, it was unbelievable.
One thing I noticed last night, is when I am AF I find so many things funny and laugh alot, really enjoy myself, but it is real. I do not know if I am explaining myself well, but I went to bed happy last night, humbly thankful that I had a good time going out to eat and doing a little shopping with my husband. Then, some friends called and wanted to stop over and since I was not drinking, they could stop by. This is big for me. I never realized how long I have been isolating so I could drink. I wonder what other opportunities I have passed up or missed due to alcohol.
I am trying to focus on all the good things about being AF. It is easy right now but I know that with me, it could change at any time.Redhibiscus
OctSOBER Challenge
Hi everyone! Welcome to all the new members,and hello again to everyone else here. Red, your post was very touching, in that it highlights the simple joys of life AL robs from us.
Fipped on the tele, and an old B&W movie 'I Walked With A Zombie' is on. So campy, yet what struck me was the way the 'zombies' move. Hubs told me once, after one of my particularly horrible episodes of drinking, that I had acted like a zombie, unable to move alone or speak intelligibly. Oh, well, some memories are best left in the past, except for the lessons we learn from them.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Take time to experience the beauty of the world around us, through sober eyes - it's like discovering something new every time.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
OctSOBER Challenge
Wahoo !! First Wineless Birthday !!
Hello everyone,
I was so proud of myself last night on my birthday. My husband came home with a smaill bottle of red wine, and said let's go out to dinner (and he NEVER buys wine - its a BYB restaurant). It is where we get pizza every Friday night. I've been talking about going there one time, as we NEVER go out to dinner. This would have been the first, but I told him that as of October 1st I'm not drinking any wine the entire month, and If I went out to dinner, I WOULD drink wine. So we just stayed home, had pizza, and watched a movie that I can remember. What a great feeling :cheering:
So today my head is still in the "game", and feeling good about it. Angelcakes, I know the feeling about looking happier. I feel it, and my husband keeps looking at me and smiling but says nothing. He can just tell.
Luba, sorry to hear about your ankle. Keep it elevated and iced. 37 days is awesome !
And Red, that sure is a great feeling when you can have friends over at night. It's unthinkable when we are drinking all night.
I plan on checking in everyday, just to keep me on a straight path to my October Goal.
Have a great AF day and/or eveningMiss October :blinkylove:
OctSOBER Challenge
Hi all, Sunday morning here.
I had a night a bit like Reds last bestie is in town - she used to be my biggest drinking buddy - she's staying at her sisters so we went over there for dinner with a few others. Others were drinking vodka or wine before dinner and then wine with the meal... I had soda water & ginger beer (there was a really nice bottle of red on the table) Anyway, it was not too hard because I've made up my mind this time...I can't fail.
I think it will probably get harder at times...
Welcome Luba also from a fellow Aussie.
OctSOBER Challenge
:goodjob: :applaud: Great going, Buds! You have every right to pat yourselves on the back til your arms ache! Keep it up. :wave: :rockon:sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
OctSOBER Challenge
Hi everyone... Just checking in on a difficult Saturday night... I am a little lonely - always a trigger... And I really want to drink wine... WHY? WHY? After all the drunken stupid nights, what makes me miss it? I have had several anxiety attacks this week... I do have meds for those, but they are bothersome, nonetheless...
Well, thanks to the support here ~ I am off to buy ingredients to make taco soup instead of opening a bottle of wine... Anything to stay busy... I will not drink and I know I will be grateful tomorrow that I didn't...Hope everyone is having a great weekend....God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...
OctSOBER Challenge
Alright Sunday morning here and doing the Sober October so i'm on Day 4, can't remember my last day 4 must be 3 years ago at least. Going good except did a bit of a stupid thing last night, had friends over who were drinking so I sort of tagged along with having a drink in my hand and drank alot of coke and lemonade etc. Must have overloaded myself on sugar or something because by the end of the night I had this hugely bloated stomach (very obvious since i'm a very slender guy) which has only just started to come down this morning. Very weird!