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For the horsey people here

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    For the horsey people here


    Well, the good news is... I didn't fall off or had him run away with me. As a matter of fact, in the english disciplines I got myself a crop - Mr. Atlas was 1/2 asleep most of the morning (the western classes). We did place 4th overall out of 12 in showmanship/halter. My 'riding skills' got me 5th - interestingly enough, in hunt seat... which I have absolutely NO clue about :H Go figure. So, I did walk away with 2 ribbons... one, I donated back to the juniors (there weren't enough for ALL of them to get one in the costume event). All in all a fun day - froze our butts off, mind you... but fun. And Atlas was SO not interested in anything asked of him. He did nibble, mouth, and lick my fingers/hand through the events on the ground, though - the judge, who gave each of us hints on improving said: "And Gina, if you could get your horse to stop slobbering all over you the next time, that would be great"

    So, below 2 pics from today (and yes, I realize that he's in a western head stall and english saddle; he is allergic to metal and hay *yeppers* and this is the only bit his mouth can handle:

    How was everyone else's day?
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      For the horsey people here


      I love dressage, I re-watched them and the videos brought tears to my eyes, always was a dream of mine, but love just riding, trail riding now....................lovely Atlas, GG, sorry about the abuse, but getting lots of love and good treatment now I am sure...........I adopted an arabian mare who has obviously been mistreated in the past, she is the sweetest, cannot seem to figure out the configuration to get a pic posted on here, but she is on my facebook photos...................

      Still no job, but have 2, YES TWO, people who ride w/ me now, so life is good in that respect, now if I could just inherit $million??? Just kidding, that will never happen...........

      I love all you horselovers!!! I am afraid I might have to sell or give mine away if I don't get a job in the near all thinks(Mike's family of course, non or them horse people, so they have no clue!!!) it is a good thing, but Mike goes out and drinks $100 worth of beer a week and that is ok....................they all can KISS MY ASS!! I am not getting rid of them, next time they say anything, I will tell them "when Mike stops wasting so much $$ on beer and pot, I will get rid of them if we have to", until then, I will pay rent and live here if I don't get a job..................

      Thanks for listening to me rant..................sorry about that, but HAD
      to get it out I guess...............


      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        For the horsey people here

        Oh Sunny, he looks an absolute darling!! Well done for getting placed too.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          For the horsey people here

          Hey fellow horse-freaks!
          I've just been out on my 2 & must say,what an incredible animal they are.Best stress valve ever.
          Well done Sunni on your comp - cute looking paint & btw - can I have some of your HAIR!!!???
          Hey,I'll get some photos up if someone can tell me how to do it.....
          I've got great shots of my 2 QH's & some not so great shots of an idiot on their backs (aka me!!).....


            For the horsey people here

            ok this is me on my youngster doing some schooling....hope it comes out ok....


              For the horsey people here

              :l Cowgal

              You're right... IF you should make to make such sacrafice... then everyone else needs to as well. I wish you well in the job search. Hold on to yours for as long as you can. It isn't every day that you find YOUR horse.

              Beagle, my dear... looked at your photobucket pics... LOVE your retriever action shot! :H Your young QH looks great! Already looks like nothing could phase him/her.

              Alright, I will try and crawl down the stairs for more coffee.. not sure if I'll make it back up again... I'm SORE! :H
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                For the horsey people here

                Sunshine and Atlas, ya'll are just too cute! :h

                Atlas has what Linda Tellington-Jones calls "reliable" ears, and that's always a good thing!

                You got the same stirrup irons as me, I think (Sprenger)? Ya like 'em? I find them easy on the joints.

                I need to figure out the picture thing too, so I can show my buddy to everyone.

                Have a great day!
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  For the horsey people here

                  :H Dance
                  Reliable ears, huh? Will have to read up on those
                  As for posting pics here.. you'll need to 'host' them somewhere else... photobucket, facebook, your own server, if you have one... and then link to the image through the image button - PM me if you have trouble, I'll write it out in more detail. We wanna see your steed, too!

                  No clue what kind of stirrups those are.. not my saddle. I hadn't been in an english saddle in over 3 years :H I'm so glad that I went, though. It was fun and totally reinforced my decision to make Atlas mine. Like I said before.. visually, he certainly isn't my type of horse - but there's just 'something' about him.

                  I heard yesterday that the owner had an offer for him... but turned it down and said that he is spoken for Phew.
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    For the horsey people here

                    He's YOURS Sunshine! Glad to hear his current owner understands that. When it's THE horse, you just know it. You can feel it. Your own instincts and intuition won't let you down, though logic will at times (if you let it overcome an opposite intuitive feeling). So, I'm glad you found YOUR horse (this is looking like bible writing, better slow down.... :H).

                    Linda Tellington-Jones is mostly known for "T-Touch", which is really cool stuff. She has it for horses as well as dogs. If you're not familiar with it, it's worth reading up on. She also does clinics. I saw an actual example when a woman that rode at my old place did the clinic, and practiced it on one of the horses that had a lot of issues. It was like night and day. I've used it on my own and he absolutely loves it, just sighs, chews, and drops (we won't tell the non horse folk what that means.... unless they ask! :H).

