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Our 4-footed Friends

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    Our 4-footed Friends

    EDIT: I thought I would bump this up again, since it seemed to be a popular, and beneficial thread. We have many new members, and just to show it's not all morose seriousness around here.

    Here is Pete-ski, as I call him sometimes, or even "Pee-otre", the Russian pronunciation.

    In some of my research on healing, I came across this website. It's about the amazing power of pets to help humans with emotional/physical problems.

    Untitled Document

    I also noticed that many members (including myself) have a picture of an animal as their avatar.

    Mine happens to be my little black dog, "Katie". I found her a year ago. Somebody had abandoned her in the industrial park where I work, so I took her in to take care of her. She's been a very loving dog, and a real life saver for me the last few months. I felt bad about leaving her here at house alone, while I went to work.

    Then just a couple of months ago, a new little guy shows up needing help. He just appeared in my garage while I was doing some remodeling work in there. So now I have "Petey". Strange, but he and Katie are both about the same size, and get along pretty good as dog buddies. I had Katie spayed several months ago, and thats a good thing, because "Petey" gets in a romantic mood a lot.

    So I am curious. For those who have an avatar of any sort of animal. Is it yours? Attached files [img]/converted_files/3484=138-attachment.jpg[/img]

    Our 4-footed Friends

    i have 4 cats and 1 dog - so i wouldn't have any room to chat if i posted all of their pixs!


      Our 4-footed Friends

      I am down to two cats and one dog. All rescues. One cat from the Philippines and a dog and cat from Louisiana. All very unique.


        Our 4-footed Friends

        How in the world did you wind up with a cat from the Phillippines?
        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          Our 4-footed Friends

          I chose the wolf as my avatar as a symbol of the Alaskan wilderness, which surrounds the town I live in.

          I did have a dog for 14 years, and lost her 2 years ago to old age. Since then I moved into an apartment for convenience. It is convenient, but I must say it's lonely without an animal around. And I CANNOT wait until my lease runs out and I can get into a house or cabin where I can get a dog again. There's nothing like having a 4-legged companion around to make you feel better.
          "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


            Our 4-footed Friends

            I don't have an animal as an avatar (unless you would care to classify homosapiens as animals, which of course, they are!), but I do have five cats of varying ages. Cleaning out litter boxes isn't my favorite task, but my cats more than compensate for that icky little duty with their love and antics. My Mr. Monty is a real lover boy, and so is Tootsie, who is a "kissy girl" and will give me a facial exfoliation if I let her. Unfortunately, her breath smells like tuna platter that has been sitting around for a bit.....The remaining three cats are lovely too, but aren't quite the characters that Monty and Tootsie are.

            Don't have any dogs right now, since I'm single, but I love them, too!
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Our 4-footed Friends

              Just changed my avitar to pics of two of my three cats. Tucker is on the left with his paw outstretched to Zooey on the right ( pronounced zoe - everyone tells me I spelled it wrong but she is named after the character in Franny and Zooey)
              That is a chipmonk they are watching outside. These two are brother and sister. Mama kitty is Allie - found her outside in the rain about 9 years ago with a litter of kittens. She is a sweetheart.

              Can't imagine them not being here. Although someone was not happy with me yesterday (probably cause I was out of town last week ) and peed in my really expensive shoe ah well, the price you pay for love.



                Our 4-footed Friends

                Dont have them as my avatar as i cant figure out how to do it!! But i have 2 cats who are sisters got them from a rescue centre when they were tiny and they are spoilt rotten..meg and mog!!! they are my children subsitutes and i swear they think im there mom!! theyre nearly 3 now (and still only small) but are still my babies..they follow me everywhere, may sound daft but they have helped me through some lonely times...such little angels. Will try and figure out how to put the pics on as id love you all to see them.

                Lou-Lou x x x
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                  Our 4-footed Friends

                  Xextan....I forgot to tell you - I was hoping that was a pic of your dog... and I love the name Katie.
                  I had a wonderful brown dog about her size when I was a kid and I named Katie.


                    Our 4-footed Friends

                    love animals

                    The horse is not mine(can't figure out how to get mine on there! ....still!!), but I had 2, now down to one,will get searching at the present. Have a lab, a black kitty 7 chickens and a guinea hen (small farm!) Wouldn't have it any other way!!

                    Animals keep me sane in this insane world, or so I think!

                    Mary Anne:h :l


                      Our 4-footed Friends

                      But don't they, now, Mary Anne? With animals, what you see is what you get! If an animal snarls, beware; if they come up to you lovingly, that's it!! There is no back stabbing or worrying if you can trust them. They don't act one way and feel another! Whatever they show you is what they are feeling, no games. We don't always understand them, but if we are willing to learn, we can understand them. It isn't always so easy with people!
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Our 4-footed Friends


                        So true... i have had several traumas in my life over last few years...and my babies always seemed to know, i would not be left alone, they would cry around my feet whilst i cried and just seemed to sense that i was not myself....tried there hardest to comfort me and still do. Love them so much.

                        Lou- Lou x x x
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Our 4-footed Friends


                          This looks exactly like Leia. I dont have an actual pic of her. She's so sweet!
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Our 4-footed Friends


                            Allie, it was pretty funny. I was doing some work over there and training some filipino nationals on how to use the technology that we were installing and the work site was a couple of raised trailers.

                            The first day I arrived to train, I noticed a bunch of stray cat families living in the mud/dirt under the trailers, so I went and bought dishes and gave them food and water every day. Smart animals, because within 4 days, the lead cat, a scrappy looking black and white cat with one blue eye and one brown eye would lead the pack to see what I had brought them to eat, so it was really fun to at least be giving the animals some food.

                            One afternoon, I glanced out the window and saw what looked like a tiny bird trying to drink some water out of one of the bowls so I ran outside and it was a tiny kitten. I scooped her up and took her inside the building and found a box for her.

                            For the next three weeks, Itty Bitty was smuggled in and out of the hotel with me each day in my bag and then I had her checked out by a vet, got the right form, bought a carrier case and she flew home with me.

                            She's really funny and I keep thinking that I need to sit down and create the story, "The amazing adventures of Itty Bitty, the Filipino Kitty".

                            Anyway, she's a joy but has now grown into the "chief cat" so sometimes her manners get out of hand and I have to remind her to be nice to the others or she could still be in the Philippines.:H


                              Our 4-footed Friends

                              I lost my best friend about a month ago, ole Bonnie a black scottish terrior. Am contemplating getting another dog but want to wait a bit still grieiving I guess. They are the best, never let you down, trusting, and so obvious when they've done something there not suppose to.

                              Lou if you figure out how to do the avitar thing let me know.


