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Our 4-footed Friends

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    Our 4-footed Friends

    This will make you say "aawwwh"!

    Hi All - I too am a doggie person and just took my two for a walk this lovely sunny Sunday. Sadly my beloved Springer Spaniel died in the spring of this year, so just the two dogs now, but I thought you might like to hear a heartwarmer this Sunday morning (well, it's morning here anyway!)

    Fifteen years ago in early December when I was living with my ex-husband in Scotland, our house burned to the ground, totally lost everything. Devastated, we moved in with family and friends rallied round to help us. One couple invited us over on Boxing Day and they bred pedigree Yorkshire Terriers. They had a litter of pups born the previous day, Christmas Day, and they put one of the little pups in my hand, 24 hours old, tiny scrap of life. A few weeks later, they asked if we would like one of the pups, maybe help us get over our troubles and start fresh. We agreed, and when we moved into our new house, our new little puppy boy moved in with us. Over the years my husband developed a severe alcohol problem, see this story is relevant! Unfortunatley, I joined him on the rocky road on the "if you can't beat them, join them basis" - many of you will know about that one! Anyway, the marriage died and he walked out talking my little dog with him (we had no kids and this little pooch was my baby) - I never saw the little fella again.

    Years passed and I had moved to England with my now husband, lovely man, and through some strange circumstances, my ex-husband's sister contact me again. She told me that the wee dog was with her, alive and well, my ex-husband had decided the wee fella didn't fit in with his rock & roll lifestyle - too drunk or hungover to look after the wee guy - so dumped him on my sister-in-law. Too late for me, but I was happy to hear that my wee boy was alive and well and being looked after properly.

    Fast forward to December last year, my sister-in-law, still keeping in touch, phoned in great distress to say that her family was being threatened and victimised in their neighbourhood and they must get away from Scotland as soon as possible. But they couldn't take the dog, and no-one wanted him now that he was old, and he would now have to be put to sleep. I quickly explained to my husband and with no hesitation he said "No way - he's coming here - make arrangements with her now". So, early December last year, my wee boy came home to me - he's 15 years old, a wee bit deaf, and big bit daft, and we all love him dearly. I never thought I would see him again, and now every day I look at him lying in his wee bed, fast asleep, happy, safe and well, and I count my blessings. I hope he sees his 16th birthday this Christmas Day, and maybe even the next, but that doesn't matter, he's here back with me where he always belonged.

    Sorry for the long ramble - and by the way, stop snivelling and pull yourself together!!!

    Love and stuff to all MWO folks, but special waggy tails to the doggie ones!!



      Our 4-footed Friends

      I have a cat we adopted about a year and a half ago, he was dumped outside a workmates house. Our mate couldn't keep him, because he has budgies, so he asked us if we wanted him... we said yes, and the rest,as they say, is history... We already had another adopted cat who is about 7-8 years old, but they get along ok... they fight, but it is only play fights. We let him name himself... and he named himself... Nuffy. Because he is a nuffy head! But he is part of our family now, he sleeps on our bed... he looks after me when I am sick... I think he is my familiar... (he is just a very naughty familiar!!!)
      We are both of us angels, with only one wing... together, we can fly...


        Our 4-footed Friends

        This is My Daisy - Dazzler :heart: :heart: :heart:

        Just re-read aero's post - well oyr doggies sleep with us too.. I know that makes certain people retch... !!! But They are our family, and I don't mind hanging out of the bed when they are both fully stretched out, so no leg room !!!!
        No wonder I am a fruit cake - sleep deprivation

        Millie has thrown a tantrum and gone back to bed, because she hasn't had her pic up yet and Daisy is swaggering around like a Diva because she is internationally famous now !!!!! ; )
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Bambs aka Hydrogen

        :h XXX :h


          Our 4-footed Friends

          Hey Guys.
          I've been working on getting Belle's pic up and can't seem to get it into a jpeg.......I can scan it and it comes up on MWY site when I hit browse but it won't upload to the I have to cancel out my old picture before it will take my new one?
          Sorry to be so computer duh!!!!!!!
          PS. I'm scanning from a HP Officejet 5610 all in one
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Our 4-footed Friends

            LIZ..............shhhhhhhhhhh! don't tell Baby Belle that her picture is not on my post "YET"...

            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Our 4-footed Friends

              Nanc, scan it into your computer - and name it - so that you know which one it is. Then exit the scanning site. otherwise you cannot download.
              Then - browse ( rememering which file you have stored your pic in - and what it is called ) then just click open - and it should appear.
              You need to be in user CP - avatar selection.

              LOL - p.s new meaning for that - Lots of Love XXXXX
              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

              Bambs aka Hydrogen

              :h XXX :h


                Our 4-footed Friends

                OK..........I'll keep doing this until it works!

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Our 4-footed Friends

                  The little guy on the bow of my kayak is my "Bungee Doggie",he's a Schipperkee, I adopted him from the animal shelter a year & 1/2 ago just before kayak season started. I knew I'd have to have a companion on the river... Much too sad & lonely,after 15 years of the "best company"

                  My old dog Sid Viscious(Sidny), who for 15 years, kayaked w/me right up till she died (the last 2 years , she was blind & diabetic, but still went boating!)
                  Bungee wears her old life-jacket:h He's got a tough act to follow,... but turning out to be quite the little character!:l
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Our 4-footed Friends

                    Just changed avatar to daisy AND MILLS... Millie was a tad upset that she was not global.... so here she is - havvin a snuggle off the Daisy :H
                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                    Bambs aka Hydrogen

                    :h XXX :h


                      Our 4-footed Friends

                      Jude - post a bigger pic - he is a little dot on that avatar !!! :l
                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                      Bambs aka Hydrogen

                      :h XXX :h


                        Our 4-footed Friends

                        aaawwwwwwh....tartan - how sweet. what a nice end to your story. so glad he is with you now and I'm sure the little guy is happy about that too.
                        hope the ex sister in law is ok?!



                          Our 4-footed Friends

                          Aww, Tartan, I love your story too! What a beautiful happy ending!!! Like high school sweethearts meeting up again at 65!!

                          Lots of love!

                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Our 4-footed Friends

                            Since there has been a multitude of new members since I posted this, I decided I would bump to the top.

                            It's not all morose seriousness around here. Let us know about your critters!


                              Our 4-footed Friends

                              This is a picture of my cat Saber. He is part dog. He will pick up any wad of paper and carry it around. He will pick up a paper towel and carry it around. He will pick up my lunch that is sitting in a baggie and take off running with it and out the cat door he goes! Also have 4 (yes 4) other cats in the house and numerous (it varies) cats outside, 3 dogs, 5 chickens, and 3 ducks. I love all my animals. Love going outside and 'talking' to them all and making sure everybody is ok. We have 5 acres and 4 barns and a pond and if I didn't work full time I'd have a bunch more...maybe cows, goats, daughter would love to have llamas!



                                Our 4-footed Friends

                                This is a picture of my cat Saber. He is part dog. He will pick up any wad of paper and carry it around. He will pick up a paper towel and carry it around. He will pick up my lunch that is sitting in a baggie and take off running with it and out the cat door he goes! Also have 4 (yes 4) other cats in the house and numerous (it varies) cats outside, 3 dogs, 5 chickens, and 3 ducks. I love all my animals. Love going outside and 'talking' to them all and making sure everybody is ok. We have 5 acres and 4 barns and a pond and if I didn't work full time I'd have a bunch more...maybe cows, goats, daughter would love to have llamas!


