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Our 4-footed Friends

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    Our 4-footed Friends

    I chose a fox because when I used to go out trailriding on my beloved horse Tootie, this little fox would magically appear. She/he would trot on ahead and then stop and wait for us like it was leading us on. So I thought that this little fox was leading me on to health and better days. Growing up I always wanted a horse so bad. I used to watch Boomtown, Furie, My Friend Flicka and The Lone Ranger (this REALLY dates me). I didn't get my horse until I was 41 but she's the most wonderful horse I could have. Just tonight I was taking my saddle pads out of the clothes dryer and holding them to my nose for a precious smell. She knows everything about me and I know everything that she will do. We have 2,000 acres to ride in together
    and it's just so special. We take care of each other. How can I possible be so blest? But this little fox has dissappeared from our rides. I think the coyotes got him. Still, he lives on as my guide - for me and Tootie.


      Our 4-footed Friends

      To get your avatar

      Scan in a pic of your chosen baby !! then save it in a file where you know it will be and name it - save under jpg.

      Or downloadit from your phone or digi camera, and the same applies.
      The go to user cp - My avatars, scroll down and click on browse, then it will bring up all of your saved files, - select the one with your cutie on it - and that's it. - changes are saved.

      Hope this helps


      Have changed mine now from Bambi ( the horse ) to a Bagpuss character called Lizzie Mouse. ( do you get Bagpuss in the US or Oz ? - it's from the 70's and it was my favourite programme when I got back from playschool. Just saw it the other day - and had to have it as my new avatar.

      Will put mills and daisy on soon - because I know they are desperate to be famous !!!!
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Our 4-footed Friends

        Hey Bambino, thanks for the info on the avitar will see what I can come up with in the next few weeks. That's a great idea using favorite cartoon characters, don't recall seeing the Bagpuss series here in the US. Think I watched Top Cat and Felix the Cat - I used to love watching cartoons - still do.

        Catch ya later,


          Our 4-footed Friends


          my favorite pets are my woodducks, a pair, and cuddly they are!! I think YaH has seen a picture of at least one of them. Also my little sparrow, who spends most of her time on my shoulder.



            Our 4-footed Friends

            My avitar is of my sadie girl,
            We rescued her from the local animal shelter. Sadie is our third dog in the past 17 years. My Tippy died two years ago of old age she was 15 a german shepard who was my life. Her buddy winnie the poop died a year this october at 12 years of age of a heart attack. we lasted two weeks and found Sadie, she is the first dog that we have adopted. But I can't forget my two cats harley and shadow. they were 20 and 18 when they died and I missed them every day. In the past two years we have lost 2 dogs and 2 cats and think it was hardest on winnie because she was the only one left out the four of them before she died suddenley. We said we were not going to get another animal, but!!! like I said two weeks later SADIE!!!
            I don't think I could ever live without a four legged friend, thanks for starting this thread xtexen it is nice to hear other stories about our 4 legged BEST friends.
            HUGS :l
            Patti :happyheart:


              Our 4-footed Friends

              You're right, Ter, I have seen a pic of one of your woodducks!! My kitties are so ill-behaved about having their pics taken, although divine in other ways.

              Oh, I neglected to mention earlier that Mr. Monty's OTHER name is SIR POOPS-A-LOT. Besides eating and meowing for loving, his other favorite activity is, well.......

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Our 4-footed Friends

                Thanks Patti, your so very welcome.

                I have been blessed all my life, with having dogs as my companions. The only one that I ever bought as a puppy, was probably the one I was closest to. He was a pedigreed chocolate Labrador Retriever from Field Champion lineage. Unfortunately, he had epilepsy, but that didn't keep him from being a great companion out in the field. He never ever left my side, and would defend me against anything or anybody he sensed might hurt me. I had to put him down at six years old when he developed an aggressive cancer.

                The rest either arrived out here where I live, looking for help, or I found in dire circumstances like Katie.

                I remember all my dogs so fondly. Seems like its been a gift I have had since I can remember, that I understand them, and they understand me. I just can't understand why some people get them, and then dump them like they are throwing them away or something. Just can't understand that sort of thinking or behavior in humans.


                  Our 4-footed Friends

                  Me neither...Katie is beautiful by the way

                  Lou-Lou x x x
                  "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                    Our 4-footed Friends


                    Lisa, love your kitties and all the other animals on the posts, I've had dogs and cats and now, sadly, many ashes later we really can't do anything, so we are waiting for our 3 year old daughter to get a little bigger and for our space to as well. Love the cats and the dogs but the kitties are a bit easier (usually)!!! All of your pets are awesome and I wish I had room for one right now. :upset:
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      Our 4-footed Friends

                      I have five dogs; all rescues. They are the best. I can't imagine life without my pooches. The one you see is my three-legged baby boy, Napoleon.
                      :flower: Poochpal


                        Our 4-footed Friends

                        Poochpal Dalmation

                        Poochpal. She is a gem. I've never had dalmations myself, but several of my friends have also rescued them and love them dearly.


                          Our 4-footed Friends

                          My little guy

                          Couldn't resist adding my best friend!!! He has been a life safer thru all this!! Haven't been on board for a bit, but doing well!! The most drinking in a week has been a couple beers, and honestly a couple!!! The w/d from the benzo's made all the difference for me!! Unreal, that was the culprit in my case!!! Love seeing all your 4 legged friends!!!!


                            Our 4-footed Friends

                            this is oreo's close up my hubby took as nosey dog was deciding if the camera was gonna be a snack. we got him from the furbaby shih tzu foundation, he needed a new home being he had belonged to drug dealers and well they have their own cage now and he is free.i also have mojo (aslo a shih tzu) he is at my moms house since i am moving soon. he was the greatest present ever .oh and meeko the freako which is my black cat (every home should have one of these)saved him from a pet store that he had been locked in a cage for about 5 months,needless to say that pet store is now closed. karma karma karma,laughed my butt off when the store was gone about 2 weeks later.but ole meeko is in charge now so all is well


                              Our 4-footed Friends

                              thanks camper...i always love getting praise for my kitties. they are so funny. just want to say bravo to everyone who has taken one of these wonderful souls in - sounds almost more than not we have rescued these guys and then they turn around an help rescue us.
                              not sure how i would get up in the morning without tucker turning my speaker phone on (downstairs no less so I have to get up), or zooey - knocking books et al off the bedside table-kerplunk-....allie just waits sweetly for me to get up .
                              so nice seeing these pics mojo's nose gets me every time


                                Our 4-footed Friends

                                I luv this thread. I am animal mad.
                                I chose the cow because it reminds me of the 3 we had when I was growing up.
                                At the moment I have one dog (a mad doggy from the pound) and several chooks.
                                My last dog died a couple of years ago (old age and cancer at 17) and my crazy cat passed away the same year (18 years old). The cats name was Fatcat (and yes it did suit her).
                                Mojomuppet I luv the pic. It has great character.
                                I have a great pic of my dog running around with a pot over her head (she put it there herself!). So when I figure out how to put it here I will.


