This from Popye(Sept)in response to a member's cry for help:
"What's behind you is done. There is nothing that you can do to change what has happened, and I know from experience that dwelling on mistakes of the past does nothing but crush the spirit and waste any positive energy that we may have.
I have spent many days and nights feeling the pangs of regret and desire, and found myself lost in a black funk with no way forward.
I don't ever want to forget my past though. It's important to me. It is part of my make-up and I have had some wonderful times with some beautiful people and I've also had some darker times, when I thought there was little to do but fade away.
I've been an alcoholic for many years and the reasons I drank were as many as leaves on a tree, and every one of them was a lie; an excuse I made to stop myself from having to face the world, and as we all know, that is no way to live. This one life is all that I have and I have wasted too much of it.
I can't deal with the past. I can only deal with my perception of the past and to do this I had to stop drinking, which was no easy task. I have to know true reality in order to work through it and not the distorted ghost of reality that I find in a bottle. I always knew that drinking wasn't the answer. I wanted it to dull the pain, but it doesn't work that way.
I'm at the stage now, where I can accept what is, and also look forward to what will be, without any bitter aftertaste and a knowledge that I can make of myself whatever I will. On balance, there is at least as much for me to be happy about as there is to bemoan, if I was the bemoaning sort of person."