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SSRI Withrawal...Experience, anyone?

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    SSRI Withrawal...Experience, anyone?

    Hey Friends,

    Once again I'm trying to leave Prozac behind. I posted here back in January, when I was having "brain zaps" two weeks after discontinuing Prozac. Everyone who responded was so helpful! I stayed off of the drug for a couple of months, but ultimately went back on it in March. I was on it through the summer, and about two months ago I started thinking about going off of it again. I don't like the side effects, and most of all I don't like how it makes me feel as though I'm cut off from my feelings...I can't cry when I'm on it. I don't feel things fully.

    Anyway, now I'm off of it. I've only been AF since 9/7/09. I took my last Prozac on the 13th. Crazy timing, I guess. I know it would have been more sensible to get a long stretch of AF time under my belt, before giving up Prozac again. But I hadn't been drinking heavily, for a few years. I'd been moderating, but finding it difficult. I finally realized it's not worth the effort for me. So now I'm AF and Prozac Free, too. But two weeks have gone by since I took my last (by then very small dose) of Prozac. I'd tapered over about 2 weeks. Today they're back...the brain zaps. Weird little dizzy spells that feel like a little shock in my brain. But they're not too bad. I've been taking St. John's Wort, which I hoped would lessen the withdrawal symptoms. The worst thing is, my mood has been horrible for the last couple of days. I feel incredibly irritable, and I want a drink. I'm not going to have one. But the craving to change my mood feels awful.

    I recognize now that I've lived through this pattern before. I go off of an anti-depressant, experience this irritability, and then I drink. I drink and then I get depressed and anxious from drinking. Then I decide I have to go back on antidepressants. I want so much to find another way. I want to get through this without drinking, and without going back to taking an antidepressant.

    Has anyone else experienced any of this? Please help. :upset:

    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

    SSRI Withrawal...Experience, anyone?

    Hi Sara, I tried quitting prozac this year two. I managed about 3 months before the irritability and depression returned I started getting brain zaps after 2 months. I am not sure what would have happened had I not gone back on it and I have been AF for a year. I think I am one of those people that probably will need to be on it long term or maybe for life. If you dont like this SSRI why dont you try another?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      SSRI Withrawal...Experience, anyone?

      Thanks Startingover,
      I may end up on another anti-depressant, I know. I've been on several over the years. I'm going to see if this turns out to be "SSRI Discontinuation Syndrome" as the drug companies call it, or if it really is a return of my original symptoms. It sounds like you gave it long enough to know it wasn't just withdrawal from the drug, but true depression. Congratulations on being AF for a year!!

      If I have to choose between taking an anti-depressant and returning to drinking, I'll definitely go back on an anti-depressant. I've ordered "Amoryn", a natural, non-prescription formula to try. Lavande recommended it. I'm still hopeful.
      "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

