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OctSOBER Challenge

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    OctSOBER Challenge

    Wow hdb, Red & Ktab - you guys arerocking it!!!
    Red big big congrats on 31days.



      OctSOBER Challenge

      Hi Everyone, I see this thread is coming alive again :thumbsup

      The rain has finally stopped here on the east coast and the sun is out. The sun really helps with the positive attitude and good mood. Starting to get the hang of AF during the week. Having a good discussion with those "inner voices".

      On the weekends, I seem to not even try fighting the good fight. The first weekend in Oct. was great. I know that when I REALLY WANT to go AF on the weekend I CAN DO IT. So I'm hoping the more AF days I can get during the week, it will give me the WANT to continue through the weekend.

      Red, 31 AF days !!! :cheering: Awesome accomplishment !!

      hdb and KTAB you two are also doing great !! That's what I like to see. Gives me more incentive !!

      Angelcakes, beautiful picture by the way good luck for the rest of October.

      Happy Sober day to all of us !!!!
      Miss October :blinkylove:


        OctSOBER Challenge

        Hey Miss O I'm in a similar place...the weeks are becoming easier and first weekend in Oct was AF so I can do it (it was a long weekend here too!) I look at it like practice...and the more practice I get the better I become at being AF, especially in social situations.



          OctSOBER Challenge

          Miss October and Angelcakes,
          I also started out drinking less days. It takes time sometimes to not drink on the weekends. I made conscious plans to do other things without alcohol. For so long, that is what I did on Friday and Saturday. Now, I do other things and I must say, Saturdays not hungover are the best. Try it, you'll like it. I promise.


            OctSOBER Challenge

            I love the idea of No-bender November. I've been a little down and while not having any huge slips, just feeling sad. I've been reading posts every day and sending you mental congratulations on your successes and wishing you strength during hard times. You are all such an inspiration. This is my only suport, so I need to get over fear of hurtful posts since 90+% of posts are positive. It's like when I was a kid and could only hear the criticism and meanness and never could seem to hear the praise (or think the ones you praised me didn't really know me).

            I just had corneal surgery and taking percocet, so alcohol is not even a choice. Although the pain has been awful, it is a relief to have the decision whether or not to drink taken entirely out of my hands for now. And my beautiful animals know I am hurting and just all huddle around me. However, I probably will only need the pain meds for another day, so I'll have to back to self-control (sigh).


              OctSOBER Challenge

              Welcome Maisie, get well soon from your surgery, sounds like your animals are looking after you well. We would love to have you onboard, its certainly not easy but getting your first few hours and then days under your belt is certainly very rewarding to both body and mind x

              Good luck today everyone.


                OctSOBER Challenge

                Good luck for the A/F weekend all who are participating! sending you all lots of strength.


                  OctSOBER Challenge

                  hdb, I am accepting that strength you are sending for an AF weekend. I am liking being AF more and more.

                  Maisie, sorry if others give negative posts to you. I have received only one I felt was negative, and I admit, I felt hurt. But the vast majority 99.99% are encouraging and supportive. Hey, this fall weather can be a trigger for sad feelings. And having surgery and being in pain are definite downers. But your animals sound so loving and cute. Take care of yourself and know that this is a safe place to post. .:l


                    OctSOBER Challenge

                    this is where it gets hard for me Fri night and Saturday, we do a big shop and the wine counter is so tempting, really going to try hard this weekend, my new avatar is my son, im hoping that seeing him here all the time will keep me on the straight and narrow,love and hugs to all Tawnywitch


                      OctSOBER Challenge

                      Evening all just checking in the wish everyone here a happy sober weekend. Tawny your boy is a dote, I wish you every success this weekend, you can do it, you know you can. And to anyone else who is facing into the weekend feeling a little trepidation remember this, you are in control of AL now, not the other way round. Maisie ignore people who have nothing helpfull to offer, for they have nothing to offer.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        OctSOBER Challenge

                        Good Morning !!

                        OK, we are in the last week of the OctSOBER Challenge. I started out strong, faded slowly in the middle, but I am READY to finish strong !!

                        November is just around the corner. More goals to think about, but first I must focus on finishing up October.

                        Maisie, hope you are feeling better from your surgery.

                        Cheers to a sober day and/or evening to everyone !
                        Miss October :blinkylove:


                          OctSOBER Challenge

                          Thanks Miss October - all is going strong here, feeling better and loosing weight to! now thats a bonus x


                            OctSOBER Challenge

                            Hi Guys...I kinda took 2 steps backwards this past week. For no real reason but I'm paying the price today.
                            Want to finish Oct strong also and then I'm in again for No-Bender - gonna put some more tools into place - use the CDs more etc.



                              OctSOBER Challenge

                              Thank you, Miss October, I am recovering nicely from the eye surgery.

                              Can I jump on board for the last 5 days of October AF? I need to straighten up now and not wait for November. I'm off to a warm bath and early to sleep. I'm grateful you are all here.


                                OctSOBER Challenge

                                Happy Wednesday !!

                                Driving to work today I must have yawned 15 times. These AF days make you sleepy....or maybe it's driving to work in the dark with it raining for two days :yuk: Sick of Rain !!

                                HDB, you are doing great, and losing the weight is a HUGE incentive. :goodjob:

                                Angelcakes, couple of steps back, then it's a couple of steps forward. Let's keep trying. It is only not going to work if we give up totally. Keep trying and the more AF days you have the better off you are physically and emotionally. I know that is true for me.

                                Maisie, anyone can jump on at the end. Get some ground before November starts....a No Bender November.....I'm sure not starting that thread
                                Miss October :blinkylove:

