It's little slogans are "lose weight, gain energy" and "healthy infuzions". Slenderize.
It comes in a few flavors like Tropical Punch, Tangerine Grapefruit, Melon...somethinorother...
Anyhow, ,it's only 10 calories per bottle and 2 carbs (big bottle, 18oz, good way to get those fluids in), and it states it has this stuff in it:
Chromium:40mcg: for an intense boost of energy
Vitamin C-135mg: an antioxidant essential for vision, growth and healthy skin. known to promote healing
Super Citrimax-450mg: known to suppress appetite, reduce conversion of carbohydrates into fat and promote weight loss
L-Carnitine-45mg: an amino acid which boosts energy.
I dunno. I was getting sick of diet coke and crystal light! It tastes really good. Even hubby likes it! They do say not to let kids drink it because of the appetite suppressant... not sure how potent it is, but I'd keep it an adult drink I suppose.
Just thought I'd share the find! Especially for the Muffins. :H :l
Ummm, no, I don't work for them or anything. Just like to shop.
