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Our 4-footed Friends

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    Our 4-footed Friends

    grevillea ... I had heard that greyhounds are 60 MPH couch potatoes! I love it ! Please keep me posted on how that turns out. I cannot imagine anything besides a Golden .. but gotta say .. they are ONE BIG DOG .. well mine was .... 110# .. and a professional fur machine!



      Our 4-footed Friends

      becca! NO insult taken! LOL On most Staurdays I would have goten tipsy and already had a nap and then back up to drink more!

      OK, 7:30 PM ... had a few glasses as the last few hours went on .. .. but OMG did I get stuff done today! I am SO FAR behind what my usual Staurdays have been about .. i can't even tell you!

      I have to keep this going .. it is so getting be fun .. the challenge in myself .. and most important ..

      I say this from my heart ... This site and you have made a change I am not sure you relize. Instead of saying " ok .. gonna kick off the shoes and pour a glass .. and another .. and another ... I get here and read ...and read .. and laugh .. OMG some of you are SO FUNNY!

      I'llpost my day on another thread cuz is was a giggle . well at least for me .. one of those "baby steps things" ...

      Oh and Fan ... DID YOU PAT MY BUM WHEN I WASNT LOOKING? Oh, thats' right .. it's a football thing .... on that note thank you! *grin* Thnak you for being one of my cheerleaders. Some VERY special people here ....



        Our 4-footed Friends

        WaitingToExhale...greyhounds are speedy loungers. Lays around snoozing, but when I take her for a "walk"...well, I've had to buy a pair of running shoes! Run to the end of our street - gasp,gasp - and then a very brisk walk. I am hoping to run a bit further over time! Runs round and round the house at top speed like a lunatic when she's excited. As you can see, I'm so pleased to have a dog again.