                    You can learn the basics from her videos, maybe from some of the books (the older ones might not be as easy reads - but I'm an almost totally visually learner, so maybe they're more readable for other people - I have to have pictures!). If nothing else, it's a safe and fun thing you can do for your horse, and he or she will enjoy it once they figure out how pleasant it is. You'll get some new "horse faces" for sure!

                    The ear thing - she has one book where she writes about facial features and expression and temperament. Sort of old horseman's folklore, but it's interesting to see if it is true in horses you know. Might sound flaky, but the "reliable ears" has been 100% in my experience. Hey, my mother had a book like that for people's faces, and my nose indicates I am childish! Me? Really? :H

                    I'm still real amateur about computers. I've only had a functioning computer and internet since June. I realize I've been in the dark ages forever. Well, my friend who's my "tech support" should be finished with busy season at work soon, and can maybe help me get set up on this end. She forced this machine on me after all! And who knew there was a whole 'nother world out there? I'm too busy worrying about horses' faces and animal communication! :H Guess I should spend more time in the real world.

                    Actually, I may be asking you for help, too. She is a very good friend, though I sensed she didn't maybe take me too seriously when I mentioned I'd stopped drinking, as in I don't think she thought I had any kind of real problem. Her ex was a nasty drunk, and fortunately she's never seen that side of me (just my nasty, bitchy, hungover side or my old morning "personality" - which is pretty much gone now, I'm glad to say). So thanks for that help in advance.

                    I gotta go and try to ride my horse today - yesterday he was still finishing his afternoon hay allotment (his round bale was out), and I didn't want his chubby pasture mate getting to it first.

                    Give Sophie a big hug and a molasses cookie for me!
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      For the horsey people here

                      Ohhh.. yeah, I know about T-touch!!! Well, I HEARD about it...
                      Never heard about ears, though! LOL

                      Mind you, I have heard and read about 'swirls'... and there's something to it. Sophie has 2 side by side in the middle of her forehead... dubbed dual personality... and it's true. MOSTLY she's a very calm, sweet horse.. but every now and then she'll have the devil with her... watch out!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        For the horsey people here


                        swirls, I was told by a gal here who worked w/ Cocoa that his swirl meant he had a wild streak, he does act like a little green horse at times, at 8 years old, spooked at some doves yesterday, but she also said that when they lick their lips, they are learning, which is true...........when I work w/ him on groundwork, I can tell he learns, and remembers cuz he does lick his lips, then I know when I do the cue next time he has got it down pat.....................

                        love all the pics, anyone on facebook??? Pm me your names if you want, I have pics of all kinds of stuff on there, we could be "friends", I am friends w/ a couple people on is cool...................

                        love and hugs.:l:h

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          For the horsey people here

                          Yep, licking and chewing definitely signals 'mental digestion'! I look for both and a good sneeze/snort during ground work. Along with a drop and soft face

                          Dance.. just for fun, I did a little t-touch massage with Sophie last night.. she pinned her ears! :H She's not a touchy, feely, kinda horse, I'm afraid. Was horribly head shy when I first got her but I still think that had to do with the cribbing collar. I think she was plain sore.
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            For the horsey people here

                            Goodness! Or maybe she's just a mare. :H Or she's saying, "get the f**k away from me, and stop listening to the new age freak!"! HAHA! Oh well, I've always good results. Good thing you weren't doing the "tail pull" to stretch the back! That one always comes with a warning.....

                            Is she super sensitive, skin wise? One horse I used to ride was like that, had to use the super soft little "magic fingers" (for lack of a better term) curry and a soft face brush only. It was a bitch to get him clean when we had mud (which is sticky black clay here). He had been abused as in being severely underweight when they got him, and they thought that had something to do with his sensitivity. He was "cinchy" as well, and left many bite marks on me (I learned to tighten the girth on the right side; the Western riders were not so lucky). He was actually one of my favorite horses though.

                            Maybe Atlas might like a little T-Touch, what with his ears and all..... :H
                            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                            AUGUST 9, 2009


                              For the horsey people here

                              Beautiful video and such a stunning mare.

                              Nice to have a horse thread, takes our minds off the alcohol

                              I have a very large boy, in the photo, and my daughter has a New Forest Pony, more a small horse in size than a pony.

                              Having started riding only two and a half years ago I'm still quite new to it, it all came about because I promised to care for my daughter's pony when she started University. I give them both healing from time to time and they certainly do show their appreciation.
                              I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                                For the horsey people here

                                Hi, Gold - Glad to see you back around! And you know we'll talk about horses all day long if possible, so I love to see this thread going and going.

                                What breed is your guy? Same color as my Quarter Horse, who's closer in size to a large pony (14.3, so technically a small horse - but great for a short rider - me!). When I figure out the picture thing, I'll put some up of my pride and joy as well.

                                I'm gonna head out and ride him right now - talk to you guys later! :h
                                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                                AUGUST 9, 2009

